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AutomaticTimeSpanScaleOptions.AggregateFunction Property

Gets or sets the function that is used to aggregate time-span axis data when one of the AxisX2D.TimeSpanScaleOptions, AxisX3D.TimeSpanScaleOptions or RadarAxisX2D.TimeSpanScaleOptions properties is set to AutomaticTimeSpanScaleOptions.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Charts

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Charts.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Charts


public AggregateFunction AggregateFunction { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

An aggregate function that applies to series points.

Available values:

Name Description

The aggregate function is not applied.


Aggregates data by calculating the average value for a selected numeric or date-time interval.


Aggregates data by calculating the minimum value for a selected numeric or date-time interval.


Aggregates data by calculating the maximum value for a selected numeric or date-time interval.


Aggregates data by calculating the summary for a selected numeric or date-time interval.


Aggregates data by calculating the number of non-null values for a selected numeric or date-time interval.


Aggregates data by calculating the number of all points for a selected numeric or date-time interval.


Aggregates financial data for a selected interval into a single high-low-open-close data point, so that the high value equals the highest value of all data points in this interval; the low value equals the lowest value of all data points; the open value equals the value of the first data point and the close value equals the value of the last data point.


Aggregates data using the custom CustomAggregateFunction calculator.


When the AggregateFunction property is not specified, the Chart uses the Average function:

When the AggregateFunction is set to None, series points are grouped by their arguments and an arithmetic operation is not applied to data:


This code snippet shows how to access the automatic date time scale options for the x-axis scale and specify the aggregate function.

        <!--. . .-->
                    <dxc:AutomaticTimeSpanScaleOptions AggregateFunction="Sum"/>
See Also