DevExpress.Xpf.PivotGrid Namespace
Contains classes which implement the main functionality of the DXPivotGrid Suite. To use these classes in XAML code, add the xmlns:dxpg=”“ namespace reference.
Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.PivotGrid.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.PivotGrid
Name | Description |
AsyncOperationResult | The result of the asynchronous operation. |
CalculationBinding | The base class used to specify a PivotGrid’s field calculation data binding in Optimized mode. |
CellElement | A Pivot Grid’s data cell to which the cell style is applied. |
CellElementData | Contains the pivot grid’s cell data, location, and layout characteristics. |
CellInfo | Stores information about the data cell displayed within the PivotGrid control. |
ColorScaleFormatCondition | Represents a color scale format condition. |
CustomizePivotCellEventArgs | Contains data for the PivotGridXlsExportOptions.CustomizeCell, PivotGridCsvExportOptions.CustomizeCell and PivotGridXlsxExportOptions.CustomizeCell events. |
CustomServerModeSortEventArgs | Provides data for the PivotGridControl.CustomServerModeSort event. |
DataAreaElement | The base class for the data area cells and field value cells. |
DataAreaElementData | Contains the field value cell’s and data area cell’s data, location, and layout characteristics. |
DataBarFormatCondition | Represents a data bar format condition. |
DataBinding | Base class of the the Data Binding API. Specifies the source data for the PivotGrid fields in Optimized mode. |
DataSourceColumnBinding | Defines a data binding to a data source column. |
DefaultMenuItemNames static | Contains names of the context menu items. |
DifferenceBinding | Defines the difference calculation between values across a window. |
DirectedCalculationBinding | Base class to specify calculations whose result is dependent on the direction of the calculation. Used as a PivotGrid’s field calculation data binding in Optimized mode. |
EventArgsToCellInfoConverter | A converter used to convert the event argument to the CellInfo class. |
EventArgsToFieldValueInfoConverter | A converter used to convert the event argument to the FieldValueInfo class. |
ExpressionConditionBase | Serves as a base for classes that represent expression-type format conditions. |
ExpressionDataBinding | Defines a calculation based on a string expression. |
FieldFilterValues | Contains filter values for a specific field. |
FieldListControlBase | Serves as the base class for a pivot grid’s Customization Controls. |
FieldValueCell | Represents a field value cell. |
FieldValueElement | A Pivot Grid field value cell to which the cell style is applied. |
FieldValueElementData | Contains the pivot grid’s field value cell data, location, and layout characteristics. |
FieldValueInfo | Stores information about the row and column fields related to the selected cell. |
FormatCondition | Represents a format condition based on a specified rule(s) or expression. |
FormatConditionBase | Serves as a base for classes that represent format conditions. |
FormatConditionCollection | Represents a collection of format conditions. |
FormatConditionCommandParameters | Contains parameters for conditional formatting commands. |
GroupChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the PivotGridGroup.Changed event. |
GroupFilterValue | A group filter value. |
GroupFilterValues | Represents a group filter condition. |
GroupFilterValuesCollection | A collection of group filter values. |
IconSetFormatCondition | Represents an icon set format condition. |
IndicatorFormatConditionBase | Serves as a base for classes that represent indicator-type format conditions. |
LightweightCellElement | |
LightweightFieldValueElement | |
MovingCalculationBinding | Defines aggregations across a specified number of values before and/or after the current value. |
OlapExpressionBinding | Allows you to use an expression to evaluate values for a Pivot Grid’s field in OLAP mode. |
PercentOfTotalBinding | Allows you to calculate the input of all values in the window as a percentage of the total. |
PivotBrushChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the PivotGridControl.BrushChanged event. |
PivotCellBaseEventArgs | Provides data for the events which are invoked for particular data cells. |
PivotCellDisplayTextEventArgs | Provides data for the PivotGridControl.CustomCellDisplayText event. |
PivotCellEventArgs | Provides data for the PivotGridControl.CellClick and PivotGridControl.CellDoubleClick events. |
PivotCellValueEventArgs | Provides data for the PivotGridControl.CustomCellValue event. |
PivotChartDataSourceRow | A row in the datasource passed to the chart control. |
PivotCustomCellAppearanceEventArgs | Provides data for the PivotGridControl.CustomCellAppearance event. |
PivotCustomChartDataSourceDataEventArgs | Provides data for the PivotGridControl.CustomChartDataSourceData event. |
PivotCustomChartDataSourceRowsEventArgs | Provides data for the PivotGridControl.CustomChartDataSourceRows event. |
PivotCustomFieldDataEventArgs | Provides data for the PivotGridControl.CustomUnboundFieldData event. |
PivotCustomFieldListSortEventArgs | Provides data for the PivotGridControl.CustomFieldListSort event. |
PivotCustomFieldSortEventArgs | Provides data for the PivotGridControl.CustomFieldSort event. |
PivotCustomFieldValueCellsEventArgs | Provides data for the PivotGridControl.CustomFieldValueCells event. |
