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RepositoryItemHyperLinkEdit Class

Represents the class which provides settings specific to a HyperLinkEdit control.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraEditors.Repository

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraEditors.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Navigation


public class RepositoryItemHyperLinkEdit :

The following members return RepositoryItemHyperLinkEdit objects:


Use properties and events of the RepositoryItemHyperLinkEdit class to customize the hyperlink editor. To access these settings for a stand alone HyperLinkEdit editor, use the HyperLinkEdit.Properties property.

You can specify the following settings:

hyperLinkEdit1.Properties.StartKey =  new KeyShortcut(Keys.Alt | Keys.Enter);
hyperLinkEdit1.Properties.BrowserWindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Maximized;
hyperLinkEdit1.Properties.Caption = "DevExpress";
hyperLinkEdit1.Text = "";
hyperLinkEdit1.Properties.LinkColor = Color.Purple;

This example uses RepositoryItemHyperLinkEdit to display hyperlinks in the “Url” column of a grid.

Display Hyperlinks in DevExpress Grid Control

using DevExpress.Utils;
using DevExpress.XtraEditors.Repository;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace DXApplication4 {
    public partial class Form1 : DevExpress.XtraEditors.XtraForm {
        RepositoryItemHyperLinkEdit hyperLinkEdit;
        public Form1() {
        void InitHyperlinkEditor(string fieldName){
            hyperLinkEdit = new RepositoryItemHyperLinkEdit() {
                Name = "repositoryItemHyperLinkEdit1",
                SingleClick = true,
            gridView1.Columns[fieldName].ColumnEdit = hyperLinkEdit;
        void InitGridControl() {
            gridControl1.DataSource = InitData();
            gridView1.OptionsBehavior.EditorShowMode = EditorShowMode.MouseDown;
            gridView1.Columns["Url"].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true;
        List<DataItem> InitData(){
            return new List<DataItem>() {
                new DataItem(){ Url = "" },
                new DataItem(){ Url = "" },
                new DataItem(){ Url = "" },
                new DataItem(){ Url = "" }
    public class DataItem {
        public string Url { get; set; }


See Also