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BarLinkUserDefines Enum

Lists values specifying which link settings are determined by a user.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraBars

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraBars.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Navigation


public enum BarLinkUserDefines


Name Description

If active, disables all other options.


If active, the link’s caption is specified by the BarItemLink.UserCaption property. Otherwise, the caption is specified by the item’s BarItem.Caption property.


If active, the link’s image is specified by the BarItemLink.UserGlyph property. Otherwise, the image is specified by the item’s BarItem.Glyph property.


If active, the link’s painting style is specified by the BarItemLink.UserPaintStyle property. Otherwise, the painting style is specified by the item’s BarItem.PaintStyle property.


If active, the link’s width is specified by the BarItemLink.UserWidth property. Otherwise, the width is specified by the item’s BarItem.Width property.


If active, a key tip has been assigned to a link via the BarItemLink.KeyTip property. Otherwise, no key tip has been assigned to the link.


If active, a key tip has been assigned to a link via the BarButtonItemLink.DropDownKeyTip property. Otherwise, no key tip has been assigned to this property.


If active, the link’s style is specified by the BarItemLink.UserRibbonStyle property. Otherwise, the caption is specified by the item’s BarItem.RibbonStyle property.


If active, the link’s alignment is specified by the BarItemLink.UserAlignment property. Otherwise, the caption is specified by the item’s BarItem.Alignment property.


If active, the width of an editor within the BarEditItemLink is specified by the BarItemLink.UserEditWidth property. Otherwise, the caption is specified by the item’s BarEditItem.EditWidth property.

#Related API Members

The following properties accept/return BarLinkUserDefines values:


Values listed by this enumeration are used to set the link’s BarItemLink.UserDefine property value. Note that the enumeration allows bitwise combinations of its values so that you can set each option’s state independently of other options.

See Also