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BarStaticItem Members

Represents a bar item with a look and feel similar to the StatusbarPanel.


Name Description
BarStaticItem() Initializes a new BarStaticItem class instance.


Name Description
AccessibleDescription Gets or sets the object’s description used by accessibility client applications. Inherited from BarItem.
AccessibleName Gets or sets the object’s name used by accessibility client applications. Inherited from BarItem.
AccessibleRole Gets or sets the object’s accessible role. Inherited from BarItem.
Alignment Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the bar item’s link(s). Inherited from BarItem.
AllowFocus Gets or sets whether users can press the Tab Key to select (focus) this Bar Static Item.
AllowGlyphSkinning Gets or sets whether glyphs for this BarItem should be painted using the text foreground color. Inherited from BarItem.
AllowHtmlText Gets or sets whether the BarItem.Caption and BarItem.Description can be formatted using HTML tags. Inherited from BarItem.
AllowRightClickInMenu Gets or sets if the current command’s functionality is invoked via the right mouse click when in a sub-menu or popup menu. Inherited from BarItem.
AllowStubGlyph Gets or sets whether or not this item and all its links should display a stub glyph when it has no custom icon assigned. Inherited from BarItem.
Appearance Provides access to the appearance settings for the current bar item, applied when the bar item is in the regular state. Inherited from BarItem.

Provides access to the appearance settings for the current bar item, applied when the bar item is disabled. This property is supported for bar items used within a RibbonControl.

Inherited from BarItem.
AutoSize Gets or sets whether links to this BarStaticItem are automatically stretched to fill all available free space in the containing bar, or the width matches the item’s content.
BindingContext Gets or sets a BindingContext object that manages data bindings for this BarItem. Inherited from BarItem.
Border Gets or sets the border style for links that refer to the current item. Inherited from BarItem.
BorderStyle Obsolete. This member is not supported. Inherited from BarItem.
CanRaiseEvents protected Gets a value indicating whether the component can raise an event. Inherited from Component.
Caption The bar item’s caption. Inherited from BarItem.
Category Gets or sets a category where the bar item is displayed. Inherited from BarItem.
CategoryGuid Gets or sets a globally unique identifier (GUID) that identifies the category where the item is displayed. Inherited from BarItem.
CategoryIndex Obsolete. Gets or sets the index of the category to which the current item belongs. Inherited from BarItem.
CausesValidation Gets or sets whether data validation is performed on the currently focused control when clicking on the bar item. Inherited from BarItem.
Container Gets the IContainer that contains the Component. Inherited from Component.
ContentHorizontalAlignment Gets or sets the horizontal alignment mode for this BarItem‘s content. Inherited from BarItem.
DataBindings Provides access to the collection of data bindings for the BarItem. Inherited from BarItem.
Description Specifies the bar item’s description. Inherited from BarItem.
DescriptionMaxWidth Gets or sets the maximum width of this item’s description. Bar Items display their descriptions in Customization Forms, and inside submenus with the LargeImagesTextDescription draw mode. Inherited from BarItem.
DesignMode protected Gets a value that indicates whether the Component is currently in design mode. Inherited from Component.
DropDownSuperTip Gets or sets a SuperToolTip object that is displayed when the current item displays a separate dropdown arrow and this arrow is hot-tracked. Inherited from BarItem.
Enabled Determines whether the current BarItem is active. Inherited from BarItem.
Events protected Gets the list of event handlers that are attached to this Component. Inherited from Component.
Font Gets the font to display links of the current item. Inherited from BarItem.
Glyph Gets or sets the item’s image. Inherited from BarItem.
GlyphDisabled Gets or sets the image corresponding to the item’s disabled state. Inherited from BarItem.
Hint Specifies the bar item’s regular hint. Inherited from BarItem.
Id Uniquely identifies the current BarItem. Inherited from BarItem.
ImageIndex Gets or sets the index of a small image assigned to the item. Inherited from BarItem.
ImageIndexDisabled Gets or sets the index of the image displayed within corresponding links when they are disabled. Inherited from BarItem.
ImageOptions Provides access to all properties that allow you to assign and customize an icon for this BarItem. Inherited from BarItem.
Images Gets the object which contains images that can be displayed within the current item. Inherited from BarItem.
ImageToTextAlignment Specifies whether the bar item image should go before or after this item caption.

Gets or sets a uniform resource identifier of an image from the DX Image Gallery displayed in the current item. An A specific version of the addressed image is automatically chosen based on the app context (the current skin and required image size).

