DevExpress.XtraMap Namespace
Contains classes which implement the main functionality of the WinForms Map control.
Assembly: DevExpress.XtraMap.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Map
Name | Description |
AddressBase | The base class for all classes representing the address information obtained from GIS services. |
AfterMeasurementEventArgs | Provides data for the AfterMeasurement event. |
AfterRulerRemovalEventArgs | Contains data for the AfterRulerRemoval event. |
AlbersEqualAreaConicCartesianToGeoConverter | Converter that transforms data from the Albers projected coordinate system to the geographic coordinate system. |
ArgumentItemKeyProvider | This class is used to provide an argument value of map chart items as a key for the KeyColorColorizer to colorize these items. |
AttributeGroupProvider | This class groups items based on the attribute values. |
AttributeItemKeyProvider | This class is used to provide an MapItem objects argument value as a key for the KeyColorColorizer to colorize these items. |
AzureAddress | Contains the address information obtained from the Azure Maps GIS service. |
AzureGeocodeDataProvider | The class that sends requests to the Azure Maps Geocode service. |
AzureMapDataProvider | Loads map images from the Azure Maps data provider. |
AzureMapDataProviderBase | The base class for all azure data providers. |
AzureRouteCalculatedEventArgs | Contains data for the RouteCalculated event. |
AzureRouteCalculationResult | Contains route calculation results received from an Azure Maps service. |
AzureRouteDataProvider | The class that communicates with Azure Maps Route service. |
AzureRouteIsochroneCalculatedEventArgs | Contains data for the IsochroneCalculated event. |
AzureRouteIsochroneCalculationResult | Contains isochrone calculation results received from an Azure Maps service. |
AzureRouteIsochroneDataProvider | Allows you to use the Azure Maps service to calculate an isochrone and display it on the map. |
AzureRouteIsochroneOptions | Contains isochrone calculation options passed to the Azure Maps service. |
AzureRouteIsochroneResult | Contains isochrone route calculation results from the Microsoft Azure Maps service. |
AzureRouteLeg | Contains information about a single leg of a route. |
AzureRouteOptions | Contains route calculation settings for the Azure Maps Route service. |
AzureRouteResult | Contains route calculation results received from the Microsoft Azure Route service. |
AzureRouteSection | Contains transportation, road type, or traffic information about a route part. |
AzureRouteSummary | A summary object for a route section. |
AzureSearchCompletedEventArgs | Contains data for the SearchCompleted event. |
AzureSearchDataProvider | Contains settings that are used by requests to the Azure Maps Search service. |
AzureTrafficIncidentCalculatedEventArgs | Contains data for the TrafficIncidentCalculated event. |
AzureTrafficIncidentCalculationResult | Contains traffic incident results received from the Microsoft Azure service. |
AzureTrafficIncidentDataProvider | Communicates with the Azure Maps service to obtain information about traffic incidents and display them on the map. |
AzureTrafficIncidentOptions | Contains parameters for traffic incident requests. |
AzureTrafficIncidentResult | Contains a traffic incident information response obtained from the Azure Maps service. |
BackgroundStyle | A background style applied to a map element. |
BeforeMeasurementEventArgs | Provides data for the BeforeMeasurement event. |
BeforeRulerRemovalEventArgs | Contains data for the BeforeRulerRemoval event. |
BingAddress | This class represents the address information obtained from the Bing GIS services. |
BingDetail | The additional information about the single route itinerary item. |
BingElevationDataProvider | Provides the capability to obtain the elevation data from the Bing Maps service. |
BingGeocodeDataProvider | The class that is used to send requests to the Bing Maps Geocode service. |
BingGeocodePoint | Contains geocode point field values returned in the response from Bing Maps Services. |
BingHint | The single hint to assist in the route passage. |
BingItineraryItem | Contains information about a single itinerary item of a Bing route. |
BingItineraryItemWarning | Contains information about a warning associated with an itinerary item of a Bing route. |
BingLocationInformation | Contains the Bing location information on the map. |
BingMapDataProvider | The class that loads map images from the Bing Maps data provider. |
BingMapDataProviderBase | The base class for all bing data providers. |
BingRouteCalculatedEventArgs | Provides data for the BingRouteDataProvider.RouteCalculated event. |
BingRouteDataProvider | The class that is used to send requests to the Bing Maps Route service. |
BingRouteIsochroneCalculatedEventArgs | Provides data for the IsochroneCalculated event. |
BingRouteIsochroneDataProvider | Allows you to use the Bing Maps service to calculate an isochrone and display it on the map. An isochrone shows an area reachable from a specific location. |
BingRouteIsochroneOptions | Stores the options that are used to calculate an isochrone. |
BingRouteIsochronePolygonResult | Stores an isochrone polygon’s calculation results received from the Bing Maps service. |
BingRouteIsochroneResult | Stores the isochrone calculation result and the coordinates of the point for which the isochrone is calculated. |
BingRouteLeg | Contains information about a single leg of a route. |
BingRouteOptions | Contains settings that define the parameters for calculating a route via the Microsoft Bing service. |
