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VCL ExpressEditors Library

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The VCL ExpressEditors Library includes a variety of controls that can be divided into the following five categories:

Data editors that can help you solve two different tasks. You can use them as standalone controls and build data entry forms. You can also embed them into container controls and implement user-friendly data display and input in the Data Grid, Tree List, Ribbon, menus, and other controls.
Multi-purpose control library that includes more advanced versions of standard controls as well as unique controls not available in the default RAD Studio toolbox.
Utility Components
Non-visual components that help you enhance an application’s UI.
Shell Components
Skinnable editors and dialogs that allow you to add the shell navigation functionality to your application.
Skinnable Message Boxes
Message box dialogs that support the DevExpress Look and Feel/Skin technology.


The ExpressEditors Library includes over 40 editor types you can use as standalone controls or in-place editors in container controls (Data Grid, Tree List, Vertical Grid, Pivot Grid, Ribbon, menus, etc.) The majority of editors in this category ships in unbound and data-aware versions.

Barcode Editors

A barcode control is designed to generate and display a barcode or QR code from a source text string. Barcode controls support 13 barcode types.

Barcode Control Example

Refer to the following class descriptions for details:

An unbound barcode control.
A data-aware barcode control.

BLOB Editors

A BLOB (Binary Large Object) editor can display an image or text in a drop-down window.

BLOB Editor Example

Refer to the following class descriptions for details:

The BLOB editor.
Represents a data-aware control used for displaying and editing BLOB data from a data source.

Calculator Editors

A calculator editor is a numeric editor with a pop-up calculator.

Calculator Editor Example

Refer to the following class descriptions for details:

An editor with a dropdown calculator window.
Represents a data-aware control that enables editing a value via a popup calculator.

Check Boxes and Check Groups

A check box corresponds to an option, and can be in checked, unchecked, and grayed states. You can use a check group if it is possible to interpret the target edit value as a set of options.

Check Group Example

Refer to the following class descriptions for details:

Represents a check box control that allows selecting an option.
Represents a data-aware control which supports “checked”, “unchecked” and “grayed” states.
An editor displaying a set of check boxes.
Represents a data-aware check group control.

Color Editors

A color editor allows users to pick a color from a color gallery embedded into a drop-down window.

Color Editor Example

Refer to the following class descriptions for details:

An editor that allows users to pick a color from a color gallery embedded into a dropdown window.
A data-aware color editor control.

Color Galleries

A color gallery displays a palette from which users can pick a color. This gallery ships with a number of built-in palettes, including those found in Microsoft Office®.

Color Gallery Example

Refer to the following class descriptions for details:

An unbound color gallery control.
A data-aware color gallery control.

Combo Boxes

A combo box allows users to select an option in a drop-down list. A check combo box enables users to select multiple options simultaneously.

Combo Box Editor Examples

Refer to the following class descriptions for details:

An unbound combo box.
A data-aware combo box.
Represents a color combo box control.
An unbound combo box with support for images.
A data-aware image combo box.
Represents the data-aware version of the TcxColorComboBox.
An unbound combo box editor that can display items with check boxes.
A data-aware combo box editor that can display items with check boxes.

Currency Editors

A currency editor is a simple numeric editor designed to work with monetary values.

Currency Editor Example

Refer to the following class descriptions for details:

An editor that enables editing currency data.
A data-aware editor that enables editing currency data.

Date Editors

A date editor is an edit control with a drop-down calendar. The editor also allows users to adjust time in addition to the date selection functionality.

Date Editor Example

Refer to the following class descriptions for details:

TcxDateEdit is an edit control with a dropdown calendar.
Represents a data-aware edit control with a dropdown calendar that enables editing date values.

Date/Time Wheel Pickers

A date/time wheel picker is a touch-friendly editor that can display and change a TDateTime value.

Date/Time Wheel Picker Example

Refer to the following class descriptions for details:

An unbound date-time wheel picker editor.
A data-aware date-time wheel picker editor.

