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XtraMessageBoxArgs Properties

Arguments that should be passed to the Show(XtraMessageBoxArgs) method to customize the shown XtraMessageBox.
Name Description
AllowHtmlText Gets or sets whether the shown object supports HTML-inspired Text Formatting. Inherited from XtraBaseArgs.
AllowTrimCaption Gets or sets whether the XtraDialog or XtraMessageBox trims the caption to accommodate the contents. Inherited from XtraBaseArgs.
Appearance Gets a new instance of the AppearanceObject class.
AutoCloseOptions Provides access to settings that allow the shown object (XtraMessageBox, XtraInputBox, etc.) to automatically close after a certain delay. Inherited from XtraBaseArgs.
ButtonAlignment Gets or sets the alignment mode for buttons of this dialog or message. Inherited from XtraBaseArgs.
ButtonPadding Gets or sets the padding for buttons of this message or dialog. Inherited from XtraBaseArgs.
Buttons Gets or sets buttons that the shown object (XtraMessageBox, XtraInputBox, etc.) has. Inherited from XtraBaseArgs.
Caption Gets or sets the shown object (XtraMessageBox, XtraInputBox, etc.) caption. Inherited from XtraBaseArgs.
ContentPadding Gets or sets the distance between the dialog (message box) content and borders. Inherited from XtraBaseArgs.
DefaultButtonIndex Gets or sets the index of a button from the Buttons collection that is a default button. A default button is initially focused and is considered clicked when user presses Enter or the auto-close timer expires (see AutoCloseOptions). Inherited from XtraBaseArgs.
DoNotShowAgainCheckBoxPadding Gets or sets padding for the “Do not show this message again” checkbox.
DoNotShowAgainCheckBoxText Gets or sets the text displayed next to the “Do not show this message again” checkbox.
DoNotShowAgainCheckBoxVisible Gets or sets whether the “Do not show this message again” checkbox is shown in an XtraMessageBox.
GdiRenderedText Gets or sets whether to use GDI+ to render strings. For internal use.
HtmlImages Gets or sets ImageCollection or SvgImageCollection. XtraMessageBox can display images from this collection. Inherited from XtraBaseArgs.
HtmlTemplate Returns the HTML-CSS template applied to this message or dialog. Inherited from XtraBaseArgs.
Icon Use the XtraMessageBoxArgs.ImageOptions property to display an image in a message box.
IconPadding Gets or sets padding for an XtraMessageBox icon.
ImageOptions Gets image-related properties of an XtraMessageBox.
LookAndFeel Gets or sets the LookAndFeel object applied to the owner. Inherited from XtraBaseArgs.
MessageBeepSound Gets or sets the system sound played when the owner appears on-screen. Inherited from XtraBaseArgs.
Owner Gets or sets the owner of this XtraBaseArgs object. Inherited from XtraBaseArgs.
RegistryKey Gets or sets a registry key used to store the Visible and DialogResult property values in the registry.
RegistryPath Gets or sets a registry path used to store the Visible and DialogResult property values in the registry.
Text Gets or sets the message box text.
TextPadding Gets or sets text padding within an XtraMessageBox.
UseGdiPlusTextPainter Gets or sets whether to use GDI+ to render strings.
UseSkinPaddings Gets or sets whether message boxes that utilize this XtraMessageBoxArgs object should retrieve content paddings from the current DevExpress skin.
See Also