FontEdit Fields
A font editor.Name | Description |
AcceptsReturnProperty static | Identifies the TextEditBase.AcceptsReturn dependency property. Inherited from TextEditBase. |
AcceptsTabProperty static | Identifies the TextEditBase.AcceptsTab dependency property. Inherited from TextEditBase. |
ActualBorderTemplateProperty static | Identifies the BaseEdit.ActualBorderTemplate dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
ActualEditorControlTemplateProperty static | Identifies the BaseEdit.ActualEditorControlTemplate dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
ActualHeightProperty static | Identifies the ActualHeight dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement. |
ActualPopupHeightProperty static | Identifies the PopupBaseEdit.ActualPopupHeight dependency property. Inherited from PopupBaseEdit. |
ActualPopupMinWidthProperty static | Identifies the PopupBaseEdit.ActualPopupMinWidth dependency property. Inherited from PopupBaseEdit. |
ActualPopupWidthProperty static | Identifies the PopupBaseEdit.ActualPopupWidth dependency property. Inherited from PopupBaseEdit. |
ActualShowLeftButtonsProperty static | Identifies the ButtonEdit.ActualShowLeftButtons dependency property. Inherited from ButtonEdit. |
ActualShowRightButtonsProperty static | Identifies the ButtonEdit.ActualShowRightButtons dependency property. Inherited from ButtonEdit. |
ActualWidthProperty static | Identifies the ActualWidth dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement. |
AddNewButtonPlacementProperty static | Identifies the LookUpEditBase.AddNewButtonPlacement dependency property. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
AllowCollectionViewProperty static | Identifies the LookUpEditBase.AllowCollectionView dependency property. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
AllowConfirmFontUseDialogProperty static | Identifies the FontEdit.AllowConfirmFontUseDialog dependency property. |
AllowDefaultButtonProperty static | Identifies the ButtonEdit.AllowDefaultButton dependency property. Inherited from ButtonEdit. |
AllowDropProperty static | Identifies the AllowDrop dependency property. Inherited from UIElement. |
AllowFocusEditorButtonsProperty static | Identifies the AllowFocusEditorButtons dependency property. Inherited from ButtonEdit. |
AllowItemHighlightingProperty static | Identifies the LookUpEditBase.AllowItemHighlighting dependency property. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
AllowLabelAnimationProperty static | Identifies the AllowLabelAnimation dependency property. Inherited from TextEditBase. |
AllowLiveDataShapingProperty static | Identifies the LookUpEditBase.AllowLiveDataShaping dependency property. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
AllowNullInputProperty static | Identifies the BaseEdit.AllowNullInput dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
AllowRecreatePopupContentProperty static | Identifies the PopupBaseEdit.AllowRecreatePopupContent dependency property. Inherited from PopupBaseEdit. |
AllowRejectUnknownValuesProperty static | Identifies the LookUpEditBase.AllowRejectUnknownValues dependency property. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
AllowSpinOnMouseWheelProperty static | Identifies the TextEdit.AllowSpinOnMouseWheel dependency property. Inherited from TextEdit. |
AllowSpinProperty static | Identifies the AllowSpin dependency property. Inherited from TextEdit. |
AllowUpdateTextBlockWhenPrintingProperty static | Identifies the BaseEdit.AllowUpdateTextBlockWhenPrinting dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
AllowUpdateTwoWayBoundPropertiesOnSynchronizationProperty static | Identifies the BaseEdit.AllowUpdateTwoWayBoundPropertiesOnSynchronization dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
AlwaysShowLabelAtTopProperty static | Identifies the AlwaysShowLabelAtTop dependency property. Inherited from TextEditBase. |
ApplyItemTemplateToSelectedItemProperty static | Identifies the LookUpEditBase.ApplyItemTemplateToSelectedItem dependency property. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
AreAnyTouchesCapturedProperty static | Identifies the AreAnyTouchesCaptured dependency property. Inherited from UIElement. |
AreAnyTouchesCapturedWithinProperty static | Identifies the AreAnyTouchesCapturedWithin dependency property. Inherited from UIElement. |
AreAnyTouchesDirectlyOverProperty static | Identifies the AreAnyTouchesDirectlyOver dependency property. Inherited from UIElement. |
AreAnyTouchesOverProperty static | Identifies the AreAnyTouchesOver dependency property. Inherited from UIElement. |
AssignNullValueOnClearingEditTextProperty static | Identifies the LookUpEditBase.AssignNullValueOnClearingEditText dependency property. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
AutoCompleteProperty static | Identifies the LookUpEditBase.AutoComplete dependency property. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
AutoSearchTextProperty static | Identifies the LookUpEditBase.AutoSearchText dependency property. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
BackgroundProperty static | Identifies the Background dependency property. Inherited from Control. |
BindingGroupProperty static | Identifies the BindingGroup dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement. |
BitmapEffectInputProperty static | Identifies the BitmapEffectInput dependency property. Inherited from UIElement. |
BitmapEffectProperty static | Identifies the BitmapEffect dependency property. Inherited from UIElement. |