BingRouteResult | Contains results of a request to the Microsoft Bing web service for route calculation. |
BingSearchCompletedEventArgs | Provides data for the BingSearchDataProvider.SearchCompleted event. |
BingSearchDataProvider | The class that is used to send requests to the Bing Maps Search service. |
BingSearchOptions | Contains settings that define the parameters for searching via the Microsoft Bing service. |
BingTrafficIncidentCalculatedEventArgs | Provides data for the TrafficIncidentCalculated event. |
BingTrafficIncidentDataProvider | Allows you to receive information about traffic incidents within a specified area from the Bing Maps service and display incident icons on the map. |
BingTrafficIncidentOptions | Contains options that are applied when the map control requests traffic incidents from a web service. |
BingTrafficIncidentResult | Stores information about an incident. |
BorderedElementStyle | This class allows you to specify the viewport style for the mini map. |
BorderedElementStyleWidthSupport | The style that supports border width. |
BraunStereographicProjection | Represents the Braun stereographic map projection. |
BubbleChartDataAdapter | The data adapter that provides data to generate Bubble chart items. |
ButtonPanelOptions | Returns the Measurements toolbar and Map Editor button options. |
CacheOptions | Contains settings that define the parameters of a local cache for storing image tiles. |
CapabilitiesRespondedEventArgs | Provides data for the ResponseCapabilities event. |
CartesianMapCoordinateSystem | This class allows use of the Cartesian coordinate system for the Map Control. |
CartesianPoint | A Cartesian point on the map. |
CartesianSourceCoordinateSystem | This class allows use of the Cartesian coordinate system for the Map Control. |
ChartDataSourceAdapter | The base class for data adapters that provide data to generate chart items. |
ChartItemValueProvider | This class is used to provide chart item values to measure rules of the ChartDataSourceAdapter. |
ChoroplethColorizer | Represents the Choropleth-like colorizer. |
ClusteredEventArgs | Provides data for the MapClustererBase.Clustered event. |
ColorCollection | A collection of colors. |
ColorConverter | Converter that transforms instances of the Object class to instances of the Color class. |
ColorizerBase<T> | The base class for all colorizers. |
ColorizerColorItem | An object that contains a color for a single item, colorized by a colorizer. |
ColorizerKeyCollection | A collection of ColorizerKeyItem objects. |
ColorizerKeyItem | A key for the KeyColorColorizer. |
ColorizerValueProviderBase | A class that is a value provider of a colorizer. |
ColorLegendBase | The base class for legends that explain the meaning of vector item colors. |
ColorLegendItem | An item that stores information about the color and description of the ColorLegendBase class descendants. |
ColorListLegend | Represents a color legend as a list of colors. |
ColorScaleLegend | Represents a color legend as a color scale. |
ConicCartesianToGeoConverter | The base class for converters from a conic projected coordinate system to the geographic coordinate system. |
ContourInfoList | A ContourInfo objects’ collection. |
CoordinateConverterBase | The base class for all coordinate converters. |
CoordinateSystemDataAdapterBase | The base class for adapters, whose data should be interpreted by the coordinate system. |
CoordPointCollection | A collection of CoordPoint class descendant objects. |
DataAdapterChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the MapDataAdapterBase.DataChanged event. |
DataLoadedEventArgs | Provides data for the LayerBase.DataLoaded event. |
DataProviderLegend | The base class for legends that obtain data from map data providers. |
DataSourceAdapterBase | The base class for data adapters that can load data from data sources. |
DefaultClusterItemFactory | The cluster item factory that initializes map items with the default settings. |
DefaultMapItemFactory | The map item factory that initializes map items with the default settings. |
DistanceBasedClusterer | The clusterer based on the building distance tree. |
DoubleCollection | An ordered collection of Double values. |
DouglasPeuckerShapeSimplifier | Specifies the Douglas-Peucker shape simplification algorithm. |
DrawMapItemEventArgs | Provides data for the MapControl.DrawMapItem event. |
DrawMapPointerEventArgs | Provides data for the MapControl.DrawMapItem event if the MapPointer class descendant should be drawn. |
DrawMapSegmentableItemEventArgs | Contains segment data for the MapPath and MapPie vector items. |
DrawMapSegmentEventArgs | Contains segment options for the MapPath and MapPie vector items. |
DrawMapShapeEventArgs | Provides data for the MapControl.DrawMapItem event if the MapShape class descendant should be drawn. |
DynamicMiniMapBehavior | This class provides the dynamic mini map behavior. |
EditableItemHitInfo | Hit test information about a map item that implements the IEditableItem interface. |
EditorPanelOptions | Contains the Map Editor panel’s settings. |
ElevationInformation | Contains the elevation information about a geographical point. |
ElevationRequestResult | The result of the elevation data request to a map service. |
ElevationsCalculatedEventArgs | Provides data for the BingElevationDataProvider.ElevationsCalculated event. |
Ellipsoid | This class represents an ellipsoid used to build a projected coordinate system. |
EllipsoidBasedCartesianToGeoConverter | The base class for converters from an ellipsoid based projected coordinate system to the geographic coordinate system. |
