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GridView Events

Displays data in a tabular form.
Name Description
AfterPrintRow Fires after an individual row has been printed/exported, and allows you to add custom information to the printout/export output.
AsyncCompleted Fires when async data loading has finished, in Instant Feedback Mode. Inherited from ColumnView.
BeforeLeaveRow Enables you to prevent row focus changes. Inherited from ColumnView.
BeforeLoadLayout Occurs before a layout is restored from storage (a stream, xml file or the system registry). Inherited from BaseView.
BeforePrintRow Fires before printing/exporting each individual row, and allows you to add custom information to the printout/export output, and prevent a row from being printed/exported.
CalcPreviewText Enables you to provide custom text for preview sections.
CalcRowHeight Enables you to provide custom heights for individual rows.
CellMerge Allows you to manually merge cells.
CellValueChanged Fires immediately after a cell value has been changed. Inherited from ColumnView.
CellValueChanging Fires when a user changes a cell value: types or deletes a character, chooses a value from the dropdown list, etc. Does not fire when you change cell values in code. Inherited from ColumnView.
Click Occurs when a View is clicked. Inherited from BaseView.
ClipboardRowCopying Fires before a data row, a group row, column headers, or band headers are copied to the clipboard. Allows you to apply a format, change copied data, or skip a data row or header.
ClipboardRowPasting Fires before a data row is pasted to the control. Allows you to apply a format, update the pasted data, or skip a data row.
ColumnChanged Fires when changing a column’s properties. Inherited from ColumnView.
ColumnFilterChanged Occurs when a column’s filter condition changes. This event also raises when the Find Panel finishes its search. Inherited from ColumnView.
ColumnPositionChanged Allows you to respond to changing a column’s position within the View. Inherited from ColumnView.
ColumnUnboundExpressionChanged Fires after a column’s GridColumn.UnboundExpression property has been changed. Inherited from ColumnView.
ColumnWidthChanged Occurs after a column’s width has been changed.
CustomColumnDisplayText Allows you to replace cell display texts (for cells with textbox-based editors), group row texts, and filter menu item captions. Inherited from ColumnView.
CustomColumnGroup Provides the ability to group data using custom rules.
CustomColumnSort Allows you to implement custom rules according to which a Grid column will sort its data. A column uses these custom rules only when its GridColumn.SortMode property is set to ColumnSortMode.Custom. Inherited from ColumnView.
CustomDrawCell Fires for all currently visible data cells and allows you to manually draw them. Note that modifications you apply on this event are ignored when you print or export Grid data.
CustomDrawColumnHeader Enables you to paint column headers manually.
CustomDrawEmptyForeground Enables a View’s empty space to be custom painted when there aren’t any rows displayed. Inherited from ColumnView.
CustomDrawFilterPanel Enables you to paint the filter panel manually. Inherited from ColumnView.
CustomDrawFooter Enables you to paint the view footer manually.
CustomDrawFooterCell Enables you to paint view footer cells manually.
CustomDrawGroupPanel Enables you to paint the group panel manually.
CustomDrawGroupRow Allows you to paint group rows.
CustomDrawGroupRowCell Allows you to manually paint individual cells of group rows.
CustomDrawRowFooter Enables you to paint group footers manually.
CustomDrawRowFooterCell Enables you to paint group footer cells manually.
CustomDrawRowIndicator Enables you to custom paint cells within the row indicator panel.
CustomDrawRowPreview Enables you to paint preview sections manually.
CustomDrawScroll Allows you to draw custom scrollbars, or highlight specific positions on the scrollbars.
CustomDrawViewCaption Enables you to paint the view caption. Inherited from ColumnView.
CustomFilterDialog Enables the Custom Filter Dialog to be replaced with custom filtering facilities. Inherited from ColumnView.
CustomFilterDisplayText Allows you to set a custom Filter Panel text. This techique is aplicable only when the Filter Panel is in “Text” mode (see the FilterCriteriaDisplayStyle property). Inherited from ColumnView.
CustomizationFormSearch Allows you to filter search results when a user searches in the Customization Form.
