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SplitContainerControl.SplitterMoved Event

Occurs after the splitter’s position has been changed.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraEditors

Assembly: DevExpress.Utils.v24.1.dll

NuGet Packages: DevExpress.Utils, DevExpress.Wpf.Core


public event EventHandler SplitterMoved

Event Data

The SplitterMoved event's data class is EventArgs.


This event serves as a notification that the splitter’s position has been changed. Immediately after an end-user starts dragging a splitter, the SplitContainerControl.SplitterMoving event occurs. The current position can be obtained via the SplitContainerControl.SplitterPosition property.

To specify whether a splitter can be dragged at runtime, use the SplitContainerControl.IsSplitterFixed property.

See Also