ProgressBarControl Class
The control that indicates the progress of lengthy operations.
Namespace: DevExpress.XtraEditors
Assembly: DevExpress.XtraEditors.v24.2.dll
public class ProgressBarControl :
The ProgressBarControl can indicate the progress of lengthy operations (copying files, program install progress, etc.).
Main Settings
- ProgressBarControl.Position - Gets or sets the progress bar position.
- RepositoryItemProgressBar.Minimum and RepositoryItemProgressBar.Maximum (accessible from the ProgressBarControl.Properties object) - Specify the limits for the progress bar’s ProgressBarControl.Position.
- ProgressBarControl.PerformStep - Advances the progress position by a value (RepositoryItemProgressBar.Step).
- ProgressBarControl.Increment and ProgressBarControl.Decrement - Increase and decrease the control’s value (position) by a specified value.
- ProgressBarControl.PositionChanged - Occurs after the value of the ProgressBarControl.Position property has been changed.
- ProgressBarControl.ShowProgressInTaskBar - Gets or sets whether the progress is reflected in the application button in the Windows Task Bar.
Text Settings
- RepositoryItemBaseProgressBar.ShowTitle - Gets or sets whether the control displays the textual representation of the progress bar’s current position.
- RepositoryItemProgressBar.PercentView - Gets or sets whether to present the current position as a relative value between the RepositoryItemProgressBar.Minimum and RepositoryItemProgressBar.Maximum and format it as a percentage. The RepositoryItemBaseProgressBar.ShowTitle property must be set to true.
- RepositoryItem.DisplayFormat - Allows you to apply custom formatting to the control’s value.
- RepositoryItem.CustomDisplayText - Allows you to specify custom display text.
Appearance Settings
- RepositoryItemBaseProgressBar.ProgressKind - Gets or sets a value that specifies the direction of the progress indicator.
- RepositoryItemBaseProgressBar.ProgressViewStyle - Gets or sets the progress indicator paint style.
- RepositoryItemBaseProgressBar.StartColor and RepositoryItemBaseProgressBar.EndColor - Allow you to specify a gradient fill.
- RepositoryItemBaseProgressBar.MaxHeight - Gets or sets the maximum height of the progress block.
- RepositoryItemBaseProgressBar.ProgressPadding - Gets or sets the amount of space around the progress block.
- RepositoryItemProgressBar.FlowAnimationEnabled - Gets or sets whether the progress indicator is displayed using flow animation.
- RepositoryItemProgressBar.Appearance - Gets the appearance settings used to paint the editor when it’s enabled.
- RepositoryItemProgressBar.AppearanceDisabled - Gets the appearance settings used to paint the editor when it’s disabled.
- RepositoryItemProgressBar.AppearanceFocused - Gets the appearance settings used to paint the current editor when it’s focused.
- RepositoryItemProgressBar.AppearanceReadOnly - Gets the appearance settings used to paint the read-only editor.
DevExpress controls support regular and super tooltips. If the ShowToolTips option is enabled, tooltips are shown when the mouse pointer hovers over the control.
Use the following properties to specify a regular tooltip’s content:
- ToolTip — A regular tooltip’s text. If the text is not specified, the tooltip is not displayed even if the title is specified. You can use line breaks in regular tooltips. Use the AllowHtmlTextInToolTip property to specify whether to parse HTML tags in the text. HTML tags allow you to format the text: size, style, hyperlinks, etc.
- ToolTipTitle — A regular tooltip’s title. If the title is not specified, it is not displayed.
ToolTipIconType — A regular tooltip’s predefined icon. Use the controller’s IconSize property to specify the image size.
To display a custom image in all regular tooltips, use the controller’s ImageList and ImageIndex properties.
To display a custom image in a specific regular tooltip, handle the BeforeShow event. Use the ImageOptions event argument to assign a raster or vector image to the processed tooltip.
Use the SuperTip property to assign a super tooltip to a control. Enable the AllowHtmlText property to use HTML tags in the super tooltip.
To replace regular tooltips with super tooltips, set the ToolTipController.ToolTipType property to SuperTip. The controller automatically converts regular tooltips to super tooltips. To access this property, you can use the DefaultToolTipController component or a custom controller assigned to the ToolTipController property. See the following topic for more information: Hints and Tooltips.
In the code fragment below, a DeleteFiles method removes all files contained within the directory specified by the source parameter. The ProgressBarControl
is used to display the progress of file delete operations. The RepositoryItemProgressBar.Minimum and RepositoryItemProgressBar.Maximum properties are used to specify a range for the progress bar that is equivalent to the number of files to be removed. The code also uses the RepositoryItemProgressBar.Step property with the ProgressBarControl.PerformStep method, to increment the position of the progress bar as soon as a file is removed.
using System.IO;
using DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls;
// ...
private void DeleteFiles(string source){
if (Directory.Exists(source)){
string[] fileEntries = Directory.GetFiles(source);
// Initializing progress bar properties
progressBarControl1.Properties.Step = 1;
progressBarControl1.Properties.PercentView = true;
progressBarControl1.Properties.Maximum = fileEntries.Length;
progressBarControl1.Properties.Minimum = 0;
// Removing the list of files found in the specified directory
foreach(string fileName in fileEntries){
// ...