BorderBrushProperty static | Identifies the BorderBrush dependency property. Inherited from Control. |
BorderTemplateProperty static | Identifies the BaseEdit.BorderTemplate dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
BorderThicknessProperty static | Identifies the BorderThickness dependency property. Inherited from Control. |
ButtonsProperty static | Identifies the ButtonEdit.Buttons dependency property. Inherited from ButtonEdit. |
ButtonsSourceProperty static | Identifies the ButtonEdit.ButtonsSource dependency property. Inherited from ButtonEdit. |
ButtonTemplateProperty static | Identifies the ButtonEdit.ButtonTemplate dependency property. Inherited from ButtonEdit. |
ButtonTemplateSelectorProperty static | Identifies the ButtonEdit.ButtonTemplateSelector dependency property. Inherited from ButtonEdit. |
CacheModeProperty static | Identifies the CacheMode dependency property. Inherited from UIElement. |
CaretBrushProperty static | Identifies the CaretBrush dependency property. Inherited from TextEditBase. |
CausesValidationProperty static | Identifies the BaseEdit.CausesValidation dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
CharacterCasingProperty static | Identifies the TextEdit.CharacterCasing dependency property. Inherited from TextEdit. |
ClearSelectionOnBackspaceProperty static | Identifies the LookUpEditBase.ClearSelectionOnBackspace dependency property. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
ClipProperty static | Identifies the Clip dependency property. Inherited from UIElement. |
ClipToBoundsProperty static | Identifies the ClipToBounds dependency property. Inherited from UIElement. |
ClosePopupOnClickModeProperty static | Identifies the PopupBaseEdit.ClosePopupOnClickMode dependency property. Inherited from PopupBaseEdit. |
ContextMenuClosingEvent static | Identifies the ContextMenuClosing routed event. Inherited from FrameworkElement. |
ContextMenuOpeningEvent static | Identifies the ContextMenuOpening routed event. Inherited from FrameworkElement. |
ContextMenuProperty static | Identifies the ContextMenu dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement. |
CornerRadiusProperty static | Identifies the CornerRadius dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
CursorProperty static | Identifies the Cursor dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement. |
CustomDisplayTextEvent static | Identifies the BaseEdit.CustomDisplayText routed event. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
CustomMaskEvent static | Identifies the CustomMask routed event. Inherited from TextEdit. |
DataContextProperty static | Identifies the DataContext dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement. |
DefaultButtonClickEvent static | Identifies the ButtonEdit.DefaultButtonClick routed event. Inherited from ButtonEdit. |
DefaultStyleKeyProperty protected static | Identifies the DefaultStyleKey dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement. |
DisableExcessiveUpdatesInInplaceInactiveModeProperty static | Identifies the BaseEdit.DisableExcessiveUpdatesInInplaceInactiveMode dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
DisplayFormatStringProperty static | Identifies the BaseEdit.DisplayFormatString dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
DisplayMemberProperty static | Identifies the LookUpEditBase.DisplayMember dependency property. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
DisplayTemplateProperty static | Identifies the BaseEdit.DisplayTemplate dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
DisplayTextConverterProperty static | Identifies the BaseEdit.DisplayTextConverter dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
DisplayTextProperty static | Identifies the BaseEdit.DisplayText dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
DragEnterEvent static | Identifies the DragEnter routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
DragLeaveEvent static | Identifies the DragLeave routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
DragOverEvent static | Identifies the DragOver routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
DropEvent static | Identifies the Drop routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
EditModeProperty static | For internal use only. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
EditNonEditableTemplateProperty static | Identifies the TextEditBase.EditNonEditableTemplate dependency property. Inherited from TextEditBase. |
EditorActivatedEvent static | Identifies the BaseEdit.EditorActivated routed event. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
EditTemplateProperty static | Identifies the ColumnBase.EditTemplate dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
EditValueChangedEvent static | Identifies the BaseEdit.EditValueChanged routed event. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
EditValueChangingEvent static | Identifies the BaseEdit.EditValueChanging routed event. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
EditValueConverterProperty static | Identifies the BaseEdit.EditValueConverter dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
EditValuePostDelayProperty static | Identifies the BaseEdit.EditValuePostDelay dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
EditValuePostModeProperty static | Identifies the BaseEdit.EditValuePostMode dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
EditValueProperty static | Identifies the BaseEdit.EditValue dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
