BarMdiMenuMergeStyle Enum
Contains values specifying when the merge mechanism should be invoked.
Namespace: DevExpress.XtraBars
Assembly: DevExpress.XtraBars.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Navigation
Name | Description |
The merge mechanism is invoked when a child MDI form is activated. Merge-related toolbars of inactive child forms are hidden from these forms and from the parent form. |
The merge mechanism is invoked when a child MDI form is activated. Merge-related toolbars of inactive child forms are visible in these forms, and are hidden from the parent form. |
The merge mechanism is invoked when a child MDI form is maximized. The unmerge mechanism is invoked when a child form is restored from the maximized view. |
The merge mechanism is disabled. |
#Related API Members
The following properties accept/return BarMdiMenuMergeStyle values:
The BarMdiMenuMergeStyle type enumerates values specifying when the merge and unmerge mechanisms should be invoked in an MDI application. You can use the BarManager.MdiMenuMergeStyle property to access this setting.
The merge mechanism, when invoked, does two things:
- the main menus of child and parent MDI forms are automatically merged (the child form’s main menu links are moved to the parent form)
- the BarManager.Merge event is fired, which allows you to merge other bars manually as required
The order in which new links will be combined with existing links during merging is specified by the items’ BarItem.MergeOrder properties. Links are combined based on the items’ BarItem.MergeType properties.
The unmerge mechanism restores bar link layouts after the recent merge operations. Two actions are performed:
- the main menus of parent and child MDI forms restore their layouts automatically.
- the BarManager.UnMerge event is fired, which allows you to manually undo the merge operations you have performed via the BarManager.Merge event
You can refer to the MDI Merging document for more details.