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TileView Methods

Displays records as tiles, using one of the following layout modes: default (standard table layout), list (tiles have no space between them), and Kanban. This View includes the Tile Template feature, which helps you arrange fields relative to other fields, specify absolute or relative field display bounds, etc. In-place editors are supported when you use HTML-based templates.
Name Description
AddDesignItem() This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
AddNewRow() Adds a new record. Inherited from ColumnView.
ApplyColumnsFilter() Enables the filtering functionality. Inherited from ColumnView.
ApplyFindFilter(String) Fills in the Find Panel with the specified query and applies it. Inherited from ColumnView.
Assign(BaseView, Boolean) Clones all available settings from the target view to this TileView object.
AssignTileTable(TileViewTemplateItem) Clones all available table layout settings from the specified template item to the current View’s template item.
AssignTileTemplate(TileItemElementCollection) Generates a tile item template from the target element collection.
BeginDataUpdate() Prevents visual and internal data updates until the BaseView.EndDataUpdate method is called. Inherited from ColumnView.
BeginInit() Begins the runtime initialization of this TileView.
BeginSelection() Prevents selection updates until the BaseView.EndSelection or the BaseView.CancelSelection method is called. Inherited from BaseView.
BeginSort() Prevents visual and internal data updates until the ColumnView.EndSort method is called. Inherited from ColumnView.
BeginUpdate() Locks the BaseView object by preventing visual updates of the object and its elements until the EndUpdate method is called. Inherited from BaseView.
BindCommand(Expression<Action>, Object, String, Func<Object>) Uses the command selector to find an appropriate parameterized MVVM command in the source, and binds this command to the target HTML element.
BindCommand(Object, String, Func<Object>) Binds the specific parameterized MVVM command to an HTML element.
BindCommand<T>(Expression<Action<T>>, Object, String, Func<T>) Uses the command selector to find an appropriate parameterized MVVM command of the target type in the source, and binds this command to the target HTML element.
CalcColumnBestWidth(GridColumn) Returns the minimum width that the specified column needs to display its contents completely. Inherited from ColumnView.
CalcHitInfo(Point) Returns the hit info for the target location.
CalcHitInfo(Int32, Int32) Returns information about the View elements located at the specified point. Inherited from BaseView.
CancelSelection() Enables selection updates after the BaseView.BeginSelection method call, but doesn’t force an immediate update. Inherited from BaseView.
CancelUpdateCurrentRow() Cancels changes made to focused row cells. Inherited from ColumnView.
CanGroupColumn(GridColumn) Checks whether or not the current TileView can be grouped against a specific GridColumn.
CanResizeColumn(GridColumn) Indicates whether end-users can resize a specific column by dragging its right edge. Inherited from ColumnView.
CanSortColumn(GridColumn) Indicates whether end-users can sort data by the specified column’s values. Inherited from ColumnView.
CheckLoaded() Forces the grid control to finish its initialization. Inherited from BaseView.
ClearColumnErrors() Removes error descriptions for the focused row. Inherited from ColumnView.
ClearColumnsFilter() Removes any filter conditions applied to the View’s columns. Inherited from ColumnView.
ClearDocument() Clears a previously generated document for printing/exporting. Inherited from BaseView.
ClearFindFilter() Discards the query in the Find Panel. Inherited from ColumnView.
ClearImageLoader() This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ClearSelection() Unselects any selected rows in the current View when multiple row selection is in effect. Inherited from ColumnView.
ClearSorting() Clears sorting applied to the View. Inherited from ColumnView.
CloseEditor() Hides the active editor saving changes made. Inherited from BaseView.
Connect(Object) Connects the View to the specified object. Inherited from BaseView.
ConvertFormatConditionToFormatRules() Converts objects from the BaseView.FormatConditions collection to GridFormatRule objects and adds them to the ColumnView.FormatRules collection. Inherited from ColumnView.
CopyToClipboard() Copies the selected record(s) to the Clipboard as text. Inherited from BaseView.
CreateDocument() Creates a print/export document from the View’s data. Inherited from BaseView.
CreateExportLink(IExportProvider) Returns an object that enables you to export a View’s data in a number of different formats. Inherited from BaseView.
