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BarCheckItem Class

A bar item with toggle button functionality.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraBars

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraBars.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Navigation


public class BarCheckItem :

The following members return BarCheckItem objects:


This class represents a bar button item with the check style applied. It introduces the BarCheckItem.Checked property that determines the item’s pushed (check) state. A checked item’s link appears sunken or highlighted relative to the other links. The appearance of a checked item’s link is determined by the BarAndDockingController’s look and feel settings which are accessible via the BarAndDockingController.LookAndFeel property.


You can use properties of the BarCheckItem.ImageOptions object to specify different images for checked and unchecked states (CheckedImage, CheckedSvgImage, etc.):

BarCheckItem - Checked Image


If you create a bar item in code, associate the bar item with the BarManager or RibbonControl. Use the constructor with the BarManager parameter. To display the bar item within the Ribbon Control, pass the RibbonControl.Manager object as the BarManager parameter.

See Also