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TrackBarControl Class

Displays a scale with tick marks. Users can drag a thumb to change the current value.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraEditors

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraEditors.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Navigation


public class TrackBarControl :


The image below illustrates a Track Bar Control:


Main Settings

Value Progression Settings

  • Properties.SmallChange - a small-increment increase or decrease in value. The control’s slider moves in small-increment steps when a user presses an arrow key.
  • Properties.LargeChange - a large-increment increase or decrease in value. The control’s slider moves in large-increment steps when a user presses the Page Up or Page Down key.
  • Properties.SmallChangeUseMode - specifies whether a user can spin the mouse wheel to change the control value by a small increment.

Manage the Control Value in Code

private void TrackBarControl1_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    TrackBarControl tbc = sender as TrackBarControl;
    if (tbc.OldEditValue != null && (int)tbc.OldEditValue < 8 && tbc.Value >= 8)
            "We reccomend that you keep this setting at Level 7 or less", "Warning");

Tickmarks and Labels

  • Properties.TickStyle - specifies whether a control should display tickmarks on both sides of a scale, on one side only, or hide them completely.
  • Properties.TickFrequency - the distance between adjacent tickmarks.
  • Properties.ShowLabels - gets or sets whether a control shows labels next to tickmarks. Default labels are value numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.). You can edit the Labels collection to replace them with custom strings.


DevExpress controls support regular and super tooltips. Enable the ShowToolTips option to display tooltips when the mouse pointer hovers over the control.

Customize Regular Tooltip Text

Use the following properties of the target control to specify regular tooltip text and title:




Specifies tooltip text. You can use line breaks in regular tooltips.


Specifies whether to parse HTML tags in text.


Specifies the tooltip title. If you do not specify tooltip text, the tooltip is not displayed even if you specify the title.

The following code snippet specifies tooltip text and title for a TextEdit editor:

public Form1() {
  textEdit1.ShowToolTips = true;
  textEdit1.ToolTipTitle = "Name";
  textEdit1.ToolTip = "Please enter your name";

WinForms - Customize a Regular Tooltip, DevExpress

Assign an Image to Regular Tooltips

Use the control’s ToolTipIconType property to assign a predefined icon. The ToolTipController.IconSize property specifies icon size.

Assign a custom image as follows:

  1. Create a ToolTipController and assign it to the control’s ToolTipController property.
  2. Create an image collection and assign it to the ToolTipController.ImageList property.
  3. Handle the ToolTipController.BeforeShow event. Use the e.ImageOptions parameter to assign a raster or vector image to the tooltip.


The ToolTipIconType property has priority over e.ImageOptions. If you assign a custom image, set ToolTipIconType to None.

The following code snippet assigns a custom image to the TextEdit tooltip:


textEdit1, toolTipController1, and svgImageCollection1 were created at runtime.

public Form1() {
  textEdit1.ShowToolTips = true;
  textEdit1.ToolTipTitle = "Name";
  textEdit1.ToolTip = "Please enter your name";
  textEdit1.ToolTipController = toolTipController1;
  toolTipController1.ImageList = svgImageCollection1;
  toolTipController1.BeforeShow += ToolTipController1_BeforeShow;

private void ToolTipController1_BeforeShow(object sender, ToolTipControllerShowEventArgs e) {
  ToolTipController controller = sender as ToolTipController;
  if (e.ToolTip == textEdit1.ToolTip)
    e.ImageOptions.SvgImage = (controller.ImageList as SvgImageCollection)["personalCard"];

WinForms - Assign a Custom Image to a Tooltip, DevExpress

Display a Super Tooltip

Use the control’s SuperTip property to assign a super tooltip. If you wish to use HTML tags in a super tooltip, enable the SuperToolTip.AllowHtmlText property.

Setting the ToolTipController.ToolTipType property to SuperTip converts existing regular tooltips to super tooltips.

WinForms - Convert Regular Tooltips to Super Tooltips, DevExpress


Read the following help topic for information on how to customize super tooltips: Hints and Tooltips.


See Also