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XYDiagram2D.DiagramToPoint(TimeSpan, DateTime, AxisX2D, AxisY2D, Pane) Method

Converts the diagram coordinates of a point into screen coordinates.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Charts

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Charts.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Charts


public ControlCoordinates DiagramToPoint(
    TimeSpan argument,
    DateTime value,
    AxisX2D axisX,
    AxisY2D axisY,
    Pane pane


Name Type Description
argument TimeSpan

The time-span value that defines the point’s argument.

value DateTime
axisX AxisX2D

An AxisX2D descendant that specifies the point’s X-axis.

axisY AxisY2D

An AxisY2D descendant that specifies the point’s Y-axis.

pane Pane


Type Description

A ControlCoordinates object that contains information about the point’s screen coordinates and its associated pane.


Use the DiagramToPoint method to convert diagram coordinates of a point (measured in axis units) to the screen coordinates.

Screen coordinates are calculated starting from the top-left window corner and measured in pixels. Diagram coordinates are calculated from the bottom-left corner and measured in axis measurement units.


For the opposite conversion (from screen coordinates to diagram coordinates), use the XYDiagram2D.PointToDiagram method.

See Also