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PieChartDataAdapter Class

The data adapter that provides data to generate Pie chart items.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Map

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Map.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Map


public class PieChartDataAdapter :


To automatically generate pie chart items from a datasource do the following.

  1. Create a PieChartDataAdapter object and assign it to the VectorLayer.Data property.
  2. Bind a data source to the DataSourceAdapterBase.DataSource property of the object.
  3. Specify mappings to assign data fields to pie segment properties. To do this, specify the MapPointMappingInfoBase.Latitude, MapPointMappingInfoBase.Longitude, MapPieMappingInfo.SegmentValue and MapPieMappingInfo.SegmentId properties of the MapPieMappingInfo object assigned to the PieChartDataAdapter.Mappings property.
  4. Specify the ChartDataSourceAdapter.ItemIdDataMember property to group generated pie segments to pie charts.

View Example

    <dxm:PieChartDataAdapter DataSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource dataProvider}, XPath=Table1}" 
                             ItemIdDataMember="Country" ItemMinSize="20" ItemMaxSize="60">
            <dxm:MeasureRules RangeStops="1 10 20 30 40"/>
            <dxm:MapItemAttributeMapping Member="Name" Name="Name"/>
            <dxm:MapPieMappingInfo Latitude="CapitalLat" Longitude="CapitalLon" 
                                   SegmentId="MedalClass" SegmentValue="Quantity"/>
See Also