BarDockStyle Enum
Enumerates dock styles for bar objects.
Namespace: DevExpress.XtraBars
Assembly: DevExpress.XtraBars.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Navigation
Name | Description |
A bar object is floating. |
A bar object is docked to the left side of the owner control. |
A bar object is docked to the top of the owner control. |
A bar object is docked to the right side of the owner control. |
A bar object is docked to the bottom of the owner control. |
Identifies a Standalone |
#Related API Members
The following properties accept/return BarDockStyle values:
Use the Bar.DockStyle property to specify a bar’s dock style. For instance, setting this property to BarDockStyle.Left docks the bar to the left edge of its container.
Bar dock controls provide the read-only BarDockControl.DockStyle property, ,allowing you to get how a control is docked. For standalone bar dock controls, the DockStyle property always returns BarDockStyle.Standalone.