EllipticalMercatorProjection | A class that defines methods specific to the Elliptical Mercator Projection. |
EPSG4326Projection | The map projection that saves scales of distances along specified lines. |
EqualAreaProjection | A class that defines methods specific to the Equal Area Projection. |
EquationRangeDistribution | The base for classes that define exponential and logarithmic distribution of color ranges in a colorizer. |
EquidistantProjection | Represents the cylindrical equidistant map projection. |
EquirectangularProjection | A class that defines methods specific to the Equirectangular Projection. |
Etrs89LambertAzimuthalEqualAreaProjection | A class that defines methods specific to the Lambert azimuthal equal-area projection. |
ExpandedClusterAdaptiveLayout | A layout algorithm that positions clustered items based on their count in the cluster. |
ExpandedClusterCircularLayout | A layout algorithm that positions clustered items in a circle. |
ExpandedClusterLayoutBase | The base class for layouts that define how to position items in expanded clusters. |
ExpandedClusterSourceLocationLayout | A layout algorithm that positions clustered items according to their actual locations (cartesian or geo coordinates). |
ExpandedClusterSpiralLayout | A layout algorithm that positions clustered items in a spiral. |
ExponentialRangeDistribution | Represents the exponential distribution of color ranges in a colorizer. |
ExportMapItemEventArgs | Provides data for the MapControl.ExportMapItem event. |
FileDataAdapterBase | The base class for data adapters that can load data from a file. |
FixedMiniMapBehavior | This class provides the fixed mini map behavior. |
GenericColorizer<T> | The base class for all colorizers used with generic types. |
GenericColorizerItemCollection<T> | A generic collection of Colorizer‘s items. |
GeocodeRequestResult | Contains results of a request to a web service to obtain Geocode information about a specific location on a map. |
GeoJsonFileDataAdapter | A data adapter that loads data from GeoJSON files, and displays it on vector layers. |
GeoMapCoordinateSystem | This class allows use of the Geographical coordinate system for the Map Control. |
GeoPoint | A geographical point on the map. |
GeoSourceCoordinateSystem | This class allows use of the Geographical coordinate system for the data adapter. |
GeoUtils static | Cartography measurement API for maps with a geographical coordinate system. |
GpxFileDataAdapter | A data adapter that loads data from GPX files, and displays it on vector layers. |
GraphColorizer | Represents the Graph colorizer utilized to paint shapes that have a common border using different colors. |
HeatmapAlgorithmBase | The base class for heatmap algorithms. |
HeatmapDataSourceAdapter | The data adapter that provides data used to generate heatmap items. |
HeatmapDensityBasedAlgorithm | The algorithm that allows the Map Control to plot a heatmap based on the density of heatmap points. |
HeatmapPoint | A particular heatmap point. |
HeatmapPointCollection | A collection that stores HeatmapPoint objects. |
HeatmapPointMappingInfo | Contains information on how heatmap point properties map to the data source fields. |
HeatmapPointStorage | The data adapter that stores manually added heatmap points. |
HeatmapProvider | Allows you to draw a heatmap on the Map Control surface. |
ImageLayer | Displays map images obtained from map image data providers. |
ImageTileDataProvider | Provides the map with image tiles. |
ImageTilesLayer | Obsolete. A layer that displays image tiles obtained from one of the supported map providers. |
InformationDataProviderBase | The base class for all information data providers. |
InformationLayer | A layer that is used to display additional information above the map. |
InnerBoundary | Contains a list of points that define the inner boundaries of a vector item. |
InnerBoundaryCollection | A collection of InnerBoundary objects. |
InteractiveClusterModeBase | The base class for map modes that allow users to interact with clusters. |
ItemsLayerLegend | The base class for legends that obtain data from the VectorItemsLayer. |
ItemsLoadedEventArgs | Provides data for the FileDataAdapterBase.ItemsLoaded event. |
KavrayskiyProjection | Represents the Kavrayskiy VII map projection. |
KeyColorColorizer | A colorizer that uses key-color pairs to colorize map items. |
KmlFileDataAdapter | A data adapter that loads data from KML and KMZ files, and displays it on vector layers. |
LambertAzimuthalEqualAreaCartesianToGeoConverter | Converter that transforms data from the Lambert azimuthal equal-area projected coordinate system to the geographic coordinate system. |
LambertAzimuthalEqualAreaProjectionBase | The base class for the Lambert azimuthal equal-area projection used in the MapControl. |
LambertConformalConicCartesianToGeoConverter | Converter that transforms data from the Lambert projected coordinate system to the geographic coordinate system. |
LambertCylindricalEqualAreaProjection | Represents the Lambert cylindrical equal-area map projection. |
LayerBase | Serves as the base class for all layers. |
LayerCollection | A collection of layers. |
LayerItemsGeneratingEventArgs | Provides data for the InformationDataProviderBase.LayerItemsGenerating event. |
LayerVisibleChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the LayerBase.VisibleChanged event. |
LegendCollection | A collection of map legends. |
LegendItemCreatingEventArgs | Provides data for the MapControl.LegendItemCreating event. |
LinearRangeDistribution | Represents the linear distribution of color ranges in a colorizer. |