Formatted Labels

This label control can format its text based on BBCode-inspired tags. You can use the built-in Formatted Label Editor to specify markup code.

VCL Editors Library: A Formatted Label Example

Refer to the following class descriptions for details:

An unbound formatted label control.
A data-aware formatted label control.

A hyperlink editor is a single-line text editor that displays its content as a hyperlink. The editor can invoke the default system browser to open a hyperlink when a user clicks it.

Hyperlink Editor Example

Refer to the following class descriptions for details:

An unbound hyperlink editor.
A data-aware hyperlink editor.

Image Editors

An image editor is designed to store and display an image. Users can invoke a context menu to manage and edit images.

VCL Editors Library: An Image Editor Example

Refer to the following class descriptions for details:

An unbound image editor.
A data-aware image editor.

Lookup Combo Boxes

A lookup combo box combines the functionality of a lookup grid and a combo box.

Lookup Combo Box Example

Refer to the following class descriptions for details:

Represents a lookup combo box control.
Represents a data-aware editor displaying a set of values from a lookup dataset used for editing values in another dataset.
Represents a lookup editor displaying a grid View in its dropdown window.
Represents a control to edit a dataset field by picking up a record in its dropdown data-aware View.

Memo Editors

A memo editor is a multi-line text box.

Memo Editor Example

Refer to the following class descriptions for details:

Represents an edit control that allows editing memo data.
Represents a memo editor that enables editing dataset fields.

Numeric Wheel Pickers

A numeric wheel picker is a touch-friendly spin editor for integer values.

Numeric Wheel Picker Example

Refer to the following class descriptions for details:

An unbound numeric value wheel picker editor.
A data-aware numeric value wheel picker editor.

The Office Search Box control is a tool similar to the “Tell Me” box found in Microsoft Office®. You can use this control to simplify command search if your application has a Ribbon or Toolbar UI with a large number of commands.

Office Search Box

Refer to the following topics for details:

Pop-up Editors

A pop-up editor is a single-line text editor that allows you to embed other controls into a pop-up window. Users can work with embedded controls in the same way as with standalone controls.

Pop-up Editor Example

Refer to the following class descriptions for details:

Represents a text editor that enables embedding another control in its popup window.
Represents a data-aware text editor with a popup window embedding a control.

Progress Bars

A progress bar gradually fills from left to right or from bottom to top, depending on its orientation.

Progress Bar Example

Refer to the following class descriptions for details:

Represents an advanced progress bar control.
Represents the data-aware version of the TcxProgressBar.

Radio Groups

A radio group is a container for radio buttons that allow users to switch between available options.

Radio Group Example

Refer to the following class descriptions for details:

A container for radio buttons, functioning together.
Represents a data-aware version of the radio group control.
Represents an individual radio button in a radio group.

Range Track Bars

A range track bar editor is a track bar editor that displays two sliders (also called thumbs) to select a range of values on its bar.

Range Track Bar Examples

Refer to the following class descriptions for details:

An unbound range track bar editor.
A data-aware range track bar editor.

Rating Controls

A rating control allows users to rate content. Rating controls support custom element images.

Rating Control Examples

Refer to the following class descriptions for details:

An unbound rating control.
A data-aware rating control.

Rich Text Editors

Rich text editors allow users to edit rich-formatted text.

Rich Text Editor Example

Refer to the following class descriptions for details:

Represents an edit control which allows rich text to be edited.
Represents a data-aware version of the TcxRichEdit control.


DevExpress VCL Subscription ships with a separate Rich Edit Control that allows you to create fully functional word processing applications.

Single-Line Text Editors

Single-line text editors allow users to edit a non-formatted string value. Different single-line editor types offer additional functionality, such as input masks, extra buttons, etc.