EditValueTypeProperty static | Identifies the BaseEdit.EditValueType dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
EffectProperty static | Identifies the Effect dependency property. Inherited from UIElement. |
ErrorToolTipContentTemplateProperty static | Identifies the BaseEdit.ErrorToolTipContentTemplate dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
FilterConditionProperty static | Identifies the LookUpEditBase.FilterCondition dependency property. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
FilterCriteriaProperty static | Identifies the LookUpEditBase.FilterCriteria dependency property. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
FindButtonPlacementProperty static | Identifies the LookUpEditBase.FindButtonPlacement dependency property. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
FindModeProperty static | Identifies the LookUpEditBase.FindMode dependency property. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
FlowDirectionProperty static | Identifies the FlowDirection dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement. |
FocusableProperty static | Identifies the Focusable dependency property. Inherited from UIElement. |
FocusPopupOnOpenProperty static | Identifies the PopupBaseEdit.FocusPopupOnOpen dependency property. Inherited from PopupBaseEdit. |
FocusVisualStyleProperty static | Identifies the FocusVisualStyle dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement. |
FontFamilyProperty static | Identifies the FontFamily dependency property. Inherited from Control. |
FontProperty static | Identifies the FontEdit.Font dependency property. |
FontSizeProperty static | Identifies the FontSize dependency property. Inherited from Control. |
FontStretchProperty static | Identifies the FontStretch dependency property. Inherited from Control. |
FontStyleProperty static | Identifies the FontStyle dependency property. Inherited from Control. |
FontWeightProperty static | Identifies the FontWeight dependency property. Inherited from Control. |
ForceCursorProperty static | Identifies the ForceCursor dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement. |
ForegroundProperty static | Identifies the Foreground dependency property. Inherited from Control. |
GiveFeedbackEvent static | Identifies the GiveFeedback routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
GotFocusEvent static | Identifies the GotFocus routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
GotKeyboardFocusEvent static | Identifies the GotKeyboardFocus routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
GotMouseCaptureEvent static | Identifies the GotMouseCapture routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
GotStylusCaptureEvent static | Identifies the GotStylusCapture routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
GotTouchCaptureEvent static | Identifies the GotTouchCapture routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
HasValidationErrorProperty static | Identifies the DataViewBase.HasValidationError dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
HeightProperty static | Identifies the Height dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement. |
HighlightedTextCriteriaProperty static | Identifies the TextEdit.HighlightedTextCriteria dependency property. Inherited from TextEdit. |
HighlightedTextProperty static | Identifies the TextEdit.HighlightedText dependency property. Inherited from TextEdit. |
HorizontalAlignmentProperty static | Identifies the HorizontalAlignment dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement. |
HorizontalContentAlignmentProperty static | Identifies the HorizontalContentAlignment dependency property. Inherited from Control. |
HorizontalScrollBarVisibilityProperty static | Identifies the TextEditBase.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility dependency property. Inherited from TextEditBase. |
IgnorePopupSizeConstraintsProperty static | Identifies the PopupBaseEdit.IgnorePopupSizeConstraints dependency property. Inherited from PopupBaseEdit. |
ImmediatePopupProperty static | Identifies the LookUpEditBase.ImmediatePopup dependency property. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
IncrementalFilteringProperty static | Identifies the LookUpEditBase.IncrementalFiltering dependency property. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
IncrementalSearchProperty static | Identifies the LookUpEditBase.IncrementalSearch dependency property. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
InputScopeProperty static | Identifies the InputScope dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement. |
InputTextToEditValueConverterProperty static | Identifies the BaseEdit.InputTextToEditValueConverter dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
InvalidValueBehaviorProperty static | Identifies the BaseEdit.InvalidValueBehavior dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
IsAsyncOperationInProgressProperty static | Identifies the LookUpEditBase.IsAsyncOperationInProgress dependency property. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
IsCaseSensitiveFilterProperty static | Identifies the LookUpEditBase.IsCaseSensitiveFilter dependency property. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
IsCaseSensitiveSearchProperty static | Identifies the LookUpEditBase.IsCaseSensitiveSearch dependency property. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
IsEditorActiveProperty static | Identifies the BaseEdit.IsEditorActive dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
IsEnabledProperty static | Identifies the IsEnabled dependency property. Inherited from UIElement. |
