BarMdiChildrenListItem Class
Represents a bar item containing a list of active windows in an MDI applications.
Namespace: DevExpress.XtraBars
Assembly: DevExpress.XtraBars.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Navigation
public class BarMdiChildrenListItem :
The BarMDIChildrenListItem can be used to implement navigation between the windows of MDI applications. This item type contains the complete list of active MDI child documents. The items in this list can be displayed with a check mark at the left of the document to indicate the currently active item and with numbers which serve as the hotkey for a specific item:
If icons are assigned to MDI children, they will be displayed next to MDI children captions by the BarMdiChildrenListItem. If an incorrect icon is assigned to an MDI child, it will not be displayed.
Since the BarMDIChildrenListItem class is a descendant of the BarListItem class, it inherits the BarListItem‘s behavior - within a menu it appears as a list and within a bar it appears as a submenu.
If you create a bar item in code, associate the bar item with the BarBar
parameter. To display the bar item within the Ribbon Control, pass the RibbonBar