VCL Editors Library: A Single-Line Text Editor with Embedded Buttons

Refer to the following class descriptions for details:

An unbound single-line text editor with embedded buttons.
A data-aware single-line text editor with embedded buttons.
TcxMaskEdit implements a generic masked edit control.
Represents a masked editor that enables displaying and editing text fields within a dataset.
Represents a text editor displaying the list of most recently used items (MRU) within a dropdown window.
Represents a data-aware text editor that stores the list of most recently used items and allows the selection of a value from this list.
An unbound single-line text editor.
A data-aware single-line text editor.

Sparkline and Lookup Sparkline Editors

A sparkline is a small line, point, area, or bar chart designed to visualize data as a condensed graph without axes and additional inscriptions. Sparklines are particularly useful as in-place editors if you need to display trends in a container control.

Sparkline Examples

Refer to the following class descriptions for details:

An unbound sparkline editor.
A data-aware sparkline editor.
A lookup sparkline editor.
A data-aware lookup sparkline editor.

Spin Editors

A spin editor allows users to enter a numeric value directly or adjust it with spin buttons. The Up and Down spin buttons increment and decrement the edit value by a specified amount.

Spin Editor Example

Refer to the following class descriptions for details:

Represents a spin editor.
Represents a spin editor, which enables editing numerical dataset fields.

Time Editors

A time editor allows users to change the selected time value digit directly or adjust a time value with spin buttons. The Up and Down spin buttons increment and decrement the time value at the input caret position.

Time Editor Example

Refer to the following class descriptions for details:

Represents an editor displaying time values.
Represents a data-aware editor which enables editing time values.

Toggle Switches

A toggle switch is a touch-friendly version of a check box. A toggle switch replaces a check mark with a thumb whose position corresponds to the current check state.

Toggle Switch Example

Refer to the following class descriptions for details:

An unbound toggle switch editor.
A data-aware toggle switch editor.

Token Editors

A token editor validates the entered text and converts valid text blocks into tokens (clickable boxes that can display text and an image).

Token Editor Example

Refer to the following class descriptions for details:

An unbound token editor.
A data-aware token editor.

Track Bars

A track bar displays a thumb that a user can drag to modify the edit value. A zoom track bar includes two adjacent scale ranges with individual settings for more granular control over thumb movements.

Zoom Track Bar Examples

Refer to the following class descriptions for details:

Represents the track bar editor that is used to edit values using a thumb.
Represents the data-aware version of the TcxTrackBar.
An unbound zoom track bar editor similar to the zoom slider found in Microsoft Office.
A data-aware zoom track bar editor similar to the zoom slider found in Microsoft Office.


This section lists more advanced versions of standard controls as well as unique controls not available in the default RAD Studio toolbox.

Activity Indicator

An activity indicator displays animation during ongoing events with an unknown duration. Use the activity indicator together with a label to show the status of such events.

Activity Indicator


An advanced variant of the standard VCL TButton component can work in the following modes:

Standard Mode

The button behaves identically to the standard VCL button.

Standard Button Mode

Menu Mode

The button invokes an associated drop-down menu.

Menu Button Mode

Drop-Down Button Mode

The button displays an additional drop-down button that invokes an associated menu. A click on the main button executes an OnClick event handler.

Drop-Down Button Mode

Command Link Mode

The button mimics the appearance of command links found in Microsoft Windows® Vista native applications. The button can display an additional description.

Command Link Mode

Office Drop-Down Mode

The button mimics the appearance and behavior of buttons with drop-down menus found in Microsoft Office® 2010 and later versions. A click on the button invokes an associated drop-down menu.

Office Drop-Down Mode

Refer to the TcxButton class description for details.

Camera Control

The camera control allows you to capture a video or an image from a built-in or connected camera. The camera control displays the selected camera’s feed.

Camera Control

Refer to the following topic for details: Camera Preview Dialog.

The gallery control displays a set of items categorized into groups and arranged into columns.

Gallery Control

Refer to the following topics for details:

List View Control

The List View control allows a user to display items vertically or horizontally and arrange them in groups and columns. Each item can show its caption, subitems, images, check box, and hint. The control supports look & feel settings common to all DevExpress VCL controls. These settings allow you to keep the application’s appearance consistent for all UI elements.