CreateItem() This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
CreateObjRef(Type) Creates an object that contains all the relevant information required to generate a proxy used to communicate with a remote object. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
DeleteRow(Int32) Deletes a data record or group row (in Grid Views) from the View. Also removes the corresponding row from a data source. Inherited from ColumnView.
DeleteSelectedRows() Deletes the selected rows/cards in multiple selection mode or focused row/card in single selection mode. Inherited from ColumnView.
Disconnect(Object) Removes the connection between the View and the specified object. Inherited from BaseView.
Dispose() Releases all resources used by the Component. Inherited from Component.
EndDataUpdate() Enables visual and internal data updates after the BaseView.BeginDataUpdate method call, and forces an immediate View update. Inherited from BaseView.
EndInit() Finishes the runtime initialization of the TileView.
EndSelection() Enables selection updates after calling the BaseView.BeginSelection method and forces an immediate update. Inherited from BaseView.
EndSort() Enables visual and internal data updates after the ColumnView.BeginSort method call, and forces an immediate View update. Inherited from ColumnView.
EndUpdate() Unlocks the BaseView object after a call to the BeginUpdate method and causes an immediate visual update. Inherited from BaseView.
EnsureRowLoaded(Int32, OperationCompleted) Loads a row (if it is not already loaded) and calls your callback method after that. This method is in effect in Instant Feedback Mode. Inherited from ColumnView.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
Export(ExportTarget, Stream, ExportOptionsBase) Exports the data displayed by the GridControl.DefaultView (the GridControl.MainView or the currently maximized detail View) in the specified format to a stream, using the specified options. Inherited from BaseView.
Export(ExportTarget, Stream) Exports the data displayed by the GridControl.DefaultView (the GridControl.MainView or the currently maximized detail View) in the specified format to a stream. Inherited from BaseView.
Export(ExportTarget, String, ExportOptionsBase) Exports the data displayed by the GridControl.DefaultView (the GridControl.MainView or the currently maximized detail View) in the specified format to a file, using the specified options. Inherited from BaseView.
Export(ExportTarget, String) Exports the data displayed by the GridControl.DefaultView (the GridControl.MainView or the currently maximized detail View) in the specified format to a file. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToCsv(Stream, CsvExportOptions) Exports the control’s data to the specified stream in CSV format using the specified options. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToCsv(Stream) Exports the control’s data to the specified stream in CSV format. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToCsv(String, CsvExportOptions) Exports the control’s data to the specified file in CSV format using the specified options. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToCsv(String) Exports the control’s data to the specified file in CSV format. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToDocx(Stream, DocxExportOptions) Exports the view’s data in the Office Open XML format (DOCX file) and sends it to the specified stream. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToDocx(Stream) Exports the view’s data in the Office Open XML file format (DOCX file) and sends it to the specified stream. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToDocx(String, DocxExportOptions) Exports the view’s data in the Office Open XML format and saves it to the specified DOCX file. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToDocx(String) Exports the view’s data in the Office Open XML file format and saves it to the specified DOCX file. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToExcelOld(String) Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in MS Excel format. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToHtml(Stream, HtmlExportOptions) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified stream in HTML format using the specified options. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToHtml(Stream, String, String, Boolean) Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a stream in HTML format using the specified character encoding, with the specified title. The output file can be compressed (secondary characters e.g. spaces are removed) if required. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToHtml(Stream) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a stream in HTML format. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToHtml(String, HtmlExportOptions) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in HTML format using the specified options. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToHtml(String, String, String, Boolean) Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified HTML file with the specified title, using the specified character encoding. The output file can be compressed (secondary characters e.g. spaces are removed) if required. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToHtml(String, String) Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to an HTML file using the specified character encoding. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToHtml(String) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in HTML format. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToHtmlOld(String) Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in HTML format. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToMht(Stream, MhtExportOptions) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified stream in MHT format using the specified options. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToMht(Stream, String, String, Boolean) Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a stream in MHT format using the specified character encoding, with the specified title. The output file can be compressed (secondary characters e.g. spaces are removed) if required. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToMht(String, MhtExportOptions) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in MHT format using the specified options. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToMht(String, String, String, Boolean) Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in MHT format using the specified character encoding, with the specified title. The output file can be compressed (secondary characters e.g. spaces are removed) if required. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToMht(String, String) Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in MHT format using the specified character encoding. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToMht(String) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in MHT format. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToPdf(Stream) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a stream in PDF format. