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FinancialIndicator.ValueLevel2 Property

Gets or sets a value indicating how to obtain the second value of a financial indicator’s point.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Charts

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Charts.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Charts


public ValueLevel ValueLevel2 { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

A ValueLevel enumeration value, which indicates how to obtain the second point value of a financial indicator.

Available values:

Show 12 items
Name Description

Indicates the value of a series point where the series point contains only one value.


Indicates the Second value of a series point, where the series view belongs to the Range Bar view type.


Indicates the Low value of a series point, where the series view belongs to the Financial view type.


Indicates the High value of a series point, where the series view belongs to the Financial view type.


Indicates the Open value of a series point, where the series view belongs to the Financial view type.


Indicates the Close value of a series point, where the series view belongs to the Financial view type.


Indicates the Min value of a series point that belongs to the Box Plot series.


Indicates the First Quartile value of a series point that belongs to the Box Plot series.


Indicates the Median value of a series point that belongs to the Box Plot series.


Indicates the Third Quartile value of a series point that belongs to the Box Plot series.


Indicates the Max value of a series point that belongs to the Box Plot series.


Indicates the Mean value of a series point that belongs to the Box Plot series.


Any FinancialIndicator needs two points. And, each point should have a pair of arguments (FinancialIndicator.Argument1 and FinancialIndicator.Argument2) and the FinancialIndicator.ValueLevel1 and ValueLevel2 values defined.

See Also