MapBubbleSettings Class
In This Article
Contains settings used to generate Bubble chart items.
Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Map
Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Map.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Map
public class MapBubbleSettings :
#Related API Members
The following members return MapBubbleSettings objects:
This class introduces the MapBubbleSettings.MarkerType and MapBubbleSettings.CustomMarkerTemplate properties that allow specifying the marker view.
To generate bubble charts from a data source, do the following.
- Create a BubbleChartDataAdapter object and assign it to the VectorLayer.Data property.
- Bind a data source to the DataSourceAdapterBase.DataSource property of the object.
- Specify mappings to assign data fields to bubble properties. To do this, specify the MapPointMappingInfoBase.Latitude, MapPointMappingInfoBase.Longitude and MapBubbleMappingInfo.Value properties of the MapBubbleMappingInfo object assigned to the BubbleChartDataAdapter.Mappings property.
- Specify settings which are used to generate map bubble charts. To do this, specify the
object’s properties. This object can be accessed using the BubbleChartDataAdapter.BubbleSettings property of the adapter.
<dxm:VectorLayer x:Name="earthquakesLayer" ShapeFill="Orange" ToolTipEnabled="True"
Magnitude: %V%
Depth: {Depth}km">
<dxm:BubbleChartDataAdapter DataSource="{Binding Data}"
ItemMaxSize="60" ItemMinSize="10">
<dxm:MapItemAttributeMapping Member="day" Name="Day"/>
<dxm:MapItemAttributeMapping Member="mon" Name="Month"/>
<dxm:MapItemAttributeMapping Member="yr" Name="Year"/>
<dxm:MapItemAttributeMapping Member="dep" Name="Depth"/>
<dxm:MapBubbleMappingInfo Latitude="glat" Longitude="glon" Value="mag"/>
<dxm:MapBubbleSettings MarkerType="Circle"/>
See Also