IsFocusedProperty static | Identifies the IsFocused dependency property. Inherited from UIElement. |
IsHitTestVisibleProperty static | Identifies the IsHitTestVisible dependency property. Inherited from UIElement. |
IsKeyboardFocusedProperty static | Identifies the IsKeyboardFocused dependency property. Inherited from UIElement. |
IsKeyboardFocusWithinProperty static | Identifies the IsKeyboardFocusWithin dependency property. Inherited from UIElement. |
IsManipulationEnabledProperty static | Identifies the IsManipulationEnabled dependency property. Inherited from UIElement. |
IsMouseCapturedProperty static | Identifies the IsMouseCaptured dependency property. Inherited from UIElement. |
IsMouseCaptureWithinProperty static | Identifies the IsMouseCaptureWithin dependency property. Inherited from UIElement. |
IsMouseDirectlyOverProperty static | Identifies the IsMouseDirectlyOver dependency property. Inherited from UIElement. |
IsMouseOverProperty static | Identifies the IsMouseOver dependency property. Inherited from UIElement. |
IsNullTextVisibleProperty static | Identifies the BaseEdit.IsNullTextVisible dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
IsPopupOpenProperty static | Identifies the PopupBaseEdit.IsPopupOpen dependency property. Inherited from PopupBaseEdit. |
IsPrintingModeProperty static | Identifies the BaseEdit.IsPrintingMode dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
IsReadOnlyProperty static | Identifies the BaseEdit.IsReadOnly dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
IsStylusCapturedProperty static | Identifies the IsStylusCaptured dependency property. Inherited from UIElement. |
IsStylusCaptureWithinProperty static | Identifies the IsStylusCaptureWithin dependency property. Inherited from UIElement. |
IsStylusDirectlyOverProperty static | Identifies the IsStylusDirectlyOver dependency property. Inherited from UIElement. |
IsStylusOverProperty static | Identifies the IsStylusOver dependency property. Inherited from UIElement. |
IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItemProperty static | Identifies the LookUpEditBase.IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem dependency property. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
IsTabStopProperty static | Identifies the IsTabStop dependency property. Inherited from Control. |
IsTextEditableProperty static | Identifies the ButtonEdit.IsTextEditable dependency property. Inherited from ButtonEdit. |
IsTokenModeProperty static | Identifies the LookUpEditBase.IsTokenMode dependency property. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
IsVisibleProperty static | Identifies the IsVisible dependency property. Inherited from UIElement. |
ItemContainerStyleProperty static | Identifies the LookUpEditBase.ItemContainerStyle dependency property. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
ItemsPanelProperty static | Identifies the LookUpEditBase.ItemsPanel dependency property. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
ItemsSourceChangedEvent static | Identifies the ItemsSourceChanged routed event. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
ItemsSourceProperty static | Identifies the LookUpEditBase.ItemsSource dependency property. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
ItemTemplateProperty static | Identifies the LookUpEditBase.ItemTemplate dependency property. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
ItemTemplateSelectorProperty static | Identifies the LookUpEditBase.ItemTemplateSelector dependency property. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
KeyDownEvent static | Identifies the KeyDown routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
KeyUpEvent static | Identifies the KeyUp routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
LabelAtTopProperty static | Identifies the LabelAtTop dependency property. Inherited from TextEditBase. |
LabelProperty static | Identifies the Label dependency property. Inherited from TextEditBase. |
LanguageProperty static | Identifies the Language dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement. |
LayoutTransformProperty static | Identifies the LayoutTransform dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement. |
LeftButtonsProperty static | Identifies the ButtonEdit.LeftButtons dependency property. Inherited from ButtonEdit. |
LoadedEvent static | Identifies the Loaded routed event. Inherited from FrameworkElement. |
LostFocusEvent static | Identifies the LostFocus routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
LostKeyboardFocusEvent static | Identifies the LostKeyboardFocus routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
LostMouseCaptureEvent static | Identifies the LostMouseCapture routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
LostStylusCaptureEvent static | Identifies the LostStylusCapture routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
LostTouchCaptureEvent static | Identifies the LostTouchCapture routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
ManipulationBoundaryFeedbackEvent static | Identifies the ManipulationBoundaryFeedback event. Inherited from UIElement. |
ManipulationCompletedEvent static | Identifies the ManipulationCompleted routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
ManipulationDeltaEvent static | Identifies the ManipulationDelta routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
ManipulationInertiaStartingEvent static | Identifies the ManipulationInertiaStarting routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
