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TimeSpanChartRangeControlClientGridOptions Properties

Contains specific settings which define the representation of grid lines and labels in the time-span chart range control client.
Name Description
Auto Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the grid properties are calculated automatically. Inherited from ChartRangeControlClientGridOptions.
GridAlignment Gets or sets the time-span measurement unit to which the chart’s gridlines and labels should be aligned.
GridSpacing Gets or sets a value that specifies the interval between grid lines. Inherited from ChartRangeControlClientGridOptions.
LabelFormat Gets or sets the string used to format chart argument values. Inherited from ChartRangeControlClientGridOptions.
LabelFormatProvider Gets or set the format provider to format the values displayed by argument labels of the chart range control client. Inherited from ChartRangeControlClientGridOptions.
ShowGridlinesErrorMessage Gets or sets a value which specifies whether to show the grid lines error message in the range control’s viewport. Inherited from ChartRangeControlClientGridOptions.
SnapAlignment Specifies the measurement unit to which selection thumbs of the range control are snapped.
SnapSpacing Gets or sets the numeric snap step. Inherited from ChartRangeControlClientGridOptions.
See Also