BarManagerProperties Class
Contains default customization settings for bars.
Namespace: DevExpress.XtraBars
Assembly: DevExpress.XtraBars.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Navigation
#Related API Members
The following members return BarManagerProperties objects:
The BarManagerProperties class provides customization settings for bars. You can access these settings via the BarAndDockingController.PropertiesBar property.
The BarManagerProperties.BarItemHorzIndent and BarManagerProperties.BarItemVertIndent properties specify the distance between neighboring bar items horizontally and vertically. Note that these properties define default settings. They can be overridden for individual bars via the Bar.BarItemHorzIndent and Bar.BarItemVertIndent properties respectively.
Other BarManagerProperties properties define common settings for all bars and these cannot be overridden by individual bars. See the appropriate property descriptions for more information.