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XtraScrollableControl.AutoScrollPosition Property

Gets or sets the location of the auto-scroll position.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraEditors

Assembly: DevExpress.Utils.v24.2.dll


public Point AutoScrollPosition { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

A Point structure that represents the auto-scroll position, in pixels.


The AutoScrollPosition property specifies the location of the XtraScrollableControl‘s view (display rectangle). The control’s starting position is (0, 0). You must always assign positive X and Y values to set the scroll position relative to the starting position.

If the XtraScrollableControl is scrolled away from its starting position, the X and Y coordinate values are always negative. For example, if you set X to 100, you have to scroll 100 pixels to the right. In this instance, the AutoScrollPosition property returns (-100, 0). If you then set X to 50, the scroll jumps to the left by 50 pixels and the AutoScrollPosition property returns (-50, 0).


You can manually change the AutoScrollPosition property value to scroll the XtraScrollableControl.

See Also