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Axis2D.VisibilityInPanes Property

Returns a collection of panes in which the axis visibility on a pane can be specified.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Charts

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Charts.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Charts


public VisibilityInPaneCollection VisibilityInPanes { get; }

Property Value

Type Description

A VisibilityInPaneCollection object.


Use this property to specify in which panes an axis should be visible.


The following sample demonstrates how to show (hide) an axis for a particular pane of the XYDiagram2D object.

To accomplish this task for a specific Axis2D object, it is necessary to add the VisibilityInPane instance to the collection returned by the Axis2D.VisibilityInPanes property.

Then, bind its VisibilityInPane.Pane property to a particular pane (in which you want to show or hide this axis) and set the VisibilityInPane.Visible property to True or False, as appropriate.

<Window x:Class="DXCharts_VisibilityInPane.MainWindow"
        Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525" >
                        <dxc:Pane Name="defPane"/>
                        <dxc:Pane Name="pane2" />
                        <dxc:AxisX2D Name="axisX">
                                <dxc:VisibilityInPane Pane="{Binding ElementName=defPane}" 
                                                                  Visible="False" />
                                <dxc:VisibilityInPane Pane="{Binding ElementName=pane2}" 
                                <dxc:SeriesPoint Argument="a" Value="12" />
                                <dxc:SeriesPoint Argument="b" Value="4" />
                                <dxc:SeriesPoint Argument="c" Value="8" />
                                   dxc:XYDiagram2D.SeriesPane="{Binding ElementName=pane2}" >
                                <dxc:SeriesPoint Argument="a" Value="1" />
                                <dxc:SeriesPoint Argument="b" Value="2" />
                                <dxc:SeriesPoint Argument="c" Value="3" />
See Also