HeatmapPoint Class
In This Article
A particular heatmap point.
Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Map
Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Map.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Map
Use the Location property to specify the point position. To set the point’s weight value, use the Value property.
This example shows how to use a HeatmapPointStorage object to create a heatmap layer.
- Create an ImageLayer object and add it to the MapControl.Layers collection.
- Assign a HeatmapProvider object to the ImageLayer.DataProvider property.
- Use a HeatmapPointStorage object to initialize the PointSource property.
<dxm:HeatmapPointStorage x:Name="storage"/>
<dxm:HeatmapDensityBasedAlgorithm PointRadius="50"/>
<dxm:ChoroplethColorizer RangeStops="0.1, 0.2, 0.7, 1.0"
<Color A="50" R="128" G="255" B="0"/>
<Color A="255" R="255" G="255" B="0"/>
<Color A="255" R="234" G="72" B="58"/>
<Color A="255" R="162" G="36" B="25"/>
using System.Windows;
using DevExpress.Xpf.Map;
namespace HeatmapPointStorage {
public partial class MainWindow : Window {
public MainWindow() {
storage.Points.Add(new HeatmapPoint(new GeoPoint(23.5309, -0.4211), 1));
storage.Points.Add(new HeatmapPoint(new GeoPoint(32.3248, 21.0537), 0.5));
storage.Points.Add(new HeatmapPoint(new GeoPoint(14.1503, 16.3626), 1));
storage.Points.Add(new HeatmapPoint(new GeoPoint(7.2144, 34.2711), 1));
storage.Points.Add(new HeatmapPoint(new GeoPoint(-4.5456, 10.1143), 0.5));
You can also create heatmap points in XAML:
<dxm:HeatmapPoint Value="0.5">
<dxm:GeoPoint Latitude="32.3248" Longitude="21.0537"/>
<!-- Other heatmap points. -->
See Also