TreeListView.CustomDataUpdateFormatCondition Event
Allows defining a custom logic of conditional formatting of the changed grid cells (rows).
Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Grid
Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Grid.v24.1.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Grid.Core
public event EventHandler<CustomDataUpdateFormatConditionEventArgs> CustomDataUpdateFormatCondition
Event Data
The CustomDataUpdateFormatCondition event's data class is CustomDataUpdateFormatConditionEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:
Property | Description |
Allow | Gets or sets whether the formatting should be applied to a processed cell (row). |
Condition | Gets the currently processed format condition. |
NewValue | Gets the new cell value. |
OldValue | Gets the previous cell value. |
Use the DataUpdateFormatCondition.Rule property to set a rule that determines whether the data update formatting is applied.
To define a custom logic, set the DataUpdateFormatCondition.Rule property to DataUpdateRule.Custom and handle the CustomDataUpdateFormatCondition (or TableView.CustomDataUpdateFormatCondition) event.
The code sample below shows how to define a custom logic for conditional formatting.
<dxg:TreeListView x:Name="view" CustomDataUpdateFormatCondition="view_CustomDataUpdateFormatCondition">
<dxg:DataUpdateFormatCondition FieldName="DeltaPrice" Rule="Custom" PredefinedFormatName="LightRedFillWithDarkRedText" />