MapPieMappingInfo Class
Contains information about mapping the Pie chart item.
Namespace: DevExpress.XtraMap
Assembly: DevExpress.XtraMap.v24.2.dll
Related API Members
The following members return MapPieMappingInfo objects:
An object of this class can be accessed using the PieChartDataAdapter.Mappings property.
The PieChartDataAdapter class is intended to automatically generate pie charts from a data source.
Create the PieChartDataAdapter object, set its DataSourceAdapterBase.DataSource property and assign this data adapter to the VectorItemsLayer.Data property.
Specify the following PieChartDataAdapter properties:
- The PieChartDataAdapter.PieItemDataMember property;
- The MapItemMappingInfo.Latitude and MapItemMappingInfo.Longitude mappings of the PieChartDataAdapter.Mappings property;
- The MapChartItemMappingInfo.Value mapping of the PieChartDataAdapter.Mappings property;
- The MapPieMappingInfo.PieSegment mapping of the PieChartDataAdapter.Mappings property.
Initialize the VectorItemsLayer.Colorizer property with a KeyColorColorizer object.
The example uses a BingMapDataProvider to load image tiles. This provider requires you to set the BingMapDataProvider.BingKey property.
public Form1() {
// Assign a PieChartDataAdapter object to Data.
PieLayer.Data = CreateData();
// Assign a KeyColorColorizer object to Colorizer.
PieLayer.Colorizer = CreateColorizer();
// Create a pie chart data adapter and specify its parameters.
IMapDataAdapter CreateData() {
PieChartDataAdapter adapter = new PieChartDataAdapter() {
DataSource = LoadDataFromXml(xmlFilepath),
PieItemDataMember = "Name",
ItemMinSize = 20,
ItemMaxSize = 60
// Specify mappings.
adapter.Mappings.Latitude = "CapitalLat";
adapter.Mappings.Longitude = "CapitalLon";
adapter.Mappings.PieSegment = "MedalClass";
adapter.Mappings.Value = "Quantity";
// Specify measure rules.
adapter.MeasureRules = new MeasureRules();
return adapter;
private DataTable LoadDataFromXml(string path) {
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
DataTable table = ds.Tables[0];
return table;
// Create a colirizer and specify its options.
MapColorizer CreateColorizer() {
KeyColorColorizer colorizer = new KeyColorColorizer() {
ItemKeyProvider = new ArgumentItemKeyProvider()
colorizer.Colors.Add(Color.FromArgb(255, 207, 98));
colorizer.Colors.Add(Color.FromArgb(169, 181, 188));
colorizer.Colors.Add(Color.FromArgb(233, 152, 118));
colorizer.Keys.Add(new ColorizerKeyItem() { Key = 1, Name = "Gold" });
colorizer.Keys.Add(new ColorizerKeyItem() { Key = 2, Name = "Silver" });
colorizer.Keys.Add(new ColorizerKeyItem() { Key = 3, Name = "Bronze" });
return colorizer;