List View Control

Refer to the following topic for details: List View Control.

Range Control

A range control is designed to help users select intervals and data ranges. The range control supports the following data range models:


Allows users to select ranges of integer, float, or currency values.

Numeric Data Range Model

Date/Time Model

Allows users to select ranges of values on a single predefined scale with formatted TDateTime values.

Date/Time Data Range Model

Date/Time Header Model

Allows users to select ranges of TDateTime values on various predefined scales in different measurement units.

Date/Time Header Data Range Model

Scheduler Model

Allows users to select and display ranges of TDateTime values in the TcxScheduler control associated with the range control.

Scheduler Data Range Model

Refer to the following topics for details:

Tree View Control

The Tree View control allows a user to display data in nodes with customizable captions, images, check boxes, and hints. The control supports look & feel settings common to all DevExpress VCL controls. These settings allow you to keep the application’s appearance consistent for all UI elements.

Tree View Control

Refer to the following topic for details: Tree View Control.

Wheel Picker

A wheel picker is a touch-friendly multi-choice editor.

Wheel Picker

Refer to the following topic for details: Wheel Picker Editors.

Utility Components

This section lists non-visual components that help you enhance an application’s UI.

Alert Window Manager

The Alert Window Manager is a non-visual component that arranges alert windows on screen, and sets their timing, animations, and look & feel settings. Use this component to display on-screen notifications such as messenger and e-mail client notifications.

Alert Window Example

Refer to the following topics for details:

UI Adorner Manager

The UI adorner manager is a non-visual component designed to display the following adorner layers on top of the target form:

Badge Layer

Displays custom marks anchored to specific UI elements.

Badge Layer

Guide Layer

Highlights specific UI elements or regions. Users can navigate between outlined regions called guides. The currently selected guide removes the darkening effect from the target UI element:

Guide Layer

Refer to the following topic for details: UI Adorner Manager.

Shell Components

This section lists components that allow you to add the shell navigation functionality to your application.

Shell Combo Boxes

A shell combo box allows users to specify file paths and browse the folder structure. Users can type the path within the editor box or invoke the editor’s drop-down window to display the folder tree:

Shell Combo Box Example

Refer to the following class descriptions for details:

A Shell Combo Box editor.
Represents the data-aware version of the shell combo box control.

Shell Breadcrumb Editors

A shell breadcrumb editor offers the shell navigation functionality out-of-the-box. You can use this editor to complement shell combo box editors.

Shell Breadcrumb Editor

Refer to the following class descriptions for details:

Implements the virtual breadcrumb control.
Implements the data-aware breadcrumb control.
A Shell Breadcrumb control.

Shell Dialogs

The ExpressEditors Library ships with the following set of skinnable counterparts for standard VCL shell dialog components:

DevExpress Component Standard Component Description
TdxOpenFileDialog TOpenDialog An Open dialog component.
TdxSaveFileDialog TSaveDialog A Save As dialog component.
TdxOpenPictureDialog TOpenPictureDialog An Open dialog component for image files.
TdxSavePictureDialog TSavePictureDialogs A Save As dialog component for image files.

You can use these components to keep your application’s appearance consistent for all UI elements, including shell dialogs:

Example Skins


All DevExpress controls with built-in Windows shell navigation functionality (such as Spreadsheet and Rich Edit controls) use skinnable shell dialogs. If you prefer standard system dialogs, set the dxUseStandardShellDialogs global constant to True.

Skinnable Message Boxes

All DevExpress products use the TdxMessageDialogForm class to display message dialog boxes with support for skins and BBCode-inspired markup tags:

Message Dialog Box Example

The ExpressEditors Library includes multiple global methods that invoke skinnable message boxes. Refer to the following topic for the full list of available methods and their standard counterparts: Message Dialog Boxes.