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ShowInHeaderSearchTextMode Enum

Enumerates values that specify whether to show search text in column header tooltips.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraGrid.v24.2.dll

NuGet Packages: DevExpress.Win.Grid, DevExpress.Win.Navigation


public enum ShowInHeaderSearchTextMode


Name Description

Equivalent to the Text option.


A column header tooltip contains the hovered column’s caption. In this mode, the tooltip is only displayed if the column caption is truncated.



A column header tooltip contains the column caption and search text (GridColumn.SearchText).


#Related API Members

The following properties accept/return ShowInHeaderSearchTextMode values:


Use the GridView.OptionsFilter.InHeaderSearchMode property to enable built-in search boxes within the View’s column headers. Users can type text in the search boxes to filter against the columns.

Data Grid - In-header search box

Set the GridView.OptionsFilter.ShowInHeaderSearchTextMode property to Tooltip to display a column’s search text (GridColumn.SearchText) in the column header’s tooltip.


See Also