BarLargeButtonItemLink Class
Represents a link to a large button item.
Namespace: DevExpress.XtraBars
Assembly: DevExpress.XtraBars.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Navigation
public class BarLargeButtonItemLink :
To display the content of an item within a toolbar or menu, you must create a link to this item. The Bar.AddItem, Bar.AddItems and Bar.InsertItem methods of bars can be used for this purpose. Use the Bar.RemoveLink method to delete a link from a bar.
The collection of links within a specific bar can be obtained via the Bar.ItemLinks property of this bar. You can also access links associated with a particular item. Use the item’s BarItem.Links property for this purpose.
Links to large button items are represented by BarLargeButtonItemLink objects. You can use the BarLargeButtonItemLink.Item property to get the BarLargeButtonItem object representing the associated link. Properties and methods of the owning item can be used to modify all associated links. However, certain aspects of a link’s look & feel can be modified for each individual link. Use the link’s properties for this purpose.