XtraMessageBoxArgs Members
Arguments that should be passed to the Show(XtraMessageBoxArgs) method to customize the shown XtraMessageBox.Constructors
Name | Description |
XtraMessageBoxArgs(UserLookAndFeel, IWin32Window, String, String, DialogResult[], Icon, Int32, DefaultBoolean, MessageBeepSound) | Initializes a new XtraMessageBoxArgs class instance. |
XtraMessageBoxArgs(IWin32Window, String, String, DialogResult[], Icon, Int32) | Initializes a new XtraMessageBoxArgs class instance. |
Name | Description |
AllowHtmlText | Gets or sets whether the shown object supports HTML-inspired Text Formatting. Inherited from XtraBaseArgs. |
AllowTrimCaption | Gets or sets whether the XtraDialog or XtraMessageBox trims the caption to accommodate the contents. Inherited from XtraBaseArgs. |
Appearance | Gets a new instance of the AppearanceObject class. |
AutoCloseOptions | Provides access to settings that allow the shown object (XtraMessageBox, XtraInputBox, etc.) to automatically close after a certain delay. Inherited from XtraBaseArgs. |
ButtonAlignment | Gets or sets the alignment mode for buttons of this dialog or message. Inherited from XtraBaseArgs. |
ButtonPadding | Gets or sets the padding for buttons of this message or dialog. Inherited from XtraBaseArgs. |
Buttons | Gets or sets buttons that the shown object (XtraMessageBox, XtraInputBox, etc.) has. Inherited from XtraBaseArgs. |
Caption | Gets or sets the shown object (XtraMessageBox, XtraInputBox, etc.) caption. Inherited from XtraBaseArgs. |
ContentPadding | Gets or sets the distance between the dialog (message box) content and borders. Inherited from XtraBaseArgs. |
DefaultButtonIndex | Gets or sets the index of a button from the Buttons collection that is a default button. A default button is initially focused and is considered clicked when user presses Enter or the auto-close timer expires (see AutoCloseOptions). Inherited from XtraBaseArgs. |
DoNotShowAgainCheckBoxPadding | Gets or sets padding for the “Do not show this message again” checkbox. |
DoNotShowAgainCheckBoxText | Gets or sets the text displayed next to the “Do not show this message again” checkbox. |
DoNotShowAgainCheckBoxVisible | Gets or sets whether the “Do not show this message again” checkbox is shown in an XtraMessageBox. |
GdiRenderedText | Gets or sets whether to use GDI+ to render strings. For internal use. |
HtmlImages | Gets or sets ImageCollection or SvgImageCollection. XtraMessageBox can display images from this collection. Inherited from XtraBaseArgs. |
HtmlTemplate | Returns the HTML-CSS template applied to this message or dialog. Inherited from XtraBaseArgs. |
Icon | Use the XtraMessageBoxArgs.ImageOptions property to display an image in a message box. |
IconPadding | Gets or sets padding for an XtraMessageBox icon. |
ImageOptions | Gets image-related properties of an XtraMessageBox. |
LookAndFeel | Gets or sets the LookAndFeel object applied to the owner. Inherited from XtraBaseArgs. |
MessageBeepSound | Gets or sets the system sound played when the owner appears on-screen. Inherited from XtraBaseArgs. |
Owner | Gets or sets the owner of this XtraBaseArgs object. Inherited from XtraBaseArgs. |
RegistryKey | Gets or sets a registry key used to store the Visible and DialogResult property values in the registry. |
RegistryPath | Gets or sets a registry path used to store the Visible and DialogResult property values in the registry. |
Text | Gets or sets the message box text. |
TextPadding | Gets or sets text padding within an XtraMessageBox. |
UseGdiPlusTextPainter | Gets or sets whether to use GDI+ to render strings. |
UseSkinPaddings | Gets or sets whether message boxes that utilize this XtraMessageBoxArgs object should retrieve content paddings from the current DevExpress skin. |
Name | Description |
Equals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object. |
Equals(Object) | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object. |
GetHashCode() | For internal use. |
GetLookAndFeel() | Returns the owner LookAndFeel object. Inherited from XtraBaseArgs. |
GetType() | Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object. |
MemberwiseClone() protected | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object. |
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object. |
ToString() | Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object. |
Name | Description |
Closed | Occurs when an XtraMessageBox closes. |
HtmlElementMouseClick | Occurs when a user clicks any element within an HTML template. Inherited from XtraBaseArgs. |
HtmlElementMouseDown | Occurs when a mouse button is pressed, and the mouse pointer is over an HTML element. Inherited from XtraBaseArgs. |
HtmlElementMouseMove | Occurs when a mouse pointer moves while over an element of an HTML-CSS template. Inherited from XtraBaseArgs. |
HtmlElementMouseOut | Occurs when a mouse pointer leaves the bounds of an element within an HTML-CSS template. Inherited from XtraBaseArgs. |
HtmlElementMouseOver | Occurs when a mouse pointer enters the bounds of an element within an HTML-CSS template. Inherited from XtraBaseArgs. |
HtmlElementMouseUp | Occurs when a mouse button pressed over an element of an HTML-CSS template is released. Inherited from XtraBaseArgs. |
HyperlinkClick | Fires when a hyperlink is clicked. |
Load | Occurs before an XtraMessageBox is created. |
Showing | Provides access to a Form embedded into a shown object. Inherited from XtraBaseArgs. |
See Also