CustomRowCellEdit Allows you to assign different in-place editors to individual cells. To avoid performance issues and increased memory consumption, assign repository items that already exist in the GridControl.RepositoryItems collection. Do not create new repository items in this event handler.

Allows you to assign a custom editor to a column for in-place editing and so override the default column editor, which is by default used both in display and edit modes. To avoid performance issues and increased memory consumption, assign repository items that already exist in the GridControl.RepositoryItems collection. Do not create new repository items in this handler. This event also allows you to change editors within an Edit Form.

CustomRowFilter Allows you to hide/show specific rows (that exist in the data source) based on a condition regardless of the grid’s filter. Inherited from ColumnView.
CustomScrollAnnotation Allows you to specify custom annotations.
CustomSummaryCalculate Allows you to manually calculate summaries. Fires for summaries whose SummaryType is SummaryItemType.Custom.
CustomSummaryExists Enables you to specify which summaries should be calculated and displayed.
CustomUnboundColumnData Allows you to supply data to cells in visible unbound columns, and save values entered by users. Inherited from ColumnView.
DataError Fires when an error occurs in the data controller and allows you to handle the error. Inherited from ColumnView.
DataManagerReset Fires when significant data source changes occur. Inherited from ColumnView.
DataSourceChanged Occurs when the data source of the current View changes. Inherited from BaseView.
DetailTabStyle Allows you to specify appearance settings for tab captions and assign images to tabs.
Disposed Occurs when the component is disposed by a call to the Dispose() method. Inherited from Component.
DoubleClick Occurs when a View is double-clicked. Inherited from BaseView.
DragObjectDrop Fires immediately after a drag and drop operation on a column header or band header has been completed.
DragObjectOver Enables you to control whether the dragged column header or band header can be dropped at the current position.
DragObjectStart Fires when the end-user attempts to drag a column header or band header.
EditFormHidden Fires after the Edit Form is closed.
EditFormPrepared Allows you to customize the Edit Form that is about to be displayed.
EditFormShowing Occurs when an Edit Form is about to be displayed, and allows you to cancel the action.
EndGrouping Fires after the grouping operation has been completed. Inherited from ColumnView.
EndSorting Fires after the sorting operation has been completed. Inherited from ColumnView.
FilterEditorCreated Allows you to customize the Filter Editor before it is displayed on screen. Inherited from ColumnView.
FilterExpressionEditorCreated Allows you to customize the Expression Editor used to edit custom expressions that are displayed in the control’s Filter Editor. Inherited from ColumnView.
FilterPopupExcelCustomizeTemplate Allows you to customize templates for Excel-style filters and for external editors generated with Filtering UI Context. Inherited from ColumnView.
FilterPopupExcelData Allows you to add, remove, and modify data values and customize predefined filters in the Excel style pop-up filter menus. Filter items added manually on this event must be unique and sorted. Inherited from ColumnView.
FilterPopupExcelParseFilterCriteria Allows you to parse the filter criteria applied to data and select the corresponding values in the filter menu. Inherited from ColumnView.
FilterPopupExcelPrepareTemplate Allows you to replace the UI for the Excel-styled menus’ “Values” tab. Also affects editors generated by the Filtering UI Context component attached to this Data Grid. Inherited from ColumnView.
FilterPopupExcelQueryFilterCriteria Fires when a filter criteria is about to be applied to data and allows you to customize the filter criteria. Inherited from ColumnView.
FocusedColumnChanged Fires in response to changing column focus. Inherited from ColumnView.
FocusedRowChanged Fires when row focus moves from one row to another. Inherited from ColumnView.
FocusedRowLoaded Fires when the focused row’s data has been loaded (in Instant Feedback Mode). Inherited from ColumnView.
FocusedRowObjectChanged Fires after focus is moved to another row object. Inherited from ColumnView.
FormatRuleDataUpdateCustomTrigger Allows you to implement a custom algorithm to activate a FormatConditionRuleDataUpdate format.
FormatRuleExpressionEditorCreated Allows you to customize the Expression Editor embedded in the Edit Formatting Rule dialog. Inherited from ColumnView.