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToPdf(String, PdfExportOptions) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in PDF format. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToPdf(String) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in PDF format. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToRtf(Stream, RtfExportOptions) Exports the view’s data to a stream in RTF format. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToRtf(Stream) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a stream in RTF format. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToRtf(String, RtfExportOptions) Exports the view’s data to a file in RTF format. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToRtf(String) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a file in RTF format. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToText(Stream, TextExportOptions) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified stream in Text format using the specified options. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToText(Stream, String, Boolean, Encoding) Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a stream in TXT format using the specified separator string, quotation and text encoding settings. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToText(Stream, String, Boolean) Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a stream in TXT format using the specified separator string and quotation settings. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToText(Stream, String) Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a stream in TXT format using the specified separator string. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToText(Stream) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a stream in TXT format. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToText(String, TextExportOptions) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in Text format using the specified options. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToText(String, String, Boolean, Encoding) Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a file in TXT format using the specified separator string, quotation and text encoding settings. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToText(String, String, Boolean) Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a file in TXT format using the specified separator string and quotation settings. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToText(String, String) Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a file in TXT format using the specified separator string. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToText(String) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in TXT format. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToTextOld(String) Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in TXT format. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToXls(Stream, XlsExportOptions) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified stream in XLS format using the specified options. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToXls(Stream, Boolean) Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a stream in XLS format with the specified formatting settings. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToXls(Stream) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a stream in XLS format Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToXls(String, XlsExportOptions) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in XLS format using the specified options. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToXls(String, Boolean) Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a file in XLS format with the specified formatting settings. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToXls(String) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a file in XLS format. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToXlsx(Stream, XlsxExportOptions) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified stream in XLSX (MS Excel 2007) format using the specified options. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToXlsx(Stream) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified stream in XLSX (MS Excel 2007) format. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToXlsx(String, XlsxExportOptions) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in XLSX (MS Excel 2007) format using the specified options. Inherited from BaseView.
ExportToXlsx(String) Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in XLSX (MS Excel 2007) format. Inherited from BaseView.
FindRow(Object) Searches for the target data row within this ColumnView. Inherited from ColumnView.
Focus() Focuses the Grid Control and current View within it. Inherited from BaseView.
FocusInvalidRow() Allows you to temporarily hide the row focus. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetCheckedRows() Returns the array of row handles for data rows whose related tiles are currently checked.
GetChildRowCount(KanbanGroup) Returns the number of tiles in the specified KanbanGroup.
GetChildRowCount(Int32) Returns the number of tiles in the group with the specified unique identifier.
GetChildRowCount(Object) Returns the number of tiles in a group identified by its group value.
GetChildRowHandle(Int32, Int32) Returns a unique identifier of the tile at the specified position in the group with the specified handle.
GetColumnError(GridColumn) Gets the error description for a specific cell or the entire focused row. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetColumnErrorType(GridColumn) Gets the type of the error associated with the specified cell in the currently focused row. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetColumnHeaderBestWidth(GridColumn) Returns the column header width that allows the content to be displayed in its entirety. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetDataRow(Int32) Returns a DataRow in the bound DataTable that contains data for the specified grid row. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetDataSourceRowIndex(Int32) Returns the index of the data source record that corresponds to the specified row handle. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetDisplayTextByColumnValue(GridColumn, Object) Formats a value according to the specified column’s format settings. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetFilterDisplayText(CriteriaOperator) Returns the textual representation of the specified CriteriaOperator object. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetFilterDisplayText(ViewFilter) Returns the textual representation of the specified filter. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetFocusedDataRow() Returns a DataRow in the bound DataTable that contains data for the focused grid row. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetFocusedDataSourceRowIndex() Returns the index of the data source record that corresponds to the focused grid row (card). Inherited from ColumnView.