ListSourceDataAdapter | The data adapter that provides the means to bind the Map control to data. |
LocationInformation | Contains information about a specific location on a map. |
LocationInformationReceivedEventArgs | Provides data for the BingGeocodeDataProvider.LocationInformationReceived event. |
LogarithmicRangeDistribution | Represents the logarithmic distribution of color ranges in a colorizer. |
MapboxDataProvider | A data provider that obtains vector tiles from Mapbox Service. |
MapBubble | The class used to draw a Bubble chart on a map. |
MapBubbleMappingInfo | Contains information about mapping the Bubble chart item. |
MapBubbleMarkerTypeMapping | This class allows you to map the MapBubble.MarkerType property to a data source field. |
MapBubblePropertyMappingBase | The base class for all MapBubble property mappings. |
MapBubbleSizeMapping | This class allows you to map the MapBubble.Size property to a data source field. |
MapBubbleValueProvider | The colorizer value provider that provides the value of a bubble as the value that is used to calculate a color for a cluster representative. |
MapCallout | The class used to draw a callout on a map. |
MapCalloutPropertyMappingBase | The base class for all MapCallout property mappings. |
MapChartItemMappingInfo | The base for all classes that contain information about mapping chart items. |
MapClustererBase | The base class for all vector item clusterers. |
MapClustererGroupProviderBase | The base class for group providers used by clusterers. |
MapClusterValueProvider | Provides the count of items in a cluster as the value that is used to calculate a color for a cluster representative. |
MapColorizer | The base class for all colorizers that are used in a Map control. |
MapControl | Displays raster and vector maps. Supports both popular map services (Bing Maps and OpenStreetMap) and custom map data servers inside your corporate network. See Map Control. |
MapCoordinateSystem | This class provides the base functionality of the coordinate system for the Map Control. |
MapCustomElement | The class used to draw any custom element on a map. |
MapCustomElementPropertyMappingBase | The base class for all MapCustomElement property mappings. |
MapDataAdapterBase | The base class for all data adapters that can be used with the Map control. |
MapDataProviderBase | The base class for all data providers. |
MapDisposableObject | Supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
MapDot | The class used to draw a dot on a map. |
MapDotPropertyMappingBase | The base class for all MapDot property mappings. |
MapDotShapeKindMapping | This class allows you to map the MapDot.ShapeKind property to a data source field. |
MapDotSizeMapping | This class allows you to map the MapDot.Size property to a data source field. |
MapEditor | The Map Editor that allows end users to edit map vector items. |
MapEditorUiHitInfo | The class providing information about the Map Editor’s hit tested elements. |
MapElementStyle | The style of a map element. |
MapElementStyleBase | The base for classes that define the style of a map element. |
MapEllipse | The class used to draw an ellipse on a map. |
MapEllipseHeightMapping | This class allows you to map the MapEllipse.Height property to a data source field. |
MapEllipsePropertyMappingBase | The base class for all MapEllipse property mappings. |
MapEllipseWidthMapping | This class allows you to map the MapEllipse.Width property to a data source field. |
MapErrorEventArgs | Provides data for the LayerBase.Error event. |
MapHitInfo | Contains information about what is located at a specific point within the map. |
MapImage | Stores the map image options. |
MapImageDataProviderBase | A base class for all Map Image Data Providers. |
MapImageSourceBase | A base class for all classes that can load map images from an external source. |
MapItem | The base class for various map item types. |
MapItemAttribute | An attribute that can be applied to map items. |
MapItemAttributeCollection | A collection of attributes for an individual map item. |
MapItemAttributeMapping | The mapping of an attribute applied to a map item. |
MapItemAttributeMappingCollection | A mapping collection of map item attributes. |
MapItemClickEventArgs | Provides data for the MapControl.MapItemClick event. |
MapItemCollection | A collection of MapItem objects. |
MapItemColorMappingBase | The base class for color-based property mappings. |
MapItemCreatingEventArgs | Provides data for the MapEditor.MapItemCreating event. |
MapItemEditedEventArgs | Provides data for the MapEditor.MapItemEdited event. |
MapItemEditingEventArgs | Provides data for the MapEditor.MapItemEditing event. |
MapItemEventArgs | Provides data for MapControl.DrawMapItem, MapControl.ExportMapItem and MapControl.MapItemClick events. |
MapItemFillMapping | This class allows you to map the MapItem.Fill property to a data source field. |
MapItemHighlightedFillMapping | This class allows you to map the MapItem.HighlightedFill property to a data source field. |
MapItemHighlightedStrokeMapping | This class allows you to map the MapItem.HighlightedStroke property to a data source field. |
MapItemHighlightedStrokeWidthMapping | This class allows you to map the MapItem.HighlightedStrokeWidth property to a data source field. |
MapItemMappingInfo | Contains information about the mapping of a map item. |
MapItemMappingInfoBase | The base for all classes that contain information about mapping various chart items. |
MapItemPropertyMappingBase | The base class for all MapItem property mappings. |
