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MapEditor.SimplifyItems(IEnumerable<MapItem>, Double) Method
Reduces the number of vertices that form the vector layer’s items with specified tolerance.
Namespace : DevExpress.Xpf.Map
Assembly :
NuGet Package :
# Declaration
# Parameters
IEnumerable < MapItem >
The items to be simplified.
A percent of vertices that vector shapes contain after simplification. This value should be in the (0;100) range.
# Example
This example demonstrates how to reduce the number of vertices that form vector layer items.
To do this, use the MapEditor.SimplifyItems(IEnumerable<MapItem>, Double)
The TrackBarEdit component is used to change the Tolerance parameter. The tolerance defines the percent of vertices that vector shapes should contain after simplification.
using System ;
using System.Windows ;
namespace SvgDataAdapterSample {
public partial class MainWindow : Window {
public MainWindow ( ) {
private void OnTrackbarEditValueChanged (object sender, DevExpress.Xpf.Editors.EditValueChangedEventArgs e ) {
double tolerance = Convert.ToDouble(toleranceTrackbar.EditValue);
mapControl.MapEditor.SimplifyItems(adapter.DisplayItems, tolerance);
Imports System
Imports System.Windows
Namespace SvgDataAdapterSample
Public Class MainWindow
Inherits Window
Public Sub New ()
MyBase .New
End Sub
Private Sub OnTrackbarEditValueChanged(ByVal sender As Object , ByVal e As DevExpress.Xpf.Editors.EditValueChangedEventArgs)
Dim tolerance As Double = Convert.ToDouble(toleranceTrackbar.EditValue)
mapControl.MapEditor.SimplifyItems(adapter.DisplayItems, tolerance)
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
xmlns =""
xmlns:x =""
xmlns:dxm =""
xmlns:dxe =""
x:Class ="SvgDataAdapterSample.MainWindow"
xmlns:local ="clr-namespace:SvgDataAdapterSample"
Title ="MainWindow" Height ="360" Width ="640" >
<Grid >
<Grid.ColumnDefinitions >
<ColumnDefinition Width ="10*" />
<ColumnDefinition Width ="3*" />
</Grid.ColumnDefinitions >
<dxm:MapControl x:Name ="mapControl" Grid.Column ="0" Margin ="10" >
<dxm:VectorLayer x:Name ="vectorLayer" >
<dxm:SvgFileDataAdapter x:Name ="adapter" FileUri ="Data/countries.svg" />
</dxm:VectorLayer >
<dxm:MapControl.MapEditor >
<dxm:MapEditor x:Name ="mapEditor" >
<dxm:MapEditor.EditorPanelOptions >
<dxm:MapEditorPanelOptions Visible ="False" />
</dxm:MapEditor.EditorPanelOptions >
</dxm:MapEditor >
</dxm:MapControl.MapEditor >
</dxm:MapControl >
<dxe:TrackBarEdit x:Name ="toleranceTrackbar" Grid.Column ="1"
VerticalAlignment ="Center" Margin ="10"
Maximum ="100" Minimum ="0" EditValue ="100"
EditValueChanged ="OnTrackbarEditValueChanged" />
</Grid >
</Window >
See Also