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GeoUtils Class

Cartography measurement API for maps with a geographical coordinate system.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Map

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Map.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Map


public static class GeoUtils


The GeoUtils class contains methods that allow you to calculate geometric values (for example, a shape perimeter or area) based on geographical coordinates.

A map tooltip displays calculated values.

The following list contains the main GeoUtils methods:

  • CalculateArea(MapShape shape) computes a map shape’s total area, in square meters.

    private void MapControl_SelectionChanged(object sender, MapItemSelectionChangedEventArgs e) {
        MapShape mapShape = vectorLayer.SelectedItems[0] as MapShape;
        double areaByShape = GeoUtils.CalculateArea(mapShape) / 1000000;            
        label.Content = $"Shape Area: {areaByShape:F2} km²";
  • CalculateArea(IList<GeoPoint> points) calculates an area of the region given by geographical points, in square meters.

    double areaByPoints = GeoUtils.CalculateArea(new List<GeoPoint> {
        new GeoPoint(41, -109),
        new GeoPoint(41, -102),
        new GeoPoint(37, -102),
        new GeoPoint(37, -109)
  • CalculateBearing(GeoPoint p1, GeoPoint p2) computes an angle between the Geodetic North direction and a line given by two points, clockwise in degrees.

    double bearing = GeoUtils.CalculateBearing(new GeoPoint(36.1, -115.1), new GeoPoint(35.9, -115.9));
  • CalculateCenter(GeoPoint p1, GeoPoint p2) finds a center point between two geographical points.

    GeoPoint centerPoint = GeoUtils.CalculateCenter(
        new GeoPoint(35.286, -111.1724), 
        new GeoPoint(38.3802, -110.9307));
  • CalculateDistance(GeoPoint p1, GeoPoint p2) determines the distance between two geographical points in meters. The ellipsoidal model of the Earth is used in the calculations of the distance.

    double distance = GeoUtils.CalculateDistance(new GeoPoint(36.1, -115.1), new GeoPoint(34, -118.2));
  • CalculateDistance(GeoPoint p1, GeoPoint p2, Boolean ignoreEllipsoidalEffects) determines the distance between two geographical points in meters. This CalculateDistance method overload allows you to specify whether to use the ellipsoidal-surface formula or spherical-surface formula to calculate the distance.

    using DevExpress.Xpf.Map;
    private void OnButtonClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {
        double distance = GeoUtils.CalculateDistance(new GeoPoint(-5.93107, -35.112723), 
                                                    new GeoPoint(4.253438, 5.47072), true);
  • CalculateDestinationPoint(GeoPoint startPoint, Double distance, Double bearing) calculates a geographical point based on the specified start point, distance, and bearing. The distance is measured along a geodesic line.

    GeoPoint startPoint = new GeoPoint(53.1914, 001.4347);
    GeoPoint destinationPoint = GeoUtils.CalculateDestinationPoint(startPoint, 17910000, 276.0117);
  • CalculateLength(IList<GeoPoint> points) calculates the polyline length, in meters.

    double lineLength = GeoUtils.CalculateLength(new List<GeoPoint> {
        new GeoPoint(35.286, -111.1724),
        new GeoPoint(38.3802, -110.9307),
        new GeoPoint(36.9365, -102.493)
  • CalculateStrokeLength(MapShape shape) returns the map shape’s stroke length, in meters.

    private void MapControl_SelectionChanged(object sender, MapItemSelectionChangedEventArgs e) {
        MapShape mapShape = vectorLayer.SelectedItems[0] as MapShape;
        double strokeLength = GeoUtils.CalculateStrokeLength(mapShape);
        label.Content = $"StokeLength: {strokeLength / 1000:F2} km";


See Also