IconSetFormatCondition Class
An Icon Sets conditional format.
Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Grid
Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Grid.v24.1.Core.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Grid.Core
The Icon Sets conditional format allows you to use predefined or custom sets of icons to format different ranges of values.
The image below shows a grid column whose Profit cells contain icons corresponding to numeric values.
To create the Icon Sets conditional format in code, create the IconSetFormatCondition class instance and specify the following settings:
- Use the FormatConditionBase.FieldName property to specify the column’s field name to which to apply the conditional format.
- Formatting cells/rows are based on single column values by default. Use the FormatConditionBase.Expression property to specify a complex custom expression that returns a value based on several parameters (e.g., several columns in a row).
Specify the target cells’ formatting in one of the following ways:
- Specify the predefined format using the FormatConditionBase.PredefinedFormatName property.
- Set the custom format using the IconSetFormatCondition.Format property.
- Set a selective expression using the IndicatorFormatConditionBase.SelectiveExpression property if it is necessary to select data records to which the rule should be applied.
- Add the resulting IconSetFormatCondition instance to the TableView.FormatConditions (or TreeListView.FormatConditions) collection.
The following code sample illustrates how to define a conditional format in markup:
<dxg:IconSetFormatCondition FieldName="Profit" PredefinedFormatName="Stars3IconSet"/>
The code sample below illustrates how to define the same conditional format in code-behind:
var profitFormatCondition = new IconSetFormatCondition() {
FieldName = "Profit",
PredefinedFormatName = "Stars3IconSet"
Related GitHub Examples
The following code snippet (auto-collected from DevExpress Examples) contains a reference to the IconSetFormatCondition class.
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