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CrosshairAxisLabelPresentationData Properties

The Crosshair Cursor’s axis label model.
Name Description
Axis Gets or sets the axis on which the Crosshair Cursor displays the label.
Background Gets or sets the label’s background brush.
CrosshairAxisLabelTemplate Gets or sets the template defining the presentation of the Crosshair Cursor’s axis labels.
FontFamily Gets or sets the font family name for the Crosshair Cursor label. Inherited from CrosshairLabelPresentationData.
FontSize Gets or sets the size of the text font for the Crosshair Cursor label. Inherited from CrosshairLabelPresentationData.
FontStretch Gets or sets the degree to which a font is condensed or expanded on the screen. Inherited from CrosshairLabelPresentationData.
FontStyle Gets or sets the style of the specified font. Inherited from CrosshairLabelPresentationData.
FontWeight Gets or sets the weight or thickness of the specified font. Inherited from CrosshairLabelPresentationData.
FooterText Gets or sets the Crosshair Cursor label’s footer text. Inherited from CrosshairLabelPresentationData.
FooterTextVisibility Gets or sets the value indicating whether the label’s footer text is visible. Inherited from CrosshairLabelPresentationData.
Foreground Gets or sets the Crosshair Cursor label’s foreground brush. Inherited from CrosshairLabelPresentationData.
HeaderText Gets or sets the Crosshair Cursor label’s header text. Inherited from CrosshairLabelPresentationData.
HeaderTextVisibility Gets or sets the value indicating whether the label’s header text is visible. Inherited from CrosshairLabelPresentationData.
Text Gets or sets the Crosshair Cursor label’s text. Inherited from CrosshairLabelPresentationData.
See Also