MapItemPropertyMappingCollection | A collection of MapItemPropertyMappingBase class descendant objects. |
MapItemSelectedFillMapping | This class allows you to map the MapItem.SelectedFill property to a data source field. |
MapItemSelectedStrokeMapping | This class you to map the MapItem.SelectedStroke property to a data source field. |
MapItemSelectedStrokeWidthMapping | This class alows you to map the MapItem.SelectedStrokeWidth property to a data source field. |
MapItemsEventArgs | Provides data for the MapEditor.MapItemEdited and MapClustererBase.Clustered events. |
MapItemsLayerBase | The base class for layers that display map items. |
MapItemsLoadedEventArgs | Provides data for the LayerBase.DataLoaded event of the VectorItemsLayer. |
MapItemStorage | The data adapter that stores manually added vector items. |
MapItemStrokeMapping | This class allows you to map the MapItem.Stroke property to a data source field. |
MapItemStrokeWidthMapping | This class allows you to map the MapItem.StrokeWidth property to a data source field. |
MapItemStyle | Specifies a style for a map item. |
MapItemTextStyle | The style of text in the Map Control. |
MapItemVisiblePropertyMapping | This class allows you to map the MapItem.Visible property of MapItem class descendant objects to a data source field. |
MapLegendBase | The base class for all legends that can be used in the Map control. |
MapLegendHitInfo | Contains information about what is located at a specific point on the map legend. |
MapLegendItemBase | The base class for items displayed in map legends. |
MapLegendItemCollection | A collection of MapLegendItemBase objects. |
MapLine | Contains map line settings. |
MapLineCap | Contains map line cap settings. |
MapLineEndCapIsFilledMapping | Defines the IsFilled property for the end cap when map line settings are loaded from a data source. |
MapLineEndCapLengthMapping | Defines the Length property for the end cap when map line settings are loaded from a data source. |
MapLineEndCapTemplateMapping | Defines the Template property for the end cap when map line settings are loaded from a data source. |
MapLineEndCapVisibleMapping | Defines the Visible property for the end cap when map line settings are loaded from a data source. |
MapLineEndCapWidthMapping | Defines the Width property for the end cap when map line settings are loaded from a data source. |
MapLinePoint1XMapping | This class allows you to map the X coordinate of MapLine.Point1 to a data source field. |
MapLinePoint1YMapping | This class allows you to map the Y coordinate of MapLine.Point1 to a data source field. |
MapLinePoint2XMapping | This class allows you to map the X coordinate of MapLine.Point2 to a data source field. |
MapLinePoint2YMapping | This class allows you to map the Y coordinate of MapLine.Point2 to a data source field. |
MapLinePropertyMappingBase | The base class for all MapLine property mappings. |
MapLineStartCapIsFilledMapping | Defines the IsFilled property for the start cap when map line settings are loaded from a data source. |
MapLineStartCapLengthMapping | Defines the Length property for the start cap when map line settings are loaded from a data source. |
MapLineStartCapTemplateMapping | Defines the Template property for the start cap when map line settings are loaded from a data source. |
MapLineStartCapVisibleMapping | Defines the Visible property for the start cap when map line settings are loaded from a data source. |
MapLineStartCapWidthMapping | Defines the Width property for the start cap when map line settings are loaded from a data source. |
MapMultipointItemMappingBase<T> | The base class for mappings that are used to load point coordinates of multi-point items. |
MapNotificationOptions | Contains options to support map notification. |
MapOverlay | A Map Control overlay. |
MapOverlayCollection | A collection that stores MapOverlay objects. |
MapOverlayHitInfo | Contains information about what is located at a specific point on the map overlay. |
MapOverlayImageItem | An image that can be placed on map overlay. |
MapOverlayItemBase | A base class for all overlay items. |
MapOverlayItemCollection | A collection that stores MapOverlayItemBase class descendant objects. |
MapOverlayTextItem | A text item that can be placed on a map overlay. |
MapPath | The class used to draw a path on a map. |
MapPathBase<T> | The base class for map items that are drawn as a path. |
MapPathPropertyMappingBase | The base class for all MapPath property mappings. |
MapPathSegment | A segment of a MapPathSegment object. |
MapPathSegmentCollection | A collection of map path segments. |
MapPie | The class used to draw a pie chart on a map. |
MapPieMappingInfo | Contains information about mapping the Pie chart item. |
MapPiePropertyMappingBase | The base class for all MapPie property mappings. |
MapPointer | The class used to draw a map pointer on a map. |
MapPolygon | The class used to draw a polygon on a map. |
MapPolygonPointCollectionMapping | Allows you to specify data members used to create map polygons. |
MapPolygonPropertyMappingBase | The base class for all MapPolygon property mappings. |
MapPolyline | Contains map polyline settings. |
MapPolylineBase | A base class for polylines. |
MapPolylinePointCollectionMapping | Allows you to specify data members used to create map polylines. |
MapPolylinePropertyMappingBase | The base class for all MapPolyline property mappings. |
MapPushpin | The class used to draw a pushpin on a map. |
MapRectangle | The class used to draw a rectangle on a map. |
MapRectangleHeightMapping | This class allows you to map the MapRectangle.Height property to a data source field. |