GetFocusedDisplayText() Returns the focused cell’s display value. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetFocusedRow() Returns an Object in the bound data source that contains data for the focused grid row. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetFocusedRowCellDisplayText(GridColumn) Returns the text displayed in the specified column within the focused row. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetFocusedRowCellDisplayText(String) Gets the display value of the specified cell in the focused row. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetFocusedRowCellValue(GridColumn) Returns the specified column’s edit value within the focused row. Returns null if the column is not found. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetFocusedRowCellValue(String) Returns the edit value of the specified cell within the focused row. Returns null if a column with such field name is not found. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetFocusedValue() Returns the focused cell’s value. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetIncrementalText() Returns the text being searched during an incremental search. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetKanbanGroupByValue(Object) Returns a KanbanGroup that has the specified group value.
GetLifetimeService() Retrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
GetListSourceRow(Int32) Inherited from ColumnView.
GetListSourceRowCellValue(Int32, GridColumn) Returns the value of the specified cell, which is identified by a column and the index of a record in the data source. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetListSourceRowCellValue(Int32, String) Returns the value of the specified cell, which is identified by a field name and the index of a record in the data source. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetNearestCanFocusedColumn(GridColumn) Returns the nearest column to the specified one that can be focused. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetNextVisibleRow(Int32) Returns the visible index of the row that follows a specific row. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetParentRowHandle(Int32) Returns the unique identifier of the group to which the tile with the specified identifier belongs.
GetPrevVisibleRow(Int32) Gets the visible index of the row that is located prior to the specified row. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetRow(Int32) Returns an Object in the bound data source that contains data for the specified grid row. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetRowCellDisplayText(Int32, GridColumn) Returns a specific cell’s display value from the current View. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetRowCellDisplayText(Int32, String) Gets the display value of the specified cell. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetRowCellValue(Int32, GridColumn) Returns a specific cell value from the current View. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetRowCellValue(Int32, String) Gets the value of the specified cell in the grid’s data source. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetRowHandle(Int32) Returns the handle of the row which represents the specified record in the data source. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetSelectedRows() Returns handles of the selected rows (or cards). Inherited from ColumnView.
GetService(Type) protected Returns an object that represents a service provided by the Component or by its Container. Inherited from Component.
GetShowEditorMode() Returns a value that specifies how an in-place editor is activated for a grid cell. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetShowEditorMode(Int32) This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
GetViewCaption() Gets the View’s display caption. Inherited from BaseView.
GetViewInfo() Returns an object containing the internal information used to render the view.
GetVisibleColumn(Int32) Returns the column displayed at a specific position. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetVisibleIndex(Int32) Returns the visible index of the row specified by its handle. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetVisibleRowHandle(Int32) Returns the handle of the row which is displayed at the specified position. Inherited from ColumnView.
HideEditForm() Closes the currently displayed Edit Form.
HideEditor() Closes the currently active inplace editor discarding changes made to the edited value. Inherited from ColumnView.
HideFindPanel() Hides the Find Panel. Inherited from ColumnView.
InitializeLifetimeService() Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
Invalidate() Invalidates the region occupied by the current View (adds it to the control’s update region that will be repainted during the next paint operation), and causes a paint message to be sent to the grid control. Inherited from BaseView.
InvalidateHitObject(BaseHitInfo) Invalidates the View element located at the point specified by the hit information object. Inherited from BaseView.
InvalidateRect(Rectangle) Invalidates the specified region of a View (adds it to the control’s update region, which will be repainted during the next paint operation), and causes a paint message to be sent to the grid control. Inherited from BaseView.
InvertRowSelection(Int32) Toggles the specified row’s selected state. Inherited from ColumnView.
IsDataRow(Int32) Indicates whether the specified record is a regular data row/card. Inherited from ColumnView.
IsGroupRow(Int32) Returns whether the specified handle corresponds to a group of tiles.
IsImageColumn(TileViewColumn) Gets whether the specified column displays images using the PictureEdit.
IsNewItemRow(Int32) Indicates whether the specified row/card is the New Item Row/Card. Inherited from ColumnView.
IsRowLoaded(Int32) Gets whether the specified row’s data has been loaded (in Instant Feedback Mode). Inherited from ColumnView.
IsRowSelected(Int32) Indicates whether the specified row is selected. Inherited from ColumnView.
IsTileVisible(Int32) Returns whether the tile with the specified handle is completely or partially visible, or invisible in the view.
IsValidRowHandle(Int32) Indicates whether the specified row handle is valid. Inherited from ColumnView.
LayoutChanged() Redraws this TileView.
