ShortcutItemClickEventArgs Class
Provides data for the BarManager.ShortcutItemClick event.
Namespace: DevExpress.XtraBars
Assembly: DevExpress.XtraBars.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Navigation
The BarManager.ShortcutItemClick event allows you to prevent a bar item’s functionality from being invoked when the corresponding shortcut is pressed.
You can assign shortcuts to bar items. The Bar Manager catches all key presses within the form and invokes a specific item’s functionality if the corresponding shortcut is pressed. You may want to prevent a shortcut from being processed, for instance, when a specific control within the form is focused. To do this, handle the BarManager.ShortcutItemClick event and set the ShortcutItemClickEventArgs.Cancel parameter to true. The item whose shortcut is pressed and the shortcut itself are passed as the event’s ShortcutItemClickEventArgs.Item and ShortcutItemClickEventArgs.Shortcut parameters respectively.