MapRectanglePropertyMappingBase | The base class for all MapRectangle property mappings. |
MapRectangleWidthMapping | This class allows you to map the MapRectangle.Width property to a data source field. |
MapRuler | Draws a ruler on the map. |
MapRulerStyle | Contains ruler style options. |
MapSearchPanelOptions | Contains map search panel settings. |
MapSegmentBase | The base for classes that are used to draw segments. |
MapSegmentCollectionBase<T> | Defines the base type for collections used by vector items containing segments. |
MapSelectionChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the MapControl.SelectionChanged event. |
MapSelectionChangingEventArgs | Provides data for the MapControl.SelectionChanging event. |
MapSelectionEventArgs | The base for classes that provide data for the map selection events. |
MapShape | The base class for all vector items that have an outline. |
MapShapePropertyMappingBase | The base class for all MapShape property mappings. |
MapSpline | Draws a spline on the map. |
MapTileDataProviderBase | A base class for Map Tile Providers. |
MapTileSourceBase | The base for all classes that can load image tiles from external map data providers. |
MapUiHitInfo | The class providing information about hit tested elements. |
MapViewport | A map viewport. |
MapWebRequestEventArgs | Provides data for the MapImageDataProviderBase.WebRequest event. |
MarkerClusterer | The clusterer based on grouping items in an item neighborhood. |
MbTilesDataProvider | A data provider that loads vector tiles from a MbTiles database. |
Measurements | Contains API to manage rulers that help users measure distances and areas on a map. |
MeasurementToolbarHitInfo | Hit test information about the Measurements toolbar. |
MeasurementToolbarOptions | Contains the Measurements toolbar settings. |
MeasureRules | Contains measure rules for vector items. |
MeasureUnit | Represents a measure unit used by a map. |
MercatorAuxiliarySphereCartesianToGeoConverter | Converter that transforms data from the Mercator Auxiliary projected coordinate system to the geographic coordinate system. |
MillerProjection | A class that defines methods specific to the Miller Projection. |
MiniMap | Implements a mini map displayed within the MapControl. |
MiniMapBehavior | The base class to provide mini map behavior. |
MiniMapImageTilesLayer | A layer that displays image tiles, obtained from one of the supported map providers, on the mini map. |
MiniMapLayerBase | The base class for all mini map layers. |
MiniMapLayerCollection | A collection of mini map layers. |
MiniMapVectorItemsLayer | A layer that displays vector data on the mini map. |
MouseHoverInteractiveClusterMode | Allows the Map Control to handle hover operations over clusters. |
MultiScaleTileSource | The class that provides functionality to load image tiles for different zoom scales from an external image tile source. |
NamedAttributeProviderBase | Provides the base functionality to provide map item attributes values by their names. |
NavigationPanelOptions | Contains options that define the appearance, position and layout of the navigation panel element. |
ObjectSelectedEventArgs | Provides data for the MapControl.ObjectSelected event. |
OpenStreetMapDataProvider | The class that loads map images from a web resource that provides data in the OpenStreetMap format. |
OsmAddress | An address used to specify the location for which to obtain geo data from the Open Street Map service. |
OsmGeocodeDataProvider | Provides the capability to obtain geocode data from the Open Street Map service. |
OsmSearchDataProvider | Provides the search options using the Open Street Map service. |
OverlayArrangement | Contains information about the overlay and its child item arrangement. |
OverlaysArrangedEventArgs | Provides data for the MapControl.OverlaysArranged event. |
OwnedCollection<T> | The base class of the generic owned collection. |
PieChartDataAdapter | The data adapter that provides data to generate Pie chart items. |
PieSegment | A segment of a pie chart item. |
PieSegmentCollection | A collection of PieSegment objects. |
PredefinedColorsColorizer | The base for all colorizers with a predefined set of colors. |
ProjectionBase | The base class for all projections used in the MapControl. |
QueryCursorEventArgs | Provides data for the QueryCursor event. |
ReadOnlyCoordPointCollection | A read-only collection of CoordPoint objects. |
RequestCompletedEventArgs | Provides data for the MapImageDataProviderBase.WebRequest event. |
RequestResultBase | The base for all classes that contain results of requests to web services. |
RouteCalculationResult | Contains results of a request to a web service for route calculation. |
RouteIsochroneCalculationResult | Contains isochrone calculation results obtained from a web service. |
RouteWaypoint | Contains information on a specific waypoint of a route, calculated by the Route service. |
SearchBoundingBox | The rectangular area bounding the region containing a search result. |
SearchCompletedEventArgs | Provides data for the OsmSearchDataProvider.SearchCompleted event. |
SearchPanelOptions | Stores the Search Panel‘s settings. |
SearchRequestResult | Contains the results of a request to a web service to search a specific location. |
SelectedItemCollection | A collection of selected map items. |
ShapeAttributeValueProvider | The class that is used to obtain an attribute from a shape file source (Shapefile or KML file) that is applied to shape items. |
ShapefileDataAdapter | A data adapter that loads data from shapefiles and displays it on vector layers. |