ManipulationStartedEvent static | Identifies the ManipulationStarted routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
ManipulationStartingEvent static | Identifies the ManipulationStarting routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
MarginProperty static | Identifies the Margin dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement. |
MaskAutoCompleteProperty static | Identifies the TextEdit.MaskAutoComplete dependency property. Inherited from TextEdit. |
MaskBeepOnErrorProperty static | Identifies the TextEdit.MaskBeepOnError dependency property. Inherited from TextEdit. |
MaskCultureProperty static | Identifies the TextEdit.MaskCulture dependency property. Inherited from TextEdit. |
MaskIgnoreBlankProperty static | Identifies the TextEdit.MaskIgnoreBlank dependency property. Inherited from TextEdit. |
MaskPlaceHolderProperty static | Identifies the TextEdit.MaskPlaceHolder dependency property. Inherited from TextEdit. |
MaskProperty static | Identifies the TextEdit.Mask dependency property. Inherited from TextEdit. |
MaskSaveLiteralProperty static | Identifies the TextEdit.MaskSaveLiteral dependency property. Inherited from TextEdit. |
MaskShowPlaceHoldersProperty static | Identifies the TextEdit.MaskShowPlaceHolders dependency property. Inherited from TextEdit. |
MaskTypeProperty static | Identifies the TextEdit.MaskType dependency property. Inherited from TextEdit. |
MaskUseAsDisplayFormatProperty static | Identifies the TextEdit.MaskUseAsDisplayFormat dependency property. Inherited from TextEdit. |
MaxHeightProperty static | Identifies the MaxHeight dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement. |
MaxLengthProperty static | Identifies the TextEditBase.MaxLength dependency property. Inherited from TextEditBase. |
MaxWidthProperty static | Identifies the MaxWidth dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement. |
MinHeightProperty static | Identifies the MinHeight dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement. |
MinWidthProperty static | Identifies the MinWidth dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement. |
MouseDoubleClickEvent static | Identifies the MouseDoubleClick routed event. Inherited from Control. |
MouseDownEvent static | Identifies the MouseDown routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
MouseEnterEvent static | Identifies the MouseEnter routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
MouseLeaveEvent static | Identifies the MouseLeave routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
MouseLeftButtonDownEvent static | Identifies the MouseLeftButtonDown routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
MouseLeftButtonUpEvent static | Identifies the MouseLeftButtonUp routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
MouseMoveEvent static | Identifies the MouseMove routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
MouseRightButtonDownEvent static | Identifies the MouseRightButtonDown routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
MouseRightButtonUpEvent static | Identifies the MouseRightButtonUp routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
MouseUpEvent static | Identifies the MouseUp routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
MouseWheelEvent static | Identifies the MouseWheel routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
NameProperty static | Identifies the Name dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement. |
NullTextForegroundProperty static | Identifies the TextEditBase.NullTextForeground dependency property. Inherited from TextEditBase. |
NullTextProperty static | Identifies the BaseEdit.NullText dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
NullValueButtonPlacementProperty static | Identifies the ButtonEdit.NullValueButtonPlacement dependency property. Inherited from ButtonEdit. |
NullValueProperty static | Identifies the BaseEdit.NullValue dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
OpacityMaskProperty static | Identifies the OpacityMask dependency property. Inherited from UIElement. |
OpacityProperty static | Identifies the Opacity dependency property. Inherited from UIElement. |
OverridesDefaultStyleProperty static | Identifies the OverridesDefaultStyle dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement. |
OwnerEditProperty static | Identifies the BaseEdit.OwnerEdit attached property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
PaddingProperty static | Identifies the Padding dependency property. Inherited from Control. |
PopupBottomAreaTemplateProperty static | Identifies the PopupBaseEdit.PopupBottomAreaTemplate dependency property. Inherited from PopupBaseEdit. |
PopupClosedEvent static | Identifies the PopupBaseEdit.PopupClosed routed event. Inherited from PopupBaseEdit. |
PopupClosingEvent static | Identifies the PopupBaseEdit.PopupClosing routed event. Inherited from PopupBaseEdit. |
PopupContentContainerTemplateProperty static | Identifies the PopupBaseEdit.PopupContentContainerTemplate dependency property. Inherited from PopupBaseEdit. |
PopupContentSelectionChangedEvent static | Identifies the LookUpEditBase.PopupContentSelectionChanged routed event. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
PopupContentTemplateProperty static | Identifies the PopupBaseEdit.PopupContentTemplate dependency property. Inherited from PopupBaseEdit. |
PopupFooterButtonsProperty static | Identifies the PopupBaseEdit.PopupFooterButtons dependency property. Inherited from PopupBaseEdit. |
