BarEditItem Class
A bar item that contains an editor.
Namespace: DevExpress.XtraBars
Assembly: DevExpress.XtraBars.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Navigation
#Related API Members
The following members return BarEditItem objects:
Library | Related API Members |
Win |
Bar |
.NET Reporting Tools | XRDesign |
XRDesign |
Use bar edit items (BarEditItem
) to display data editors within a toolbar or Ribbon UI.
Follow the steps below to create a BarEditItem
at design time:
- Right click the Ribbon Page Group to add a new item (click the
button to add a new item to a toolbar). - Click the Editor menu item and choose the editor type.
The following example create a BarEditItem that embed a Font Editor:
using DevExpress.XtraBars;
using DevExpress.XtraEditors.Repository;
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
// Creates and initializes a bar item with the embedded font editor.
BarEditItem fontBarItem = new BarEditItem(ribbonControl1.Manager, new RepositoryItemFontEdit()){ EditWidth = 160, EditValue = "Arial Black" };
// Handles the bar edit item's EditValueChanged event.
fontBarItem.EditValueChanged += FontBarItem_EditValueChanged;
// Displays the bar edit item (its link) within the Ribbon page group.
private void FontBarItem_EditValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
MessageBox.Show(String.Format("{0} font selected.", (sender as BarEditItem).EditValue.ToString()), "Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
If you create a bar item in code, associate the bar item with the BarBar
parameter. To display the bar item within the Ribbon Control, pass the RibbonBar
#Customize the Editor
Use the BarEditItem.Edit property to access the editor and customize its settings.
#Edit Value
The BarEditItem.EditValue property specifies the editor’s value.
using DevExpress.XtraBars;
using DevExpress.XtraEditors.Repository;
RepositoryItem editor = new RepositoryItemColorEdit();
BarEditItem barItem = new BarEditItem(barManager1, editor);
barItem.EditValue = Color.Red;
#Vertical Bars
Bar items are rotated in vertical bars. Editors cannot be rotated, so editor bar items are automatically hidden. To display editor bar items in a vertical bar, you can do one of the following:
prevent bar items from being rotated - set the Bar.BarOptions.RotateWhenVertical property to
.display a glyph and/or caption only, without an editor - set the BarEditItem.VisibleWhenVertical property to
.to display a glyph - specify an image using the BarItem.ImageOptions property, and ensure glyphs are allowed by the BarItem.PaintStyle property.
to display a caption - specify a caption using the BarItem.Caption property, and ensure captions are allowed by the BarItem.PaintStyle property.
Handle the BarItem.ItemClick or BarManager.ItemClick event to respond to clicks on editor bar items.
An in-place editor (Base
To access and customize a specific in-place editor, first activate the editor via the Bar
Specific dropdown editors allow their items to be populated from a data source (e.
The following code shows how to:
- embed a SpinEdit editor in a bar using the
object. - assign an initial value to the editor (BarEditItem);
- handle the BarEditItem.EditValueChanged event to perform actions when the editor’s value changes.
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
// Create a BarEditItem with embedded SpinEdit in-place editor.
BarEditItem item = new BarEditItem(barManager1);
item.Edit = barManager1.RepositoryItems.Add("SpinEdit");
item.EditValueChanged += BarEditItem1_EditValueChanged;
// Specify the editor's initial value.
int initialValue = 0;
item.EditValue = initialValue;
// Perform actions when the editor's value changes
private void BarEditItem1_EditValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
BarEditItem item = sender as BarEditItem;
object newValue = item.EditValue;