ShapeSimplifierBase | The base class for map shape simplifiers. |
ShapeTitleOptions | Contains options that define the visibility, text and appearance of shape titles. |
ShpExportOptions | Stores shapefile export options. |
SinusoidalProjection | Represents the sinusoidal map projection. |
SizeLegend | Represents a map legend that details the meaning of Bubble sizes in a Bubble chart. |
SourceCoordinateSystem | The base class for the coordinate systems of a data adapter. |
SphericalMercatorProjection | A class that defines methods specific to the Spherical Mercator Projection. |
SqlGeometryDataAdapter | A data adapter that loads data from a SQL geometry data source and displays it on vector layers. |
SqlGeometryDataAdapterBase | This class provides the base functionality to provide data from a SQL Geometry data source. |
SqlGeometryItem | This class is used to represent the SQL Geometry spatial data objects. |
SqlGeometryItemCollection | A collection of SqlGeometryItems. |
SqlGeometryItemStorage | The date adapter stores manually added SqlGeometryItem objects. |
SvgExportOptions | The options to be applied when exporting the vector layer to the SVG file format. |
SvgFileDataAdapter | A data adapter that loads data from SVG files, and displays it on vector layers. |
TextElementStyle | Defines a style of the text element within a map. |
TrafficIncidentCalculationResult | Contains results of a request to a web service for traffic incident information. |
TransverseMercatorCartesianToGeoConverter | Converter that transforms data from the Transverse Mercator projected coordinate system to the geographic coordinate system. |
UriBasedVectorTileDataProvider | Provides map data from a set of PBF or MVT files. |
UTMCartesianToGeoConverter |
Converter that transforms data from the Universal Transverse Mercator projected coordinate system to the geographic coordinate system. |
VectorItemsLayer | A layer that displays a collection of vector elements. |
VectorTileDataProviderBase | The base class for vector tile data providers. |
ViewportChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the LayerBase.ViewportChanged event. |
VisvalingamShapeSimplifier | Specifies the Visvalingam shape simplification algorithm. |
WebInformationDataProvider | The base class for providers requesting GIS from map services. |
WmsBoundingBox | A bounding rectangle containing the geographical region specified by two geo points. |
WmsCustomParameterCollection | Represents a collection of web map service custom parameters. |
WmsDataProvider | Provides map images from the Web Map Service. |
WmsLayer | Provides information about a single layer obtained from a Web Map Service Provider. |
WmsLayerCollection | Provides a collection of WMS layers. |
Name | Description |
IClusterer | The interface that should be implemented by classes providing clustering functionality. |
IClustererGroupProvider | The interface that should be implemented by classes that can be used as group providers for clusterers. |
IClusterItemFactory | This interface should be implemented by classes which can be used as a cluster item factory. |
IColorizerElement | Interface that should be implemented by any object which can colorize a map element. |
IColorizerValueProvider | Interface that should be implemented by any object which supports a method required for a colorizer value provider. |
IEditableItem | An interface that should be implemented by any class representing a map item that can be edited using the Map Editor. |
IExpandedClusterLayout | The interface that should be implemented by classes that specify the layout of expanded cluster items. |
IHeatmapPointSource | The interface that should be implemented by classes that serve as a heatmap point source. |
IImageTileSource | The interface that should be implemented by classes that are tile sources for the ImageTileDataProvider. |
IInformationData | Interface that should be implemented by any object which can obtain the information data from map services. |
IMapDataAdapter | If implemented by a class, provides methods required for a VectorItemsLayer to operate with data. |
IMapItemFactory | Provides a method for creating map items. |
IMapSvgPaletteProvider | The interface that should be implemented by classes that are SVG palette providers. |
IMapUiHitInfo | The interface that should be implemented by a class providing information about hit tested UI elements. |
IMouseClickRequestSender | Interface that should be implemented by any object which can define a location by a mouse click on a Map control surface. |
ISearchPanelRequestSender | Interface that should be implemented by any object which can receive information and display a specific location represented as a search result in a Search Panel. |
ISupportWebRequest | An interface that should be implemented by a class that sends web requests. |
IWmsPointConverter | The interface that should be implemented by classes providing a point converter. |
Name | Description |
AreaMeasurementUnit | Specifies area measurement units for Map Control rulers. |
ContourInfo | The structure providing information about a map item’s outline. |
MapPoint | The screen coordinates of a map point. |
MapSize | Specifies the map size. |
MapUnit | A class that contains a location in internal map units. |
Name | Description |
AzureLocalizedView | Lists map views for a certain country/region. |
AzureResponseTravelMode | Lists the values used to specify transportation / commute mode. |
AzureRouteAvoidType |
Lists values that the AzureRouteDataProvider should avoid when calculating the route.
