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PieSeries.LabelPosition Attached Property

Gets or sets the label’s position in reference to the 2D Pie (Donut) and 3D Pie (Donut) series point’s slice.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Charts

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Charts.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Charts



Type Description

A PieLabelPosition enumeration value that defines the label position.


The following example shows how to position a pie series’s labels in two columns.

<dxc:PieSeries2D DataSource="{Binding Path=Data}" 
        <dxc:SeriesLabel dxc:PieSeries.LabelPosition="TwoColumns"/>

The following table lists the API members the code above uses:

Member Description
Series.Label Gets or sets the settings of series labels.
SeriesLabel Contains settings for series point labels.
Series.LabelsVisibility Specifies whether to show labels for a series.
PieSeries.LabelPosition Gets or sets the label’s position in reference to the 2D Pie (Donut) and 3D Pie (Donut) series point’s slice.
PieLabelPosition Lists the values that are used to specify position of a pie series’s labels.

Use the PieSeries.SetLabelPosition method to specify the pie series label position at runtime.

See Also