PopupHeightProperty static | Identifies the PopupBaseEdit.PopupHeight dependency property. Inherited from PopupBaseEdit. |
PopupMaxHeightProperty static | Identifies the PopupBaseEdit.PopupMaxHeight dependency property. Inherited from PopupBaseEdit. |
PopupMaxWidthProperty static | Identifies the PopupBaseEdit.PopupMaxWidth dependency property. Inherited from PopupBaseEdit. |
PopupMinHeightProperty static | Identifies the PopupBaseEdit.PopupMinHeight dependency property. Inherited from PopupBaseEdit. |
PopupMinWidthProperty static | Identifies the PopupBaseEdit.PopupMinWidth dependency property. Inherited from PopupBaseEdit. |
PopupOpenedEvent static | Identifies the PopupBaseEdit.PopupOpened routed event. Inherited from PopupBaseEdit. |
PopupOpeningEvent static | Identifies the PopupBaseEdit.PopupOpening routed event. Inherited from PopupBaseEdit. |
PopupOwnerEditProperty static | Identifies the PopupBaseEdit.PopupOwnerEdit attached property. Inherited from PopupBaseEdit. |
PopupTemplateProperty static | Identifies the PopupBaseEdit.PopupTemplate dependency property. Inherited from PopupBaseEdit. |
PopupTopAreaTemplateProperty static | Identifies the PopupBaseEdit.PopupTopAreaTemplate dependency property. Inherited from PopupBaseEdit. |
PopupWidthProperty static | Identifies the PopupBaseEdit.PopupWidth dependency property. Inherited from PopupBaseEdit. |
PreviewDragEnterEvent static | Identifies the PreviewDragEnter routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
PreviewDragLeaveEvent static | Identifies the PreviewDragLeave routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
PreviewDragOverEvent static | Identifies the PreviewDragOver routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
PreviewDropEvent static | Identifies the PreviewDrop routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
PreviewGiveFeedbackEvent static | Identifies the PreviewGiveFeedback routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
PreviewGotKeyboardFocusEvent static | Identifies the PreviewGotKeyboardFocus routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
PreviewKeyDownEvent static | Identifies the PreviewKeyDown routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
PreviewKeyUpEvent static | Identifies the PreviewKeyUp routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
PreviewLostKeyboardFocusEvent static | Identifies the PreviewLostKeyboardFocus routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
PreviewMouseDoubleClickEvent static | Identifies the PreviewMouseDoubleClick routed event. Inherited from Control. |
PreviewMouseDownEvent static | Identifies the PreviewMouseDown routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
PreviewMouseLeftButtonDownEvent static | Identifies the PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
PreviewMouseLeftButtonUpEvent static | Identifies the PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
PreviewMouseMoveEvent static | Identifies the PreviewMouseMove routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
PreviewMouseRightButtonDownEvent static | Identifies the PreviewMouseRightButtonDown routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
PreviewMouseRightButtonUpEvent static | Identifies the PreviewMouseRightButtonUp routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
PreviewMouseUpEvent static | Identifies the PreviewMouseUp routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
PreviewMouseWheelEvent static | Identifies the PreviewMouseWheel routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
PreviewQueryContinueDragEvent static | Identifies the PreviewQueryContinueDrag routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
PreviewStylusButtonDownEvent static | Identifies the PreviewStylusButtonDown routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
PreviewStylusButtonUpEvent static | Identifies the PreviewStylusButtonUp routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
PreviewStylusDownEvent static | Identifies the PreviewStylusDown routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
PreviewStylusInAirMoveEvent static | Identifies the PreviewStylusInAirMove routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
PreviewStylusInRangeEvent static | Identifies the PreviewStylusInRange routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
PreviewStylusMoveEvent static | Identifies the PreviewStylusMove routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
PreviewStylusOutOfRangeEvent static | Identifies the PreviewStylusOutOfRange routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
PreviewStylusSystemGestureEvent static | Identifies the PreviewStylusSystemGesture routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
PreviewStylusUpEvent static | Identifies the PreviewStylusUp routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
PreviewTextInputEvent static | Identifies the PreviewTextInput routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
PreviewTouchDownEvent static | Identifies the PreviewTouchDown routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
PreviewTouchMoveEvent static | Identifies the PreviewTouchMove routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
PreviewTouchUpEvent static | Identifies the PreviewTouchUp routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
PrintTextWrappingProperty static | Identifies the TextEditBase.PrintTextWrapping dependency property. Inherited from TextEditBase. |
ProcessNewValueEvent static | Identifies the LookUpEditBase.ProcessNewValue routed event. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
