XtraOpenFileDialog Properties
A dialog that allows a user to open a file. Supports DevExpress Skins.Name | Description |
AddExtension | Gets or sets whether a dialog should automatically add an extension to a file name if a user omits the extension. This property is identical to the standard FileDialog.AddExtension property. Inherited from FileDialogBase. |
AllowDragDrop | Gets or sets whether users can drag and drop files/folders inside the dialog. Inherited from XtraCommonDialog. |
AutoUpdateFilterDescription | Gets or sets whether a dialog with file extension filters (see FileDialogBase.Filter) shows filter patterns for each filter option. Inherited from FileDialogBase. |
CanRaiseEvents protected | Gets a value indicating whether the component can raise an event. Inherited from Component. |
CheckFileExists | Gets or sets whether or not this XtraOpenFileDialog should warn a user if a file with the specified name does not exist. |
CheckPathExists | Gets or sets whether the dialog box displays a warning if a user specifies a path that does not exist. This property is identical to the standard FileDialog.CheckPathExists property. Inherited from FileDialogBase. |
Container | Gets the IContainer that contains the Component. Inherited from Component. |
CustomPlaces | A collection of quick access paths to which a user can navigate. This property is identical to the standard FileDialog.CustomPlaces property. Inherited from FileDialogBase. |
DefaultExt | Gets or sets the default file extension (without the dot character). This property is identical to the standard FileDialog.DefaultExt property. Inherited from FileDialogBase. |
DefaultViewMode | Gets or sets the initial dialog view (“Tiles”, “Table”, “Medium icons”, etc.). Inherited from FileDialogBase. |
DereferenceLinks | If a user selects a shortcut, this property specifies whether the dialog returns this shortcut location, or the location of a file this shortcut references. This property is identical to the standard FileDialog.DereferenceLinks property. Inherited from FileDialogBase. |
DesignMode protected | Gets a value that indicates whether the Component is currently in design mode. Inherited from Component. |
Events protected | Gets the list of event handlers that are attached to this Component. Inherited from Component. |
FileName | Gets or sets the selected file name, or an empty string if no file was selected. This property is identical to the standard FileDialog.FileName property. Inherited from FileDialogBase. |
FileNames | Returns an array of file names opened in the XtraOpenFileDialog. Has no effect for the XtraSaveFileDialog. This property is identical to the standard FileDialog.FileNames property. Inherited from FileDialogBase. |
Filter | Allows you to save or open files only of specific types. This property is identical to the standard FileDialog.Filter property. Inherited from FileDialogBase. |
FilterIndex | Gets or sets the index of the filter currently selected in the file dialog box. This property is identical to the standard FileDialog.FilterIndex property. Inherited from FileDialogBase. |
InitialDirectory | Gets or sets the location which the dialog shows upon the first launch. This property is identical to the standard FileDialog.InitialDirectory. Inherited from FileDialogBase. |
KeepPosition | Gets or sets whether the dialog retains its position between starts. Inherited from XtraCommonDialog. |
Location | Gets or sets coordinates of the dialog upper-left corner relative to the screen. Inherited from XtraCommonDialog. |
Multiselect | Gets or sets whether or not users are allowed to select multiple files in this XtraOpenFileDialog. |
RestoreDirectory | If a user navigates to a different directory and closes the dialog without saving (opening) a new file, this property specifies whether this new location should be remembered. This property is identical to the standard FileDialog.RestoreDirectory property. Inherited from FileDialogBase. |
SafeFileName | Returns the selected file name and extension. The returned name does not include the file path. |
SafeFileNames | Returns an array of file names and extensions for all the selected files in the dialog box. File names do not include paths. |
ShowDragDropConfirmation | Gets or sets whether to display a confirmation message when a user drops a file/folder in a new location. Inherited from XtraCommonDialog. |
ShowHelp | Gets or sets whether the dialog displays the Help button. This property is identical to the standard FileDialog.ShowHelp property. Inherited from FileDialogBase. |
ShowNavigationPane | Gets or sets whether to display the Navigation Pane. Inherited from XtraCommonDialog. |
Site | Gets or sets the ISite of the Component. Inherited from Component. |
StartPosition | Gets or sets the dialog start position. Inherited from XtraCommonDialog. |
SupportMultiDottedExtensions | Gets or sets whether the dialog supports filters with more than one dot character. This property is identical to the standard FileDialog.SupportMultiDottedExtensions property. Inherited from FileDialogBase. |
Tag | Gets or sets an object that contains data about the control. Inherited from CommonDialog. |
Title | Gets or sets the dialog window’s title. Inherited from XtraCommonDialog. |
UseParentFormIcon | Gets or sets whether to inherit the dialog window icon from the parent form. Inherited from XtraCommonDialog. |
ValidateNames | Gets or sets whether the dialog supports Win32 file names only (no angle brackets, no colons, 3-character extension, etc.). This property is identical to the standard FileDialog.ValidateNames property. Inherited from FileDialogBase. |
See Also