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FormatRuleCollection<T, TColumnType> Members

A collection of objects that specify rules used to apply conditional formatting in data-aware controls.


Name Description
Capacity Gets or sets the number of elements that the DXCollectionBase<T> can contain. Inherited from DXCollectionBase<T>.
Count Gets the number of elements contained in the DXCollectionBase<T> instance. Inherited from DXCollectionBase<T>.
HasDataUpdateRules Determines whether the collection contains FormatConditionRuleDataUpdate objects. For internal use.
HasValidRules Determines whether the collection contains rules that can be applied. For internal use.
IsLoading Determines whether the collection is locked.
Item[Int32] Returns a rule at the specified position in the collection.
Item[String] Returns a rule by its name.
UniquenessProviderType Gets or sets the type of an object, which provides uniqueness for the current DXCollectionBase<T>. Inherited from DXCollectionBase<T>.


Name Description
Add(T) Adds the specified object to the collection. Inherited from DXCollectionBase<T>.
Add(TColumnType, FormatConditionRuleBase) Applies a format based on the specified condition and associates it with the specified column (row in a vertical grid).
Add2ColorScale(TColumnType, Color, Color, FormatConditionValueType, FormatConditionValueType, Decimal, Decimal) Applies a format that uses a range of colors to illustrate data distribution. You can specify the minimum and maximum values and colors for them.
Add3ColorScale(TColumnType, Color, Color, Color, FormatConditionValueType, FormatConditionValueType, FormatConditionValueType, Decimal, Decimal, Decimal) Applies a format that uses a range of colors to illustrate data distribution. You can specify the minimum, maximum, and midpoint values, and colors for them.
AddAboveAverageRule(TColumnType, AppearanceDefault) Applies a format to values above average.
AddAboveBelowAverageRule(TColumnType, AppearanceDefault, FormatConditionAboveBelowType) Applies a format to values above or below average.
AddAppearanceRule(TColumnType, FormatConditionRuleAppearanceBase, AppearanceDefault) Applies a format based on the specified rule and appearance settings.
AddBelowAverageRule(TColumnType, AppearanceDefault) Applies a format to values below average.
AddBottomRule(TColumnType, AppearanceDefault, Decimal) Applies a format to cells with lowest values.
AddDataBar(TColumnType) Applies a format that displays bars that illustrate cell values.
AddDateOccuringRule(TColumnType, FilterDateType, AppearanceDefault) Obsolete. This method is obsolete (use AddDateOccurringRule).
AddDateOccurringRule(TColumnType, FilterDateType, AppearanceDefault) Applies a format to cells that contain specific dates.
AddDuplicateRule(TColumnType, AppearanceDefault) Applies a format to duplicate values.
AddExpressionRule(TColumnType, AppearanceDefault, String) Applies a format to cells that match a criterion expression.
AddIconSetRule(TColumnType, FormatConditionIconSet) Applies a format that displays icons in cells.
AddRange(ICollection) Adds a collection of elements to the end of the collection. Inherited from DXCollectionBase<T>.
AddRule(FormatRuleBase) Adds a rule to the collection.
AddTopBottomRule(TColumnType, AppearanceDefault, FormatConditionTopBottomType, Decimal) Applies a format to cells with highest or lowest values.
AddTopRule(TColumnType, AppearanceDefault, Decimal) Applies a format to cells with highest values.
AddUniqueDuplicateRule(TColumnType, AppearanceDefault, FormatConditionUniqueDuplicateType) Applies a format to unique or duplicate values.
AddUniqueRule(TColumnType, AppearanceDefault) Applies a format to unique values.
AddValueRule(TColumnType, AppearanceDefault, FormatCondition, Object, Object) Applies a format to cells that contain specific values.
BeginUpdate() Locks the CollectionChanged event until the EndUpdate() method is called.
Clear() Removes all objects from the DXCollectionBase<T> instance. Inherited from DXCollectionBase<T>.
Contains(T) Determines whether the collection contains the specified item. Inherited from DXCollectionBase<T>.
CopyTo(T[], Int32) Copies all the elements from the DXCollectionBase<T> instance to a one-dimensional array, starting at the specified index of the target array. Inherited from DXCollectionBase<T>.
EndUpdate() Unlocks the CollectionChanged event after a BeginUpdate() method call.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
Find(Predicate<T>) Searches for an element that matches the conditions defined by the specified predicate, and returns the first occurrence within the entire DXCollectionBase<T>. Inherited from DXCollectionBase<T>.
ForEach(Action<T>) Performs the specified action on each element of the DXCollectionBase<T>. Inherited from DXCollectionBase<T>.
GetEnumerator() Returns an enumerator that iterates through the DXCollectionBase<T> instance. Inherited from DXCollectionBase<T>.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetRule(Int32) Returns a rule at the specified position in the collection.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
IndexOf(T) Returns the zero-based index of the specified element in the collection. Inherited from DXCollectionBase<T>.
IndexOfRule(FormatRuleBase) Returns the zero-based index of the specified rule in the collection.
Insert(Int32, T) Inserts the specified element into the collection at the specified position. Inherited from DXCollectionBase<T>.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
Remove(T) Removes the specified element from the collection. Inherited from DXCollectionBase<T>.
RemoveAt(Int32) Removes the element at the specified index of the DXCollectionBase<T> instance. Inherited from DXCollectionBase<T>.
Sort(IComparer<T>) Sorts the elements in the entire DXCollectionBase<T> using the specified comparer. Inherited from DXCollectionBase<T>.
ToArray() Copies the DXCollectionBase<T> elements to a new array. Inherited from DXCollectionBase<T>.
ToString() Returns a string that describes the current object.


Name Description
CollectionChanged Fires when the collection changes.
See Also