FormatRuleManagerFormCreated Fires when the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager is about to be displayed. Inherited from ColumnView.
GetLoadingImage Occurs when the GridView loads its images asynchronously and allows you to set your custom loading indicator displayed for images that are not yet loaded.
GetThumbnailImage Occurs when the View loads its images asynchronously and allows you to manually pass the required image to the current item.
GotFocus Occurs when a View receives focus. Inherited from BaseView.
GridMenuItemClick Enables you to provide custom responses to clicking context menu items.
GroupLevelStyle Enables you to specify custom styles for group rows (and corresponding indents) residing at particular nesting levels.
GroupRowCollapsed Fires immediately after a group row has been collapsed.
GroupRowCollapsing Occurs before group rows are collapsed.
GroupRowExpanded Fires immediately after a group row has been expanded.
GroupRowExpanding Occurs when a group row is about to be expanded.
HiddenEditor Fires immediately after an inplace editor has been closed. Inherited from ColumnView.
HideCustomizationForm Fires before the Customization Form is closed.
HyperlinkClick Fires when a hyperlink in a column header is activated.
InitNewRow Enables you to initialize added rows. Inherited from ColumnView.
InvalidRowException Fires when a row fails validation or when it cannot be saved to the data source. Inherited from ColumnView.
InvalidValueException Enables you to provide a proper response to entering an invalid cell value. Inherited from BaseView.
KeyDown Fires when a user presses a key while the View has focus. Inherited from BaseView.
KeyPress Fires when a character key is pressed while the View has focus. Inherited from BaseView.
KeyUp Occurs when releasing the pressed key. Inherited from BaseView.
Layout Fires immediately after a View’s layout has been changed. Inherited from BaseView.
LayoutUpgrade Occurs when a layout is restored from storage (a stream, xml file or system registry) and its version differs from the version of the current View’s layout. Inherited from BaseView.
LeftCoordChanged Fires when the View is scrolled horizontally.
LostFocus Occurs when a View loses focus. Inherited from BaseView.
MasterRowCollapsed Fires immediately after a detail clone has been destroyed.
MasterRowCollapsing Enables you to control whether master rows can be collapsed.
MasterRowEmpty Enables you to specify whether a particular detail is empty. This event is in effect if the GridOptionsDetail.AllowExpandEmptyDetails option is set to false.
MasterRowExpanded Fires immediately after a particular detail clone has become visible.
MasterRowExpanding Enables you to control whether particular detail clones can be displayed.
MasterRowGetChildList Enables you to supply detail data manually.
MasterRowGetLevelDefaultView Enables you to specify a pattern view to represent a particular detail.
MasterRowGetRelationCount Enables you to specify the number of details for individual master rows.
MasterRowGetRelationDisplayCaption Allows you to specify a detail view’s caption.
MasterRowGetRelationName Enables you to specify the pattern view that will represent a particular detail clone.
MeasurePreviewHeight Provides the ability to specify the height of individual preview sections in pixels.
MouseDown Occurs when the mouse pointer is over a View and a mouse button is pressed. Inherited from BaseView.
MouseEnter Occurs when the mouse pointer enters the View. Inherited from BaseView.
MouseLeave Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the View. Inherited from BaseView.
MouseMove Occurs when the mouse pointer moves over a View. Inherited from BaseView.
MouseUp Occurs when the mouse button is released if it was pressed within a View. Inherited from BaseView.
MouseWheel Occurs when the mouse wheel is moved while a View has focus. Inherited from BaseView.
PaintStyleChanged Fires after the View’s paint style has changed. Inherited from BaseView.
ParseFindPanelText Fires after the query in the find panel changes. Allows you to create a filter condition based on the query and specify how to highlight results in the control. Inherited from ColumnView.
PopupMenuShowing Allows you to customize built-in context menus or invoke custom menus.
PrintExportCompleted Allows you to determine whether the view data was printed or exported without errors. Inherited from BaseView.
PrintExportProgress Fires repeatedly while the View’s data is being printed/exported. Inherited from BaseView.
PrintInitialize Allows you to customize general print/export settings when the View is about to be printed/exported. Inherited from BaseView.