PivotCustomFilterPopupItemsEventArgs | Provides data for the PivotGridControl.CustomFilterPopupItems event. |
PivotCustomGroupIntervalEventArgs | Provides data for the PivotGridControl.CustomGroupInterval event. |
PivotCustomSummaryEventArgs | Provides data for the PivotGridControl.CustomSummary event. |
PivotCustomValueAppearanceEventArgs | Provides data for the PivotGridControl.CustomValueAppearance event. |
PivotDrillDownDataRow | Represents a single row in the data source which provides the data used to calculate summaries for individual cells. |
PivotDrillDownDataSource | Represents a list of the records which are used to calculate summaries for individual cells. |
PivotExcelFieldListControl | An Excel-style Field List. |
PivotExpressionEditorEventArgs | Provides data for the ExpressionEditorCreated event. |
PivotFieldAreaChangingEventArgs | Provides data for the PivotGridControl.FieldAreaChanging event. |
PivotFieldDisplayTextEventArgs | Provides data for the PivotGridControl.FieldValueDisplayText event. |
PivotFieldEventArgs | Provides data for all field handling events. |
PivotFieldFilterChangingEventArgs | Provides data for the PivotGridControl.FieldFilterChanging event. |
PivotFieldListControl | A simple-style Field List. |
PivotFieldPropertyChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the PivotGridControl.FieldPropertyChanged event. |
PivotFieldValueCancelEventArgs | Provides data for the PivotGridControl.FieldValueCollapsing and PivotGridControl.FieldValueExpanding events. |
PivotFieldValueEventArgs | Serves as a base for the classes that provide data for the events which are used to customize column and row headers. |
PivotGridCellMenuInfo | |
PivotGridCommands static | Provides access to pivot grid commands. |
PivotGridControl | The PivotGrid control. |
PivotGridCsvExportOptions | Contains options that define how a document is exported to CSV. |
PivotGridCustomTotal | Represents a custom total. |
PivotGridCustomTotalCollection | Represents a collection of custom totals. |
PivotGridField | Represents a Pivot Grid field. |
PivotGridFieldCollection | Represents a field collection for the PivotGridControl. |
PivotGridFieldValueMenuInfo | |
PivotGridFilterPopupMenuInfo | |
PivotGridGroup | Represents an individual group of fields. |
PivotGridGroupCollection | Represents a collection of field groups. |
PivotGridHeaderMenuInfo | Contains information about the field header context menu. |
PivotGridHeadersAreaMenuInfo | |
PivotGridMenuInfo | Contains information about the context menu. |
PivotGridPopupMenu | A pop-up menu for the Pivot Grid. |
PivotGridXlsExportOptions | Contains export options specific to XLS format. |
PivotGridXlsxExportOptions | Contains export options specific to XLS format. |
PivotGroupEventArgs | Provides data for the PivotGridControl.GroupFilterChanged event. |
PivotLayoutAllowEventArgs | Provides data for the PivotGridControl.BeforeLoadLayout event. |
PivotLayoutUpgradeEventArgs | Provides data for the PivotGridControl.LayoutUpgrade event. |
PivotOlapExceptionEventArgs | Provides data for the PivotGridControl.OlapException event. |
PivotOlapKpiMeasures | Contains the names of the OLAP measures that represent values of a particular KPI. |
PivotOlapKpiValue | Represents values of a KPI. |
PivotOlapMember | An OLAP member. |
PivotPropertyChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the PivotGridControl.PropertyChanged event. |
PivotQueryExceptionEventArgs | Provides data for the PivotGridControl.QueryException event. |
PivotSerializationOptions | Contains options that control how the PivotGridControl’s layout is saved to and restored from a data store (an XML file or stream). |
PivotSummaryDataRow | Represents a summary data source row. |
PivotSummaryDataSource | Represents a summary data source. |
PivotUnboundExpressionEditorEventArgs | Provides data for the PivotGridControl.UnboundExpressionEditorCreated event. |
PopupMenuShowingEventArgs | Provides data for the PivotGridControl.PopupMenuShowing event. |
RankBinding | Defines the calculation of a ranking in the window. |
RunningTotalBinding | Defines the calculation that aggregates values cumulatively in the window. |
SortByCondition | Represents a sort condition used to identify the column/row by whose values the other field values will be sorted. |
SortByConditionCollection | A collection of sort conditions. |
TopBottomRuleFormatCondition | Represents a top/bottom format condition. |
WindowExpressionBinding | Specifies a custom string expression with window functions to calculate values. Used as a PivotGrid’s field calculation databinding in Optimized mode. |
Name | Description |
IThreadSafeField | When implemented, provides a read-only access to basic settings of a field. |
Name | Description |
AllowHideFieldsType | Lists values that specify when fields can be hidden by end-users. |
CalculationDirection | Lists possible calculation directions in a table. |
CalculationPartitioningCriteria | Lists values used to specify a partition (frame) in a data table for window calculations. |
CopyCollapsedValuesMode | Lists values that specify how to copy collapsed field values to the clipboard. |
CopyMultiSelectionMode | Lists values that specify how to copy cells to the clipboard when multiple cells are selected. |
DataFieldArea | Lists values that specify the area in which the data field headers are displayed. |
DataHeadersDisplayMode | |