QueryContinueDragEvent static | Identifies the QueryContinueDrag routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
QueryCursorEvent static | Identifies the QueryCursor routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
RenderTransformOriginProperty static | Identifies the RenderTransformOrigin dependency property. Inherited from UIElement. |
RenderTransformProperty static | Identifies the RenderTransform dependency property. Inherited from UIElement. |
RequestBringIntoViewEvent static | Identifies the RequestBringIntoView routed event. Inherited from FrameworkElement. |
RightButtonsProperty static | Identifies the ButtonEdit.RightButtons dependency property. Inherited from ButtonEdit. |
ScrollUnitProperty static | Identifies the ComboBoxEdit.ScrollUnit dependency property. Inherited from ComboBoxEdit. |
SelectAllOnAcceptPopupProperty static | Identifies the LookUpEditBase.SelectAllOnAcceptPopup dependency property. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
SelectAllOnGotFocusProperty static | Identifies the TextEditBase.SelectAllOnGotFocus dependency property. Inherited from TextEditBase. |
SelectAllOnMouseUpProperty static | Identifies the TextEditBase.SelectAllOnMouseUp dependency property. Inherited from TextEditBase. |
SelectedIndexChangedEvent static | Identifies the LookUpEditBase.SelectedIndexChanged routed event. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
SelectedIndexProperty static | Identifies the LookUpEditBase.SelectedIndex dependency property. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
SelectedItemProperty static | Identifies the LookUpEditBase.SelectedItem dependency property. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
SelectedItemsProperty static | Identifies the LookUpEditBase.SelectedItems dependency property. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
SelectedItemValueProperty static | Identifies the LookUpEditBase.SelectedItemValue dependency property. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
SelectionBrushProperty static | Identifies the SelectionBrush dependency property. Inherited from TextEditBase. |
SelectionOpacityProperty static | Identifies the SelectionOpacity dependency property. Inherited from TextEditBase. |
SelectItemWithNullValueProperty static | Identifies the LookUpEditBase.SelectItemWithNullValue dependency property. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
SeparatorStringProperty static | Identifies the LookUpEditBase.SeparatorString dependency property. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
ShouldDisableExcessiveUpdatesInInplaceInactiveModeProperty static | Identifies the BaseEdit.ShouldDisableExcessiveUpdatesInInplaceInactiveMode dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
ShowBorderInInplaceModeProperty static | Identifies the BaseEdit.ShowBorderInInplaceMode dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
ShowBorderProperty static | Identifies the BaseEdit.ShowBorder dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
ShowCustomItemsProperty static | Identifies the ComboBoxEdit.ShowCustomItems dependency property. Inherited from ComboBoxEdit. |
ShowEditorButtonsProperty static | Identifies the ButtonEdit.ShowEditorButtons dependency property. Inherited from ButtonEdit. |
ShowEditorWaitIndicatorProperty static | Identifies the LookUpEditBase.ShowEditorWaitIndicator dependency property. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
ShowErrorProperty static | Identifies the BaseEdit.ShowError dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
ShowErrorToolTipProperty static | Identifies the BaseEdit.ShowErrorToolTip dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
ShowNullTextForEmptyValueProperty static | Identifies the BaseEdit.ShowNullTextForEmptyValue dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
ShowNullTextIfFocusedProperty static | Identifies the ShowNullTextIfFocused dependency property. Inherited from TextEdit. |
ShowNullTextProperty static | Identifies the BaseEdit.ShowNullText dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
ShowNullValueButtonOnFocusOnlyProperty static | Identifies the ButtonEdit.ShowNullValueButtonOnFocusOnly dependency property. Inherited from ButtonEdit. |
ShowPopupIfItemsSourceEmptyProperty static | Identifies the ComboBoxEdit.ShowPopupIfItemsSourceEmpty dependency property. Inherited from ComboBoxEdit. |
ShowPopupIfReadOnlyProperty static | Identifies the ShowPopupIfReadOnly dependency property. Inherited from PopupBaseEdit. |
ShowPopupWaitIndicatorProperty static | Identifies the LookUpEditBase.ShowPopupWaitIndicator dependency property. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
ShowSizeGripProperty static | Identifies the PopupBaseEdit.ShowSizeGrip dependency property. Inherited from PopupBaseEdit. |
ShowTextProperty static | Identifies the ButtonEdit.ShowText dependency property. Inherited from ButtonEdit. |
ShowTooltipForTrimmedTextProperty static | Identifies the TextEditBase.ShowTooltipForTrimmedText dependency property. Inherited from TextEditBase. |
SizeChangedEvent static | Identifies the SizeChanged routed event. Inherited from FrameworkElement. |
SnapsToDevicePixelsProperty static | Identifies the SnapsToDevicePixels dependency property. Inherited from UIElement. |
SortedButtonsProperty static | Identifies the ButtonEdit.SortedButtons dependency property. Inherited from ButtonEdit. |
SpinEvent static | Identifies the TextEdit.Spin routed event. Inherited from TextEdit. |
