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BingTrafficIncidentResult Properties

Stores information about an incident.
Name Description
CongestionInfo Returns the congestion description if the Type of the traffic incident is Congestion.
Description Returns the incident description.
EndTime Returns the time when the traffic incident will end.
IncidentId Returns a unique ID for the incident.
LaneInfo Returns a description specific to lanes (for example, lane closures).
LastModified Returns the time of the last change to the incident-related data.
LocationCodes Returns a collection of traffic location codes if IncludeLocationCodes is enabled.
Point Returns geographical coordinates of the location where the incident occurs.
RoadClosed Returns the value that specifies whether the road is closed.
Severity Returns the incident severity level.
StartTime Returns the time when the incident occurred.
ToPoint Returns the coordinates of the traffic incident’s endpoint (for example, the end of a construction zone).
Type Returns the incident type.
Verified Returns the value that specifies whether the incident is visually verified or officially confirmed (for example, by the local police department).
See Also