DataProcessingEngine | Lists values that specify an engine used to perform data processing (aggregation, summarization, etc.) in the pivot grid. |
DateTimeGroupIntervals | Lists possible DateTime group interval combinations. |
DifferenceTarget | |
DifferenceType | Lists the types of differences. |
FieldAllowedAreas | Lists values that specify pivot grid areas where a field can be positioned. |
FieldArea | Lists the values that specify the areas where the pivot grid fields can be displayed. |
FieldBestFitArea | Lists the values used to specify which interface elements should be taken into account when calculating the optimal width for columns or rows. |
FieldColumnTotalsLocation | Lists values that specify the location of column totals. |
FieldFilterType | Contains the values that specify a field’s filter type in the PivotGrid control. |
FieldGroupInterval | Contains values that specify how the values of a specific column or row field are combined into groups. |
FieldListAllowedLayouts | Lists values that specify which layouts can be applied to the Field List. |
FieldListArea | Lists values that specify which fields the Customization Control should display. |
FieldListLayout | Lists values that specify the layout of the Field List. |
FieldListOrientation | Lists values that specify how field headers should be arranged within the Customization Control. |
FieldListStyle | Lists values that specify the Field List‘s style. |
FieldOLAPFilterUsingWhereClause | Lists values that specify whether to use the WHERE clause in an MDX query, when filtering against filter fields in OLAP mode. |
FieldPropertyName | Lists values that identify properties of fields. |
FieldRowTotalsLocation | Lists values that specify the location of row totals. |
FieldSortBySummaryOrder | Lists values that specify the sort order applied to a field when sorting by summaries is enabled for it. |
FieldSortLocation | Lists values that specify a target UI element whose items are sorted. |
FieldSortMode | Lists the values that specify how a field’s data should be sorted. |
FieldSortOrder | Lists the values that specify the sort order of a pivot grid’s fields. |
FieldSummaryDisplayType | Contains options that specify how summary values are displayed within cells (“as is” or adjusted using a specific predefined algorithm). |
FieldSummaryType | Lists values that specify the summary function types. |
FieldTopValueMode | Lists values that specify how the top n values for a specified data field are calculated. |
FieldTopValueType | Lists the values that specify how the number of Top Values is determined. |
FieldTotalsVisibility | Contains values that specify which summary totals are displayed for a specific column field or row field. |
FieldUnboundColumnType | Contains values that specify the data type and binding mode of columns. |
FieldUnboundExpressionMode | Lists values that specify how the unbound expressions for a specified data field are calculated. |
FieldValueType | Lists values that specify the types of column and row field values. |
FilterPopupMode | Lists styles of the filter drop-down to use for the current field. |
GroupChangeType | Lists values that specify what caused the field group to change. |
GroupFilterMode | Lists values that specify the filtering mode for grouped fields. |
OlapDataProvider | Lists values that specify which data provider should be used when binding to an OLAP cube. |
PivotBrushType | Lists values that identify a brush type. |
PivotChartDataProvideMode | Lists values that specify which data the pivot grid should pass to a bound chart control. |
PivotChartDataProvidePriority | Lists values that specify whether the pivot grid should pass columns or rows to a bound chart control when it is impossible to find the lowest-level data. |
PivotChartExportFieldValueMode | Lists values that specify how the PivotGridControl’s field values are exported to the chart control. |
PivotChartFieldValuesProvideMode | Lists values that specify how the PivotGridControl’s field values are exported to the chart control. |
PivotChartItemDataMember | Lists values that specify the type of a chart data member. |
PivotChartItemType | Lists values that specify the type of a PivotGridControl’s item to be represented in a ChartControl. |
PivotDefaultMemberFields | Lists values that specify for which fields the pivot grid processes only data related to their default members. |
PivotGridMenuType | Lists values that specify the pivot grid’s context menu types. |
PivotKpiGraphic | Lists values that specify the graphic set used to indicate KPI values. |
PivotKpiType | Lists KPI types. |
RankType | Lists rank types. |
ScrollingMode | Lists values specifying the PivotGridControl scrolling mode. |
SelectMode | Lists values that specify the selection mode. |
ShowFilterPanelMode | Lists values that specify when the PivotGridControl displays the Filter Panel. |
StoreLayoutMode | Lists options that specify which settings should be saved when saving the PivotGrid’s layout. |
SummaryDataSourceFieldNaming | |
SummaryFilterMode | Lists options that specify the aggregation level for summary filtering. |
UnboundExpressionMode | Lists values that specify how the unbound expressions for data fields are calculated. |
UseLightweightTemplates | Lists values that specify whether to enable the lightweight templates feature. |
UserAction | Lists values that specify end-user actions on the PivotGridControl. |