ControlNavigatorButtons Properties
A collection of buttons displayed in the ControlNavigator.Name | Description |
Appearance | Gets the appearance settings used to paint the buttons’ owner. Inherited from NavigatorButtonsBase. |
Append | Gets the button used to append a new record. |
AutoRepeatDelay | Gets or sets the time interval which passes between the moment when an end-user holds down the navigation button and the data records are scrolled repeatedly. Inherited from NavigatorButtonsBase. |
ButtonCollection | Provides access to the collection of built-in buttons displayed in the DataNavigator control. Inherited from NavigatorButtonsBase. |
CancelEdit | Gets the button used to cancel editing the current record. |
Control | Gets the control which is bound to the ControlNavigator. |
CustomButtons | Gets the collection of custom buttons. Inherited from NavigatorButtonsBase. |
DefaultImageList | Gets the source of the images that are displayed within the navigation buttons by default. Inherited from NavigatorButtonsBase. |
Edit | Gets the button used to set the dataset to the edit state. |
EnabledAutoRepeat | Specifies whether data records are scrolled repeatedly when the Next, NextPage, Prev or PrevPage button is held down. Inherited from NavigatorButtonsBase. |
EndEdit | Gets the button used to post the edited record to the associated data source. |
First | Gets the button used to set the current record to the first record in a data source. |
ImageList | Gets or sets the source of images to be displayed within the navigation buttons. Inherited from NavigatorButtonsBase. |
Last | Gets the button used to set the current record to the last record in a data source. |
Next | Gets the button used to set the current record to the next record in a data source. |
NextPage | Gets the button used to increment the current record position in a data source by the number of visible records. |
Owner | Gets the object that owns this button collection. Inherited from NavigatorButtonsBase. |
OwnerControl | Gets the control which owns the current collection. Inherited from NavigatorButtonsBase. |
PageRecordCount | Gets or sets the number of records by which the current record changes after the PrevPage or NextPage button has been pressed. Inherited from NavigatorButtonsBase. |
Prev | Gets the button used to set the current record as the data source’s previous record. |
PrevPage | Gets the button used to decrement the current record position in a data source by the number of visible records. |
Remove | Gets the button used to delete the current record. |
See Also