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ToggleSwitch Class

Represents a toggle switch.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Editors

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Core.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Core


public class ToggleSwitch :


The ToggleSwitch control consists of a toggle switch and a content area.

ToggleSwitch visual elements


The ToggleSwitch content is specified by the ToggleSwitch.CheckedStateContent, ToggleSwitch.UncheckedStateContent, and ToggleSwitch.UndefinedStateContent properties. The ToggleSwitch.ContentPlacement property specifies the position of the content area within the control.

ToggleSwitch State

The ToggleSwitch control supports three states (checked, unchecked and indeterminate) if its ToggleSwitch.IsThreeState property is set to true. Otherwise, the control works with the checked and unchecked states only.

The ToggleSwitch.IsChecked property specifies the editor’s state. The toggle switch editor fires the following events when its state changes.

Optional Toggle Flip Animation

Set the ToggleSwitch.EnableAnimation property to false to disable toggle flip animation.


The ToggleSwitch control is designed to be used in standalone mode.

The ToggleSwitchEdit control is designed for use in templates (for example, in the GridControl‘s CellTemplate), and uses the ToggleSwitch control within it. You can also use the ToggleSwitchEdit control as a standalone control.

Appearance Customization

You can use the following properties to customize ToggleSwitch appearances:

Property Description
CornerRadius Gets or sets the ToggleSwitch’s corner radius. This is a dependency property.
CheckedStateContent Gets or sets the content that is displayed when the toggle switch is in the checked state. This is a dependency property.
UncheckedStateContent Gets or sets the content that is displayed when the toggle switch is in the unchecked state.
CheckedStateBackground Gets or sets the background brush of the CheckEdit, ToggleSwitch, or ToggleSwitchEdit when the editor is checked. This is an attached property.
CheckedStateBorderBrush Gets or sets the border brush of the CheckEdit, ToggleSwitch, or ToggleSwitchEdit when the editor is checked. This is an attached property.
BorderBrush Gets or sets a brush that describes the border background of a control.
BorderThickness Gets or sets the border thickness of a control.
ToggleSwitchHeight Gets or sets the height of the toggle switch. This is a dependency property.
ToggleSwitchWidth Gets or sets the width of the toggle switch. This is a dependency property.


Refer to the following topic for more information: Appearance Customization


See Also