LoadRow(Int32) Loads a row in Instant Feedback Mode. Inherited from ColumnView.
LoadRowHierarchy(Int32, OperationCompleted) Loads the specified data row’s parent group rows (if they are not already loaded) in Instant Feedback Mode. Inherited from ColumnView.
LocateByDisplayText(Int32, GridColumn, String) Locates rows by cells’ display texts. Inherited from ColumnView.
LocateByValue(Int32, GridColumn, Object, OperationCompleted[]) Locates rows by cell values. Inherited from ColumnView.
LocateByValue(String, Object, OperationCompleted[]) Locates rows by cell values. Inherited from ColumnView.
MakeRowVisible(Int32) Scrolls this TileView, making the tile associated with the target row visible on screen.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone(Boolean) protected Creates a shallow copy of the current MarshalByRefObject object. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
MoveBy(Int32) Moves the selection of certain items forward or backward from the currently selected tile.
MoveFirst() Focuses the first tile of this TileView.
MoveLast() Selects the last existing tile in this TileView.
MoveLastVisible() Selects the last currently visible item within this TileView.
MoveNext() Moves focus to the row which is after the focused row. Inherited from ColumnView.
MoveNextPage() Navigates to the next TileView page.
MovePrev() Moves focus to the previous row. Inherited from ColumnView.
MovePrevPage() Navigates to the previous TileView page.
NormalView() Cancels View zooming. Inherited from ColumnView.
PopulateColumns() Creates columns for all fields in the bound data source. Inherited from ColumnView.
PopulateColumns(DataColumnInfo[]) Creates columns for the specified DataColumnInfo objects. Inherited from ColumnView.
PopulateColumns(DataTable) Creates columns for all the fields of the specified DataTable. Inherited from ColumnView.
PopulateColumns(Object) Creates columns for record fields in the specified data source (System.Data.DataTable, System.ComponentModel.ITypedList, System.Collections.IList, System.Collections.Generic.IList, DevExpress.XtraGrid.IXtraList, etc. ). Inherited from ColumnView.
PopulateColumns(Type, PopulateColumnsParameters) Generates columns for the custom code-first data source. Inherited from ColumnView.
PostEditor() Saves the modified cell value to the data source. If the GridOptionsView.RowAutoHeight setting is disabled, the currently active cell editor remains opened. Inherited from BaseView.
Print() Prints the grid control’s GridControl.DefaultView (the GridControl.MainView or the currently maximized detail View) without showing a print preview or print dialog. Inherited from BaseView.
PrintDialog() Displays the standard Print dialog to print the data displayed in the Grid Control’s GridControl.DefaultView. Inherited from BaseView.
QueryMoreRows() Sends a request to a data source to load more records in virtual (event-based) server mode. Inherited from BaseView.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
RefreshData() Reloads data into View from the data source. Inherited from ColumnView.
RefreshEditor(Boolean) Refreshes the active editor. Inherited from ColumnView.
RefreshRow(Int32) Invalidates the specified row, and forces it to be redrawn. Inherited from ColumnView.
ResetCursor() Sets the mouse cursor to the grid’s Cursor property value. Inherited from BaseView.
RestoreLayoutFromRegistry(String, OptionsLayoutBase) Restores the View’s layout using the specified settings stored at the specified system registry path. Inherited from BaseView.
RestoreLayoutFromRegistry(String) Restores a View’s layout stored at the specified system registry path. Inherited from BaseView.
RestoreLayoutFromStream(Stream, OptionsLayoutBase) Restores the View’s layout using the specified settings which are stored in the specified stream. Inherited from BaseView.
RestoreLayoutFromStream(Stream) Restores a View’s layout from the specified stream. Inherited from BaseView.
RestoreLayoutFromXml(String, OptionsLayoutBase) Restores the View’s layout using the specified settings from the specified XML file. Inherited from BaseView.
RestoreLayoutFromXml(String) Restores a View’s layout from a specific XML file. Inherited from BaseView.
SaveLayoutToRegistry(String, OptionsLayoutBase) Saves the View’s layout using the specified settings to the specified system registry path. Inherited from BaseView.
SaveLayoutToRegistry(String) Saves a View’s layout to a system registry path. Inherited from BaseView.
SaveLayoutToStream(Stream, OptionsLayoutBase) Saves the View’s layout using the specified settings to the specified stream. Inherited from BaseView.