PropertyDeserializing Allows you to restore certain settings previously saved in the layout. Inherited from BaseView.
PropertySerializing Allows you to include certain settings in the layout when you save it. Inherited from BaseView.
QueryCustomFunctions Allows you to add custom-function-based filters (for example, ‘discount is more than 15%’) to Excel-style pop-up filter menus and/or the filter editor. Inherited from ColumnView.
RowCellClick Fires when a user clicks a data cell. If data is editable and the ColumnViewOptionsBehavior.EditorShowMode property equals MouseDown (or Default, if multiple row selection is disabled), the event is suppressed.
RowCellDefaultAlignment Enables you to specify content alignment for individual cells. Inherited from ColumnView.
RowCellStyle Fires for every visible Grid cell before this cell is shown. Allows you to modify Appearance settings for this cell.
RowClick Allows you to respond to row clicks. The event will not fire when data editing is enabled and the ColumnViewOptionsBehavior.EditorShowMode property is set to MouseDown (and to Default, if multiple row selection is disabled).
RowCountChanged Occurs when the number of visible records is changed within a View. Inherited from BaseView.
RowDeleted Fires after a data row is deleted. Inherited from ColumnView.
RowDeleting Fires when a data row is about to be deleted. Inherited from ColumnView.
RowEditCanceled Fires after row editing was canceled. Inherited from ColumnView.
RowLoaded Fires when a row’s data has been loaded (in Instant Feedback Mode). Inherited from ColumnView.
RowStyle Allows you to override the GridViewAppearances.Row and GridViewAppearances.GroupRow appearance settings for any data or group row. This event fires for visible rows only.
RowUpdated Occurs after changes made to a focused data row have been saved to an underlying data source. Inherited from ColumnView.
ScrollAnnotationsStyle Allows you to customize scrollbar annotation color and alignment.
SelectionChanged Fires when row/cell selection is changed. In v21.1 and higher, the event fires both in single and multiple row selection modes. Inherited from ColumnView.
SelectionChanging Allows you to specify whether users can select and unselect rows. Inherited from ColumnView.
ShowCustomizationForm Fires immediately after the Customization Form has been invoked.
ShowFilterPopupCheckedListBox Allows you to customize checked filter dropdown lists before they are displayed. Inherited from ColumnView.
ShowFilterPopupDate Allows you to customize the filter dropdown for date-time columns. Inherited from ColumnView.
ShowFilterPopupExcel Allows you to hide specific filter conditions from Filters and Values tabs of the Excel-style Drop-down Filter. Inherited from ColumnView.
ShowFilterPopupListBox Enables you to customize a particular column’s filter dropdown list. Inherited from ColumnView.
ShowGridMenu Obsolete. Enables you to customize or prohibit grid context menus.
ShowingEditor Occurs when a cell editor is about to open, and allows you to cancel the action. Inherited from ColumnView.
ShowingPopupEditForm Occurs when an Edit Form is about to be displayed as a separate modal window.
ShownEditor Fires immediately after a cell editor is invoked. Inherited from ColumnView.
StartGrouping Fires before a grouping operation is started. Inherited from ColumnView.
StartSorting Fires before a sorting operation is started. Inherited from ColumnView.
SubstituteFilter Allows you to update or replace the filter that is about to be applied with a custom filter. Inherited from ColumnView.
SubstituteSortInfo For internal use only. Inherited from ColumnView.
TopRowChanged Fires when the View is scrolled vertically.
UnboundExpressionEditorCreated Fires after an Expression Editor has been created for an unbound column. Inherited from ColumnView.
ValidateRow Fires when a user edits row cell values and attempts to select another row. Handle this event to check whether these new values are valid, and if not, choose the required behavior (discard edits, show a warning message, ignore errors, or keep the focus on this row until a user enters valid values). Inherited from ColumnView.
ValidatingEditor Fires when a user edits a row cell value and attempts to select another cell. Handle this event to check whether this new value is valid, and if not, choose the required behavior (discard edits, show a warning message, ignore errors, or keep the focus on this cell until a user enters valid values). This event allows you to track edits made in the Edit Form. Inherited from BaseView.
See Also