OsmGeocodeDataProvider Class
In This Article
Provides the capability to obtain geocode data from the Open Street Map service.
Namespace: DevExpress.XtraMap
Assembly: DevExpress.XtraMap.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Map
public class OsmGeocodeDataProvider :
This example demonstrates how to add an image layer displaying map tiles from the OSM service and an information layer that searches for a place on the map using the OSM search service. It uses the following classes:
Class | Description |
Image |
Displays map images obtained from map image data providers. |
Open |
The class that loads map images from a web resource that provides data in the Open |
Information |
A layer that is used to display additional information above the map. |
Osm |
Provides the capability to obtain geocode data from the Open Street Map service. |
private void OnFormLoad(object sender, EventArgs e) {
mapControl.Layers.AddRange(new LayerBase[] {
new ImageLayer {
DataProvider = new OpenStreetMapDataProvider() {
TileUriTemplate = "YOUR_TILE_SERVICE.com/{1}/{2}/{3}"
new InformationLayer {
DataProvider = new OsmGeocodeDataProvider()
See Also