SaveLayoutToStream(Stream) Saves a View’s layout to a specific stream. Inherited from BaseView.
SaveLayoutToXml(String, OptionsLayoutBase) Saves the View’s layout using the specified settings to the specified XML file. Inherited from BaseView.
SaveLayoutToXml(String) Saves a View’s layout to a specific XML file. Inherited from BaseView.
SelectAll() Selects all tiles in multi-selection mode (see TileView.OptionsSelection.MultiSelect).
SelectRange(Int32, Int32) Selects the visible rows (cards) in the specified range. Inherited from ColumnView.
SelectRow(Int32) Selects the specified tile in multi-selection mode (see TileView.OptionsSelection.MultiSelect).
SetColumnError(GridColumn, String, ErrorType) Sets an error description and an error type for the specified cell within the focused row. Inherited from ColumnView.
SetColumnError(GridColumn, String) Sets an error description for a cell within the focused row or for the entire focused row. Inherited from ColumnView.
SetCustomTemplateItem(TileViewTemplateItem) This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
SetFocusedRowCellValue(GridColumn, Object) Assigns a value to the specified column within the currently focused row. Inherited from ColumnView.
SetFocusedRowCellValue(String, Object) Assigns a value to the specified field within the currently focused row. Inherited from ColumnView.
SetFocusedRowModified() Marks the focused row as modified. Inherited from ColumnView.
SetFocusedValue(Object) Assigns a value to the focused cell. Inherited from ColumnView.
SetRowCellValue(Int32, GridColumn, Object) Assigns a value to a specific cell. Inherited from ColumnView.
SetRowCellValue(Int32, String, Object) Sets the value of the specified cell in the current View. Inherited from ColumnView.
SetTemplateEditing(Boolean) This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ShowCustomFilterDialog(GridColumn) Displays the custom filter dialog. Inherited from ColumnView.
ShowEditForm() Opens an Edit Form for the focused tile. This method is in effect when the TileViewOptionsBehavior.EditingMode property is set to EditForm.
ShowEditor() Activates the focused cell’s editor. Inherited from BaseView.
ShowEditorByKey(KeyEventArgs) Activates an editor for the focused row cell and passes a specific key to it. Inherited from BaseView.
ShowEditorByKeyPress(KeyPressEventArgs) Activates an editor for the focused row cell and passes a specific key to it. Inherited from BaseView.
ShowEditorByMouse(DXMouseEventArgs) Activates an editor for the focused row cell and passes a mouse click to it. Inherited from BaseView.
ShowFilterEditor(GridColumn) Displays the Filter Editor. Inherited from ColumnView.
ShowFilterPopup(GridColumn) This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Filtering is not supported within the TileView.
ShowFindPanel() Displays the Find Panel. Inherited from ColumnView.
ShowPrintPreview() Opens the Print Preview window with a Bars UI. Inherited from BaseView.
ShowRibbonPrintPreview() Displays the Print Preview window with a Ribbon UI. Inherited from BaseView.
ShowUnboundExpressionEditor(GridColumn) Invokes an Expression Editor that enables editing an expression for the specified unbound column. Inherited from ColumnView.
Synchronize(BaseView, SynchronizationMode) Copies the specified settings of a View to the current View. Inherited from BaseView.
Synchronize(BaseView) Copies the visual and data representation settings of a specific View to the current View. Inherited from BaseView.
SynchronizeData(BaseView) Synchronizes a View’s data representation settings with the specified View. Inherited from ColumnView.
SynchronizeVisual(BaseView) Synchronizes a View’s visual settings with the specified View. Inherited from ColumnView.
ToString() Returns a String containing the name of the Component, if any. This method should not be overridden. Inherited from Component.
UnselectRow(Int32) Removes a row (card) from the current selection. Inherited from ColumnView.
UpdateCurrentRow() Validates the focused row and saves its values to the data source. Inherited from ColumnView.
ValidateEditor() Validates the active editor. Inherited from ColumnView.
ViewRowHandleToDataSourceIndex(Int32) Converts the specified row handle to a data source record index. Inherited from ColumnView.
WaitForAsyncOperationEnd() This member supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from ColumnView.
ZoomView() Maximizes the current detail View. Inherited from BaseView.
See Also