AzureRouteReport | Lists values that specify the data that should be reported for diagnostic purposes. |
AzureRouteSectionType | Lists section types reported in route responses. |
AzureTileset | Lists tilesets supplied by Azure Maps. |
AzureTrafficDelayMagnitude | Lists values that specify the magnitude of the delay associated with the incident. |
AzureTrafficIconCategory | Lists icon categories associated with the incident. |
AzureTrafficIncidentDetailStyle |
Lists styles that are used to render the tile in the AzureTrafficIncidentDataProvider .
AzureTrafficIncidentGeometryType | Lists types of vector geometry added to incidents. |
AzureTravelMode | Lists the values used to specify transportation / commute mode. |
BingAvoidRoads | Lists limitations in the use of toll and highway roads when route planning. |
BingCalculationMethod | Lists methods used to compute geocode points. |
BingConfidence | Lists the values that specify the possible confidence level of the geocoded location search results. |
BingItineraryWarningSeverity | Lists values indicating a warning level associated with an itinerary item of a Bing route. |
BingItineraryWarningType | Lists the values used to specify a warning type. |
BingManeuverType | Lists the values used to specify the current maneuver type. |
BingMapKind | Lists the values used to specify the kind of maps to be obtained from the BingMapDataProvider. |
BingMapTopLayer | Lists Bing Maps layers that can be displayed on the map. |
BingMatchCode | Lists the possible geocoding levels for the each location in the map service response. |
BingRouteOptimization | Lists the values used to specify how to optimize route calculation. |
BingTrafficIncidentSeverity | List incident severity levels. |
BingTrafficIncidentType | Lists traffic incident types. |
BingTravelMode | Lists the values used to specify the travel mode to calculate the route. |
BingUsageType | Lists ways to use geocode points. |
CircularScrollingMode | Lists values indicating items that should be circularly scrolled. |
ConnectionProtocol | Lists all available connection protocols. |
CreatableMapItemKind | Lists the map item types that the Map Editor can create while it is in the Create mode. |
DistanceMeasureUnit | Lists the values used to specify units to measure distances on a map. |
ElementSelectionMode | Lists the values used to specify the selection mode of a map element. |
ElementState | Lists states of the map elements. |
FieldValueType | Lists the field value types of the map item attribute. |
Hemisphere | Lists the values used to specify the Earth’s hemishpere. |
LegendAlignment | Contains values that specify how a map legend is aligned. |
LegendItemsSortOrder | Lists the sorting variants values of a ColorListLegend object. |
MapboxTileset | Lists tilesets that the MapboxDataProvider can use. |
MapDotShapeKind | Lists the values used to specify the shape of map dots. |
MapEditActionResult | Lists values that specify the edit action results. |
MapEditMode | Lists values that specify the map edit modes. |
MapEditorAction | Lists all actions that can cause map item changes. |
MapEditorUiElement | Lists the Map Editor’s elements that can be hit. |
MapElementState | Lists states of the map elements. |
MapHitUiElementType | Lists element types that can be hit. |
MapItemTransform | Lists transformations that can be applied to a map item. |
MapItemType | Lists the types of a map item. |
MapLegendHitElement | Lists legend elements that can be positioned in a hit-test point. |
MapPrintSizeMode | Lists the values specifying size modes used when a map is printed or exported. |
MapUpdateType | Lists the values that specify types of data updates. |
MarkerType | Lists the values that specify types of markers displayed as bubble chart items above the map. |
MiniMapAlignment | Lists the values used to specify the position of a mini map on a map. |
OpenStreetMapKind | Lists the values used to specify the kind of layer that should be obtained from the OpenStreetMapDataProvider. |
PredefinedColorSchema | Lists the predefined color schemas which are used by the map colorizer to color map shapes. |
QueryCursorAction | Lists actions that make the map control switch the cursor image. |
RenderMode | Lists the values used to specify the render mode of a map control. |
RequestResultCode | Lists the values used to specify the resulting code of a request. |
RotationDirection | Lists the values that specify how pie slices should be rotated. |
RulerType | Lists ruler types of the Measurements class. |
ShapeType | Lists shape types that can be stored in the shapefile format. |
SizeLegendType | Lists the values that specify the types of size legends. |
SummaryFunction | Lists the values that specify the types of summary functions used when generating chart items for the Map control. |
TextAlignment | Specifies how the text associated with the map pointer should be aligned. |
TimeMeasureUnit | Lists time measurement units. |
TransformOrigin | Lists all the possible transform origins. |
VisibilityMode | Lists the values that specify visibility modes for various map elements. |