MapPath Class
The class used to draw a path on a map.
Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Map
Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Map.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Map
public class MapPath :
#Related API Members
The following members return MapPath objects:
The following image shows an example of a map dot shape.
Note that, a map shape should fulfill the following condition to cross the 180th meridian: one or several points’ longitudes should exceed the 180 (-180) limit:
<dxm:GeoPoint Latitude="-10" Longitude="-170"/>
<dxm:GeoPoint Latitude="-10" Longitude="170"/>
<dxm:GeoPoint Latitude="10" Longitude="170"/>
<dxm:GeoPoint Latitude="10" Longitude="-170"/>
<dxm:MapPolygon Fill="Orange">
<dxm:GeoPoint Latitude="30" Longitude="170"/>
<dxm:GeoPoint Latitude="30" Longitude="190"/>
<dxm:GeoPoint Latitude="40" Longitude="190"/>
<dxm:GeoPoint Latitude="40" Longitude="170"/>
The code above produces the following image:
<dxm:GeoPoint>-35, 40</dxm:GeoPoint>
<dxm:GeoPoint>-50, 60</dxm:GeoPoint>
<dxm:GeoPoint>-55, 55</dxm:GeoPoint>
<dxm:GeoPoint>-50, 65</dxm:GeoPoint>
See Also