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BingMapDataProvider.TopLayer Property

Gets or sets the display layer that is rendered over the imagery set received from the Bing Maps service.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraMap

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraMap.v24.2.dll


public BingMapTopLayer TopLayer { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Default Description
BingMapTopLayer BaseMap

A value that specifies a layer that is displayed over the imagery set received from the Bing Maps service.

Available values:

Name Description Image

The layer that displays the regular road map with labels.

Bing Maps BaseMap layer


The layer that displays base geometry without labels.

Bing Maps Background layer


The layer that displays only labels on the map.

Bing Maps Foreground layer


The layer that displays traffic flow.

Bing Maps Traffic layer


The following code renders the Traffic Flow layer of Bing Maps. Note if the BingMapDataProvider.Kind property is set to BingMapKind.Hybrid, the map is displayed with labels regardless of the display layer type.

ImageLayer imageLayer = new ImageLayer();

BingMapDataProvider provider = new BingMapDataProvider();
provider.BingKey = "Insert your BingMaps key.";
provider.TopLayer = BingMapTopLayer.TrafficFlow;
provider.Kind = BingMapKind.RoadLight;
imageLayer.DataProvider = provider;
See Also