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CrosshairLegendElementBase Properties

The base class for all Label Rows that the Crosshair Cursor displays in a legend.
Name Description
AxisLabelElement Returns the axis label element that belongs to the Crosshair Cursor Label Row displayed in a legend.
FontFamily Gets or sets the font family name of the crosshair label element. Inherited from CrosshairLabelElementBase.
FontSize Gets or sets the size of the crosshair label element font. Inherited from CrosshairLabelElementBase.
FontStretch Gets or sets the stretch of the crosshair label element font. Inherited from CrosshairLabelElementBase.
FontStyle Gets or sets the style of the crosshair label element font. Inherited from CrosshairLabelElementBase.
FontWeight Gets or sets the weight of the crosshair label element font. Inherited from CrosshairLabelElementBase.
Foreground Gets or sets the brush used to paint the foreground of the crosshair label element when implementing crosshair cursor custom drawing. Inherited from CrosshairLabelElementBase.
LineElement Returns the axis line element that belongs to the Crosshair Cursor Label Row displayed in a legend.
Series Returns the series for which the Crosshair Cursor displays a Label Row in a legend.
Text Gets or sets the crosshair label’s text. Inherited from CrosshairLabelElementBase.
Visible Specifies whether the crosshair label element is visible when custom drawing a crosshair cursor. Inherited from CrosshairLabelElementBase.
See Also