Inherited from BarItem.
IsAllowHtmlText Gets whether HTML tags can be used to format bar item captions. Inherited from BarItem.
IsImageExist Gets whether an image which is associated with the bar item actually exists. Inherited from BarItem.
IsLargeImageExist Gets whether a large image which is associated with the bar item actually exists. Inherited from BarItem.
ItemAppearance Specifies appearance settings for this item in different states. Inherited from BarItem.
ItemClickFireMode Gets or sets when the Click events for the bar item fire, immediately or asynchronously, after all events in the system event queue are processed. Inherited from BarItem.
ItemInMenuAppearance Specifies appearance settings for this item when it is displayed in a sub-menu or pop-up menu. Inherited from BarItem.
ItemShortcut Gets or sets the shortcut used to access the associated links with the keyboard. Inherited from BarItem.
LargeGlyph Gets or sets the item’s large image. Inherited from BarItem.
LargeGlyphDisabled Gets or sets the large image that corresponds to the item’s disabled state. Inherited from BarItem.
LargeImageIndex Gets or sets the index of the large image which is displayed within the item’s link(s). Inherited from BarItem.
LargeImageIndexDisabled Gets or sets the index of the large image which is displayed within the disabled item’s link(s). Inherited from BarItem.
LargeImages Gets the source of large images. Inherited from BarItem.
LargeWidth This member is not supported by the BarStaticItem object.
LeftIndent Gets or sets the left text indent in pixels within the BarStaticItem.
Links Gets the collection of links to the bar item. Inherited from BarItem.
Manager Specifies the BarManager responsible for managing the current item. Inherited from BarItem.
MaxWidth Gets or sets the item’s maximum width in auto-size mode. Not in effect in a ribbon.
MergeOrder Defines the visual position of the bar item after merging bars on a parent MDI form. Inherited from BarItem.
MergeType Gets or sets how the item behaves during merge operations in MDI applications. Inherited from BarItem.
MinWidth Gets or sets the item’s minimum width in auto-size mode. Not in effect in a ribbon.
Name Gets or sets the BarItem‘s name. Inherited from BarItem.
OwnFont Obsolete. Specifies the font used to display the captions of links corresponding to this item. Inherited from BarItem.
PaintStyle Specifies the style with which to display a specific BarItem within a bar. Inherited from BarItem.
RibbonStyle Gets or sets the options that specify the bar item’s possible states within a Ribbon Control. Inherited from BarItem.
RightIndent Gets or sets the right text indent within a BarStaticItem - in pixels .
SearchTags Gets or sets a comma-separated list of keywords by which this bar item can be found using the ribbon search menu. Inherited from BarItem.
ShortCut Obsolete. Specifies the shortcut key combination for the current item. Inherited from BarItem.
ShortcutKeyDisplayString Gets or sets a custom display string for the shortcut assigned to the item via the BarItem.ItemShortcut property. Inherited from BarItem.
ShowImageInToolbar Gets or sets whether to display the item’s image when the item is positioned in a RibbonQuickAccessToolbar or page header.
ShowInCustomizationForm Gets or sets whether the bar item is visible at runtime in the Customization Window. Inherited from BarItem.
ShowItemShortcut Gets or sets whether this BarItem should display its shortcut in sub-menus and pop-up menus. Inherited from BarItem.
ShowToolTip Gets or sets whether this item should display its hint when hovered. Inherited from BarItem.
Site Gets or sets the ISite of the Component. Inherited from Component.
Size Gets or sets the BarItem‘s size. Not supported in Ribbon UI. Inherited from BarItem.
SmallWithoutTextWidth This member is not supported by the BarStaticItem object.
SmallWithTextWidth This member is not supported by the BarStaticItem object.
SuperTip Gets or sets a SuperToolTip for the current bar item. Inherited from BarItem.
Tag Gets or sets an object that contains data on the current item. Inherited from BarItem.
TextAlignment Gets or sets text alignment within the BarStaticItem.
UseOwnFont Obsolete. Gets or sets whether the item’s links are painted using the item’s own font (Appearance.Font). Inherited from BarItem.
Visibility Specifies when the item is visible. Inherited from BarItem.
VisibleInSearchMenu Gets or sets whether the bar item can be found using the ribbon search menu. Inherited from BarItem.
VisibleWhenVertical Determines whether an item is visible when the bar is vertically oriented . Inherited from BarItem.
Width Gets or sets the fixed width for this BarStaticItem.


Name Description
BeginUpdate() Locks the BarItem object by preventing visual updates until the EndUpdate method is called. Inherited from BarItem.
CancelUpdate() Unlocks the object after it has been locked by the BarItem.BeginUpdate method, without causing an immediate visual update. Inherited from BarItem.
ContainsItem(BarItem) Indicates whether the item contains the item specified. Inherited from BarItem.
CreateObjRef(Type) Creates an object that contains all the relevant information required to generate a proxy used to communicate with a remote object. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
Dispose() Releases all resources used by the Component. Inherited from Component.
EndUpdate() Unlocks the BarItem object after a call to the BeginUpdate method and causes an immediate visual update. Inherited from BarItem.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetBarLinkInfoProvider() This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from BarItem.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetLifetimeService() Retrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
GetService(Type) protected Returns an object that represents a service provided by the Component or by its Container. Inherited from Component.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
GetVisibleLinks() Returns the list of all currently visible links to this BarItem. Inherited from BarItem.
InitializeLifetimeService() Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone(Boolean) protected Creates a shallow copy of the current MarshalByRefObject object. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
PerformClick() Fires the ItemClick events for the current bar item. Inherited from BarItem.
PerformClick(BarItemLink) Fires the ItemClick events for the current bar item and its link. Inherited from BarItem.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
Refresh() Forces the controls that contain the bar item’s links to invalidate their client area. Inherited from BarItem.
Reset() Resets the current BarItem to the original state. Inherited from BarItem.
ResetDropDownSuperTip() Clears the SuperTip that has been assigned to the BarItem.DropDownSuperTip property. Inherited from BarItem.
ResetSuperTip() Removes the SuperToolTip object that has been assigned to the current bar item. Inherited from BarItem.
ToString() Returns this BarItem‘s caption (the BarItem.Caption property value). Inherited from BarItem.
UpdateBindings(BindingContext) Updates data bindings used by this BarItem. Inherited from BarItem.


Name Description
Disposed Occurs when the component is disposed by a call to the Dispose() method. Inherited from Component.
HyperlinkClick Occurs each time an end-user clicks a hyperlink within the current BarItem. Inherited from BarItem.
ItemClick Occurs when the current item is clicked. Inherited from BarItem.
ItemDoubleClick Fires when a link to an item is double-clicked. Inherited from BarItem.
ItemPress Fires immediately after a link associated with an item has been pressed. Inherited from BarItem.
See Also