BingRouteDataProvider Class
The class that is used to send requests to the Bing Maps Route service.
Namespace: DevExpress.XtraMap
Assembly: DevExpress.XtraMap.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Map
public class BingRouteDataProvider :
The Bing Route Data provider is represented by the BingRouteDataProvider
object that can be accessed via the InformationLayer.DataProvider property.
On May 21, 2024, Microsoft announced that Bing Maps for Enterprise and its API will be discontinued. Azure Maps will be a single unified enterprise mapping platform available from Microsoft.
We are working on API compatible with Azure Maps and expect to ship it with our next major release (v24.
If you have an existing license to Bing Maps for Enterprise, you can continue using our existing API. You need to transition to new API until June 30, 2025 (free and basic license) or until June 30, 2028 (enterprise license).
The last date you can get a new license to Bing Maps for Enterprise is June 30, 2025. If you do not have an existing license after that date, you would not be able to use our map controls with Bing Maps or Azure Maps (until we release the new API). During that time, you can use other map providers supported by our controls, such as Open
To access the route options of the Bing Route Data provider, use the BingRouteDataProvider.RouteOptions property.
The Bing
This example demonstrates how to calculate routes to the destination point from major roads. For this do the following.
- To calculate routes from major roads the BingRouteDataProvider.CalculateRoutesFromMajorRoads method should be called. In this example it is called in the Calculate Routes From Major Roads button click event handler.
- To process request result the BingRouteDataProvider.RouteCalculated event should be handled. The requested results contain the total distance of a route, itinerary item (BingRouteResult.Distance, BingRouteLeg.Distance, BingItineraryItem.Distance), the time required to follow the calculated route (BingRouteResult.Time) and pass the route leg and itinerary item (BingRouteLeg.Time, BingItineraryItem.Time). You can also see the maneuvers associated with the itinerary item (BingItineraryItem.Maneuver) and other parameters.
- To customize map items generated by the
object (because the InformationDataProviderBase.GenerateLayerItems property value is true by default) the InformationDataProviderBase.LayerItemsGenerating event should be handled.
Refer to How to: Get a Bing Maps Key if you run the application and see a window with the following error message: “The specified Bing Maps key is invalid. To create a developer account, refer to https://www.
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using DevExpress.XtraMap;
namespace CalculateRoutesFromMajorRoads {
public partial class Form1 : Form {
const double minLat = -90;
const double maxLat = 90;
const double minLon = -180;
const double maxLon = 180;
const string yourBingKey = "Insert Your Bing Key Here";//"Your Bing Key";
double lat = 40;
double lon = -120;
BingRouteDataProvider routeProvider;
public Form1() {
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
imageProvider.BingKey = yourBingKey;
routeProvider = new BingRouteDataProvider { BingKey = yourBingKey };
routeProvider.LayerItemsGenerating += OnLayerItemsGenerating;
routeProvider.RouteCalculated += OnRouteCalculated;
informationLayer.DataProvider = routeProvider;
informationLayer.DataRequestCompleted += OnDataRequestCompleted;
teLatitude.Text = lat.ToString();
teLongitude.Text = lon.ToString();
#region #InitBingRouteOptions
cbeTravelMode.SelectedIndex = 0;
cbeRouteOptimization.SelectedIndex = 0;
#endregion #InitBingRouteOptions
#region #LayerItemsGenerating
void OnLayerItemsGenerating(object sender, LayerItemsGeneratingEventArgs e) {
foreach(MapItem item in e.Items) {
MapPolyline polyline = item as MapPolyline;
if(polyline != null) {
polyline.Stroke = Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x00, 0x72, 0xC6);
polyline.StrokeWidth = 4;
#endregion #LayerItemsGenerating
#region #DataRequestCompleted
void OnDataRequestCompleted(object sender, RequestCompletedEventArgs e) {
#endregion #DataRequestCompleted
#region #BingRouteOptionsChanged
private void OnTravelModeSelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
routeProvider.RouteOptions.Mode = (BingTravelMode)cbeTravelMode.SelectedItem;
private void OnRouteOptimizationSelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
routeProvider.RouteOptions.RouteOptimization = (BingRouteOptimization)cbeRouteOptimization.SelectedItem;
#endregion #BingRouteOptionsChanged
void ShowErrorMessage(string variable, double minVal, double maxVal) {
"The {0} value shoud be larger or equals {1} and less or equals {2}.",
private void OnLatitudeValidating(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) {
if(!Double.TryParse(teLatitude.Text, out lat) ||
(lat > maxLat) || (lat < minLat)) {
e.Cancel = true;
ShowErrorMessage("Latitude", minLat, maxLat);
private void OnLongitudeValidating(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) {
if(!Double.TryParse(teLongitude.Text, out lon) ||
(lon > maxLon) || (lon < minLon)) {
e.Cancel = true;
ShowErrorMessage("Longitude", minLon, maxLon);
private void OnCalculateRoutesClick(object sender, EventArgs e) {
RouteWaypoint targetPoint = new RouteWaypoint("Searched location", new GeoPoint(lat, lon));
#region #RouteCalculated
private void OnRouteCalculated(object sender, BingRouteCalculatedEventArgs e) {
RouteCalculationResult result = e.CalculationResult;
if((result.RouteResults == null) ||
(result.ResultCode == RequestResultCode.BadRequest)) {
rtbResults.Text = "The Bing Route service does not work for this location.";
StringBuilder resultList = new StringBuilder("");
if(result.IntermediatePoints != null) {
for(int i = 0; i < e.CalculationResult.IntermediatePoints.Count; i++)
String.Format("Starting point {0}: {1} ({2})\n",
i + 1,
if((result.RouteResults != null) & (result.ResultCode == RequestResultCode.Success)) {
for(int rnum = 0; rnum < e.CalculationResult.RouteResults.Count; rnum++) {
resultList.Append(String.Format("Path {0}:\n", rnum + 1));
"Distance: {0}\n",
"Time: {0}\n",
if(e.CalculationResult.RouteResults[rnum].Legs != null) {
int legNum = 1;
foreach(BingRouteLeg leg in e.CalculationResult.RouteResults[rnum].Legs) {
resultList.Append(String.Format("\tLeg {0}:\n", legNum++));
resultList.Append(String.Format("\tDistance: {0}\n", leg.Distance));
resultList.Append(String.Format("\tTime: {0}\n", leg.Time));
if(leg.Itinerary != null) {
foreach(BingItineraryItem itineraryItem in leg.Itinerary) {
resultList.Append(String.Format(itineraryItem.Maneuver + "\n"));
"\t\tLocation: {0}\n",
rtbResults.Text = resultList.ToString();
#endregion #RouteCalculated