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MapPolylineBase.EndLineCap Property

Returns end cap settings.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraMap

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraMap.v24.2.dll


public MapLineCap EndLineCap { get; }

Property Value

Type Description

Contains end cap settings.


Use the EndLineCap property to display a shape at the end of a MapPolylineBase descendant. The default cap shape is an arrow. Set the Visible property to true to display the arrow:

MapSpline spline = new MapSpline() { StrokeWidth = 2, Stroke = System.Drawing.Color.Blue };
spline.Points.AddRange(new GeoPoint[] {
                          new GeoPoint(-6, -4),
                          new GeoPoint(-3, -10),
                          new GeoPoint(-6, -20) });

MapPolyline polyLine = new MapPolyline() { StrokeWidth = 2, Stroke = System.Drawing.Color.Blue };
polyLine.Points.AddRange(new GeoPoint[] {
                         new GeoPoint(-11, -4),
                         new GeoPoint(-8, -10),
                         new GeoPoint(-11, -20) });

spline.EndLineCap.Visible = true;
polyLine.EndLineCap.Visible = true;


Map Line Cap

To display a custom shape, set the MapLineCap.Template property to a MapUnit array that defines a cap template.

Use the MapLineCap.Width and MapLineCap.Length properties to specify dimensions of the default arrow or a custom shape.

The following code defines the end cap template and its dimensions:

MapUnit[] template = new MapUnit[] {new MapUnit(0, 0),
                                    new MapUnit(-0.5, -0.5),
                                    new MapUnit(0.45, 0),
                                    new MapUnit(-0.5, 0.5),
                                    new MapUnit(0, 0)};
spline.EndLineCap.Template = template;
polyLine.EndLineCap.Template = template;

spline.EndLineCap.Length = 20;
spline.EndLineCap.Width = 20;

polyLine.EndLineCap.Length = 35;
polyLine.EndLineCap.Width = 22;


MapPolyLine and MapSpline Cap template

The MapLineCap.IsFilled property specifies whether the cap shape is filled:

spline.EndLineCap.IsFilled = false;
polyLine.EndLineCap.IsFilled = false;

Map Line Cap IsFilled property is false

See Also