StaysPopupOpenProperty static | Identifies the PopupBaseEdit.StaysPopupOpen dependency property. Inherited from PopupBaseEdit. |
StyleProperty static | Identifies the Style dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement. |
StyleSettingsProperty static | Identifies the BaseEdit.StyleSettings dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
StylusButtonDownEvent static | Identifies the StylusButtonDown routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
StylusButtonUpEvent static | Identifies the StylusButtonUp routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
StylusDownEvent static | Identifies the StylusDown routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
StylusEnterEvent static | Identifies the StylusEnter routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
StylusInAirMoveEvent static | Identifies the StylusInAirMove routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
StylusInRangeEvent static | Identifies the StylusInRange routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
StylusLeaveEvent static | Identifies the StylusLeave routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
StylusMoveEvent static | Identifies the StylusMove routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
StylusOutOfRangeEvent static | Identifies the StylusOutOfRange routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
StylusSystemGestureEvent static | Identifies the StylusSystemGesture routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
StylusUpEvent static | Identifies the StylusUp routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
TabIndexProperty static | Identifies the TabIndex dependency property. Inherited from Control. |
TagProperty static | Identifies the Tag dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement. |
TemplateProperty static | Identifies the Template dependency property. Inherited from Control. |
TextDecorationsProperty static | Identifies the TextEdit.TextDecorations dependency property. Inherited from TextEdit. |
TextInputEvent static | Identifies the TextInput routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
TextInputSettingsProperty static | Identifies the TextEditBase.TextInputSettings dependency property. Inherited from TextEditBase. |
TextProperty static | Identifies the TextEditBase.Text dependency property. Inherited from TextEditBase. |
TextSearchTimeOut static | A delay after which the next character input will be processed as a new search request while incremental filtering. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
TextTrimmingProperty static | Identifies the TextEditBase.TextTrimming dependency property. Inherited from TextEditBase. |
TextWrappingProperty static | Identifies the TextEditBase.TextWrapping dependency property. Inherited from TextEditBase. |
ToolTipClosingEvent static | Identifies the ToolTipClosing routed event. Inherited from FrameworkElement. |
ToolTipOpeningEvent static | Identifies the ToolTipOpening routed event. Inherited from FrameworkElement. |
ToolTipProperty static | Identifies the ToolTip dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement. |
TouchDownEvent static | Identifies the TouchDown routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
TouchEnterEvent static | Identifies the TouchEnter routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
TouchLeaveEvent static | Identifies the TouchLeave routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
TouchMoveEvent static | Identifies the TouchMove routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
TouchUpEvent static | Identifies the TouchUp routed event. Inherited from UIElement. |
TrimmedTextToolTipContentTemplateProperty static | Identifies the BaseEdit.TrimmedTextToolTipContentTemplate dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
UidProperty static | Identifies the Uid dependency property. Inherited from UIElement. |
UnloadedEvent static | Identifies the Unloaded routed event. Inherited from FrameworkElement. |
UseLayoutRoundingProperty static | Identifies the UseLayoutRounding dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement. |
ValidateEvent static | Identifies the BaseEdit.Validate routed event. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
ValidateOnEnterKeyPressedProperty static | Identifies the BaseEdit.ValidateOnEnterKeyPressed dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
ValidateOnTextInputProperty static | Identifies the BaseEdit.ValidateOnTextInput dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
ValidationErrorProperty static | Identifies the BaseEdit.ValidationError dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
ValidationErrorTemplateProperty static | Identifies the BaseEdit.ValidationErrorTemplate dependency property. Inherited from BaseEdit. |
ValueMemberProperty static | Identifies the LookUpEditBase.ValueMember dependency property. Inherited from LookUpEditBase. |
VerticalAlignmentProperty static | Identifies the VerticalAlignment dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement. |
VerticalContentAlignmentProperty static | Identifies the VerticalContentAlignment dependency property. Inherited from Control. |
VerticalScrollBarVisibilityProperty static | Identifies the TextEditBase.VerticalScrollBarVisibility dependency property. Inherited from TextEditBase. |
VisibilityProperty static | Identifies the Visibility dependency property. Inherited from UIElement. |
WidthProperty static | Identifies the Width dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement. |
See Also